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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I have no idea if I'm the only one, but every time I see an ad for an Anjolina Jolie movie, I see her father.
  2. I can't believe I didn't catch this one when it was originally posted. I look forward to this thread ever year.
  3. My highlight for this month is the story I've seen online where Christopher Nolan is going to attach the prologue to The Dark Knight Rises to that new Mission Impossible movie. I have no plans on seeing that movie, but it should quickly hit the internet once the film is released.
  4. I must be thinking of the wrong place, but every time I watch, it always seems like this range is ridiculously remote.
  5. Watch it again. The guy never actually pushes her. All he does is block the slap-punches. His wife is the one who pushed her. That husband/wife (Schobel guy) could not have handled that any better than they did. And yes, she should have been pushed sooner. It's just a shame that she has to land on someone.
  6. Is it wrong of me that I kind of want to see this guy get mauled by a bear? So the whole message of overcoming bullying and saving the day is apparently lost on that guy.
  7. Did they say anything about how a relationship between a pig and a frog is a complete abomination and against God's will?
  8. Yeah, that's exactly what came to mind when I called them sheep.
  9. They're all sheep. My personal favorite is the retarded noise meter thing they put up on jumbotrons. The second they take it off the screen, the buildings return to dead silence.
  10. All teams have them, but some teams have more depth than others. It really is that simple.
  11. This makes me think of the people I can't stand at the gym. They'll have their headphones on so loud that I can actually hear it over my own headphones. Hey buddy, the point of headphones is so that other people don't have to listen to your crappy music. Is that a headphone or an actual stereo speaker strapped to your ear? And as for the picture, I've seen a ton of that on tv while I'm watching games.
  12. But what if they were to slingshot around the sun and travel back in time far enough to a point where he could still leap? That seems totally plausible to me and it could open the door to a few mentionings of nuclear wessels. And as for the original series, that had to have been the origin of the whole idea where the evil twin (ok, not really an evil twin in this case) always has a goatie, right? That has to be the greatest gift of all from the Star Trek universe.
  13. I think Scott Bakula would have been the best captain if he constantly received help from Al and Ziggy.-
  14. I had a feeling that would come up. The movie Klingons were the real deal though. What Picard really needed though was a Moby Dick quoting arch nemesis to feud with. The only thing I can really think of for him was some wise cracking rip off of Mr. Mxyzptlk from the superman universe. How about staying connected to the collective and then single-handedly taking it down from the inside?
  15. That's the same reasoning that makes Die Hard and Gremlins two of my favorite Christmas movies.
  16. Yeah, but he was only half Klingon so he was a wuss.
  17. So becoming a religious icon before even making it to the rank of captain has to be a pretty impressive accomplishment.
  18. Sisko wasn't even a captain though, was he?
  19. The local sandwich place down the street from me has the best spicy mustard I've ever had. I really need to figure out what they're using.
  20. I assume you never actually saw either of the new Batman movies because your description there doesn't fit them one bit. They were completely story driven.
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