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Everything posted by shrader

  1. He has one of those limited no trade clauses where he can list 8 teams he does not want to go to.
  2. The Boston Celtics dance team used to practice at my previous gym. The room they used was right next to the main weight room and it had giant glass windows. No one would lift a thing until the dancers took a break and had to walk out to the water fountains, then everyone would immediately try to show off.
  3. Well then what miracle are you even talking about at this point? Take away those seasons and he's done nothing. I'd like to know exactly what standard you're using here.
  4. Why don't they just draft him this year?
  5. Aren't the Clippers good now? Your name sucks.
  6. So those miracles that you were refer to were the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons? Go back and and look at those teams and try to tell me they were weak rosters. The other "miracle" campaign, the 2009-2010 division championship was based completely on a Vezina season from Miller. So I don't see how that's miracle work from Ruff either.
  7. You say this and you have some sort of bug as your avatar. Fool.
  8. So you want to see what Lindy can do with the team Regier put together, but you don't want to give that same benefit to Regier? That stance just doesn't add up to me.
  9. Well, based on the thread subtitle, I'd love to see Brady rot.
  10. But Ralph is cheap so he'd never pay to insure that hair.
  11. Is it possible to be called hindsight when both guys are 10 seconds into their careers?
  12. At least some are creative about it. Back when I was in college I always used to see this guy begging for change while listening to music on his portable CD player (which were still widely used at that point). He'd then hop on his nice looking bike and ride off. That's not exactly the image you want to project if you want some spare change.
  13. The CVS across the street from my office has those automated cashier machines. I don't mind throwing 20 pennies in those. I do need the quarters for laundry though, so I always put in the right amount of change that rounds it off to the nearest quarter. Unfortunately, the things are stupid and half the time they'll give me back 5 dimes instead of 2 quarters.
  14. Steven King's time traveling book is about as entertaining as each of your posts.
  15. When Stafford first broke in he was a guy who could use his body to his advantage. It was evident in his days at North Dakota. When I say edge I don't just mean the physical punch throwing drone that so many people think is completely necessary out of every single NHL player. I mean a player with a specific skill set that is a major asset to any team. Whatever he had, it's not there now. The same can be said about so many other players on this team right now. The vast majority of this team is underperforming. That falls directly on the guy who is supposed to motivate these players and get as much out of them on the ice as possible... the head coach. Now if Regier fails to realize this and won't make that change, then yes, he should be sent packing as well.
  16. Regier didn't remove the edge that players like Gaustad and Stafford used to have earlier in their careers. Ruff did that.
  17. So when does the giant space squid destroy New York City?
  18. A reporter asking a question about the Buffalo Bills in the middle of the playoffs? Yeah, that's never going to happen.
  19. But it did make it to Beavis and Butthead, so it's got that going for it.
  20. So does the roster limit return to training camp size the second the season ends? The playoffs teams can't add these project players until they lose?
  21. I only remember one run in with a cop that was even slightly negative. He pulled my friend over for speeding and definitely sounded like he was hoping my friend would give him attitude. The second my friend responded with respect, he immediately dropped his negative tone and things went smoothly. Respect goes a long way.
  22. I like the quotes from the lady whining about "is this standard procedure?". Come right out and admit it lady, you have no clue what you're talking about and you just want to be heard.
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