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Posts posted by shrader

  1. 15 minutes ago, BillsFan4 said:



    I don’t really want to see Larsson traded. He’s one of the only true centers left on the roster, and he’s one of the only guys who plays with any type of edge/grit to their game. He’s also one of the only players that can be counted on to give a full effort every night.


    IMO they should be looking to re-sign him. They need more guys that can play center, not less.


    The rest, go ahead and trade them. Idgaf.


    If you can get some good value then by all means trade him.  They'll have a chance to re-sign him in the offseason if they really want, but at the same time, it's not a huge loss if he doesn't want to.

  2. 4 minutes ago, apuszczalowski said:

    We get the same around here from the US sites where videos won't play in our area. We also don't get all the same content on streaming services like you do.......


    And sometimes you get more.  As a DC fan, I'm jealous each time you mention watching Titans on netflix.


    I'm sure there's crazy legal issues involved, but I really wish stuff from media sources wouldn't have these region restrictions.

  3. 2 minutes ago, BillsFan4 said:

    That was hard to listen to. They’re trying to sound all informed about the Sabres, then say things like “Mittelstadt should have went back to college for a year” (he did) and “Buffalo has no cap space this offseason” (they have the 3rd most cap space in the entire NHL).


    I'm just shocked that I was actually able to play a TSN video in this country.  They're always "blocked in this region" for me.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    kinda weird though  right? 


    Almost bet them yesterday as i was golfing, and they seem to win every game i do not watch


    Roster manipulations like this happen throughout the year.  But now that we have twitter, people can overanalyze things that they never actually saw in the past.  With three guys on IR and then Hutton's family emergency mixed in, they more than likely have to play some games to keep below the maximum roster size.  The ELC guys are always the ones who wind up riding that shuttle, so Pilut's that guy.


    But 24 hours later, he's back up and playing in the next game, all while getting one extra game for the Amerks.  Nothing crazy happened and it wasn't some display of inept management.  Sometimes people need to sit back and wait a few seconds before ranting about what ultimately is nothing.

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  5. I watched Game of Thrones over the last couple weeks and that show taught me why the Mandolorian has to wear the mask.  Running head-first into a wall will do that to you.


    I enjoyed this series and look forward to more.  I wish the episodes could have been a bit longer, but other than that, nothing really bugged me too much.  Ok, maybe the weekly release of new episodes, but I can deal with that.  The stormtrooper conversations at the start of the last episode made the whole thing worth it.


    It's nice to see something that picks up right after Return of the Jedi.  They really missed the boat on that with the new movies.  I'd like to see at least some signs of how things pretty much returned back to where they were over those 30 years.


  6. On 2/8/2020 at 2:43 PM, plenzmd1 said:

    These are my thoughts exactly. I really want to know if this is Bots or Ralph. 



    23 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    K, someone who knows... are they so tight to cap they have to manage daily?




    These back to back posts are absolutely priceless.  Yeah, things suck right now, but people need to turn off the auto-complain setting.

  7. 5 minutes ago, BillsFan4 said:

    Should the Sabres move on from Botterill?

    ‘The 2020 offseason is the ideal situation for a new general manager to come in, and immediately put their stamp on the roster’



    I don't mean to skip the rest, but this line nails what has been my line of thinking for a little while now.  There's so much more freedom and flexibility after June, a GM could enact his vision pretty quickly.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 hour ago, K-9 said:

    Slight correction: 


    Hutton 5-13


    Johansson 1-14


    Just didn’t want to see Carter Hutton cheated out of his superior stat line.


    My personal favorite was when Rob Ray said "you can't just throw Hutton to the wolves" when he was pulled in the second.  Yes Rob, a guy who just allowed 3 goals on 5 shots over nearly 11 minutes of the second period really was getting thrown to the wolves.  He really needs to stop trying to put a positive spin on absolutely everything.  Even knowing that he's an idiot, it's still insulting to the audience.

