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Everything posted by shrader

  1. My dad (21 at the time) was one of the last 10 numbers, so that worked out well for him. If my brothers and I were around back then, we would have all had numbers less than 80.
  2. I think you're building in way to many escape clauses which only certain people will wind up getting. Subjective laws wind up being judged subjectively.
  3. I was wondering the same thing. Either way, it's funny to watch something as pathetic as that.
  4. You think this is bad? Go search out columns from bigger cities and see what they're writing. If media backlash is something a player is trying to avoid, they'd probably be far more likely to sign in Buffalo.
  5. It may be a little naive, but I think that if you don't already know the answer, you probably shouldn't be asking the question.
  6. How could you possibly change it though? You're going to have to come up with some specific cutoff point. I can't think of any way around that.
  7. I have serious problems with the visuals in MW3. Half the time I can be walking right towards someone and never see them. The color just seems so weak in this game, way too bland.
  8. My goal for this year is to buy some sort of ring with a fancy rock on it.
  9. I know they're doing a new reboot for Superman. Some of the casting looked interesting on that one. And speaking of the football players, I'm pretty sure that was Hines Ward in that trailer. I know they filmed a lot in Pittsburgh.
  10. Dark Knight Rises Sorry for the story that goes along with it at the link. That's the only one I can access here at work.
  11. Yeah, I know. But he tried to steer it for a bit and then you can pretty much see that "oh screw it" thought right when he bails. I wonder if the guy running down the cart may have said something to him.
  12. I'm a little confused by the guy who wound up on top of the cart. It looked like he was about to get the thing under control but then just bailed. Hell, he's probably safer on the thing than falling off the way he did.
  13. There's a Dark Knight Rises trailer (and the prologue) floating around the internet now. I'd imagine an official version will be posted soon.
  14. All I can picture is something like George Michael's home videos in Arrested Development.
  15. I was kind of hoping for a story about your lentil phase. Anyway, I'd guess that most people find themselves at that point at some time or another. Maybe not to the point where they're actually on the edge, but at least having the thoughts pop up.
  16. Amen to that. That exact quote comes to mind almost every time I read something over here or over on the Sabres board.
  17. I was in a store a couple weeks back and this little kid pointed out a lego racecar thing to his father. The father immediately replied with "there will be no legos in our house!". I wanted to punch the guy.
  18. It's not just football though. It's everywhere. The pure venom spewed towards visiting fans in most sports arenas is beyond ugly. But yes, it is those so called "adults", which makes it that much worse.
  19. They're only doing it at select IMAX theaters. So it sounds like they went with the one movie that was probably made for the IMAX viewing. I have no idea how much politics are behind attaching certain trailers to certain movies though.
  20. That original post really threw me off. Basically he said that Jobs took already existing things and made them better. Now I'm no apple guy, but how exactly is that a bad thing?
  21. Someone needs to bring back the California Raisins special.
  22. Is she just some random woman or someone I may have actually heard of before? (yes, I'm too lazy to google this)
  23. So in other words you want a first ballot hall of famer? Who doesn't. Good luck finding one though.
  24. I'm sure it's already been asked, but what would happen next week if Teddy Bruschi came out of retirement to face the Broncos?
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