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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Wouldn't you have to hack someone else up with her?
  2. The only thing they need to undo is that trainwreck 3rd movie. They probably would have been better off abandoning the character for a few more years since there was nowhere to go with the series after that one.
  3. Ok, I'll bite. What the hell? Please tell me Jefferson Davis is a vampire.
  4. True, but none of them have already been established as headliners. No one was going into those movies wishing for a Storm movie. But then again, since they have had their separate movies, I guess they don't have to waste time on character development.
  5. I'll see it, but I really don't think they're going to make the Avengers work. I don't know how you load that many characters into one movie. They did so well with most of the lead ins (except the Hulk screw up), so I'll give it a chance. I'm sure I've said it on here a few times, but Batman is clearly the highlight of the year for me. Those first two movies are the perfect example of how "superhero" movies (yeah, he's not really a superhero) should be done.
  6. That station will take so much heat if anyone pushes to have that dog put down. They'll quietly back down, not mention the anchor for a while and hope everything goes away.
  7. I wonder how strict their physicals are compared to other teams. We would have at least gotten a draft pick out of John McCargo if it wasn't for an Indy physical.
  8. I miss the days where a thread would continue on after the pixyland post. Now it just quickly turns into a long series of people saying "you got me". That said, I wonder how many people here actually have that site bookmarked.
  9. I'm just wondering if he's drinking after they shot him full of whatever it was that made him able to play.
  10. Tyler Ennis' grotesquely swollen jaw?
  11. Who would have thought that turning someone's microphone on after a couple minutes could actually make a performance even worse?
  12. I can't help but think that opinion was dripping with sarcasm.
  13. I'd probably go if they released the true versions in 3D. The thing about Lucas though is that he knows exactly what he's doing. He's milking as much money as possible and someday the next money move will be to release those original versions. It may take another 20 years, but it will happen someday. ...and then he'll start all over with the tweaks
  14. He put a thousand on that? How much money does this guy have?
  15. Even though half the band is dead, I really enjoyed that one.
  16. In 3D? I had a cringe moment this weekend when my girlfriend said she wants to see Titanic in 3D. So you want to sit through 2.5 hours of nothing just to get to a couple scenes that might be interesting in 3D? I can't imagine sitting through a 3 hour movie with those glasses on. I can already feel the headache I would have.
  17. I love being in a room full of Patriots fans for this. I did the same thing last time too. This time my girlfriend's best friend was the only Giants fan in the place. She moved over towards me during that last drive just to play it safe (it was a friend's house, so it was a safe setting).
  18. I don't understand it, but for whatever reason, there must be a market for these things. I'm kind of curious though. What has you considering it? Are you a fan of the 3D movies? I can't picture people going to see any of these re-releases simply because they liked the movie.
  19. If a parent does something to him, they go to jail. If an inmate does something to him, he goes to...
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