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 52 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    I don’t think I’ve remotely suggested that wins aren’t important or that the better teams have far more of them than the worse teams. That’s plain to see. But points, regardless how they are acquired, are the determinant factor in the standings. If you amass half the points available, you are a .500 team and that’s how the league looks at it. But yeah, win and the points take care of themselves. Much more preferable to be sure.



    I agree.  Winning percentage, no matter how you want to define it is a pointless stat.  Points are all that matters.

  10. 42 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    I appreciate the clarification and I’ve heard that argument over the years. I think it puts way too fine a point on it, though. If the NHL awarded standings placed on W/L records instead of points accumulated, I think it would be more pertinent. But as it stands, a 1-0 team has a winning record but a winless 0-0-3 team is ahead of them in the standings. 


    There certainly is a value to that OTL column that people like to ignore far too often.  Just look at the standings.  Boston has the second most points in the entire league and a big part of that is the OTL.  Without it, they're not even in first place in the division, let alone second overall in the league.  It will be something worth watching come playoff time, to see how that translates to post-season play, if at all.


    True overtime records are kind of hard to find online, short of looking through individual schedules.  They have the ROW column, but that doesn't tell you how many times a team scored and won in OT, it's just shootout wins subtracted from overall wins.  So looking at the standings, Boston is awful in shootouts, losing all 12 they've been it.  But I can't easily see how many OT games they have won.  But even that probably doesn't mean all that much.  3-on-3 hockey is not something you'll see in the playoffs (just imagine the refs calling that many penalties in OT).

  11. 2 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

    I gave up on guessing because he said it was a woman with one name and if it isn't Shakira I can't think of any.  The kid is too young to be Charo, Madonna, Twiggy, or Cher.  Beyoncé is possible but that would have been well known.


    Anyway I wasn't going to look it up either but I broke down and did it.  I got the same results as you did in multiple places.  A dude with two names who is out of show biz.  I doubt Joe is being sneaky on purpose because other than the deception with Ann Coulter supposedly having only one name, all his other pictures have been legit.


    I think you're onto something with Cher.  All the plastic surgery makes it a possibility.

  12. 2 hours ago, PastaJoe said:



    Best known for her current work as an adult.


    Did you post the wrong picture?  That's cousin Eddie's son Rocky and unless google is completely wrong (yeah, I know I'm not supposed to use that but your clue was odd), he's a no one.

  13. 16 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:

    It’s a rule in place between the NHL and CHL, basically to make sure that they have talent for their leagues.





    So Cozens would have to go back to juniors for 1 more season if he doesn’t make the Sabres next year. Then after that, if he didn’t make the Sabres they could send him to the AHL. 


    With certain players (like Alex Nylander for ex) whose rights are held by European clubs, they can play in the AHL right away.



    The only thing I can't find good details on is that part about completing 4 years in major junior.  I don't know what exactly qualifies as a full year.  This is Cozen's third full season in the WHL, but he as played 3 games and a full playoff schedule the year before that.  I assume they don't count that as a full year, but I haven't found anything to back up that assumption.


    And yes @JohnC, he'll be given every chance to make the Sabres' team out of camp next year.  Me personally, I don't plan on expecting a thing from him next year though.  We've been burned too often by rushing these kids and I can't see him making or breaking this team next year.  I lean towards the cautious approach at this point.  But hey, maybe he does step up and show he's ready.  I'll gladly accept that outcome if it happens.

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  14. 2 hours ago, JohnC said:

    If Cozens plays well enough in training camp and outperforms the other center or forward candidates/competitors on the forward lines he will earn a spot with the big club. There are two sides to this issue: What's best for the player and what's best for the Sabres.  Ideally, the best developmental situation might be for him to play a lot in Rochester. On the other hand he can also continue with his development playing in the NHL. Whether one is talking about Mittelstadt, Tage or Cozens it comes down to how they play when competing for roster spots. If he or the other prospects show that they can handle the upgrade in competition then I wouldn't have no reluctance with any of them starting the season in Buffalo. 


    Cozens won't be old enough to play in the AHL next year, so we can rule that one out right now.  He could see time at the end of the season, but that's it.

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