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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Exactly, there has to be. Shot during the struggle = Martin's blood on Zimmerman. But we won't hear about this part because then there is nothing to talk about.
  2. We're still missing the most important detail here, which I think we never will hear, the actual moment of the shooting. Did Zimmerman shoot Martin during this struggle or did Zimmerman shoot him after Martin stopped and was leaving due to the anger of being beaten up (and of course there are other possibilities)? I'm leaning towards the first possibility at this point, but I'll almost guarantee that we never hear it because it would put the story to rest (goodbye ratings). The moral of the story for me for both Zimmerman and Martin is that if you do stupid things, they are far more likely to end badly (kind of like me deciding to post over here).
  3. The rangers announce team may be the best in the league. I can't think of many that I enjoy more.
  4. An earthquake caused by aliens.
  5. With all the Hunger Games stuff I'm seeing, it makes me wonder if Arnold shows up in the end and kills everyone. Either that or maybe they can have him be an announcer who is forced to come out of retirement, only to be killed by the main character.
  6. Avatar changes and username changes throw me for a loop for at least a week. I hate it.
  7. They said they were trying to round them up a bit and then hopefully they could lead them away from the farm. There just wound up being way more zombies than they thought and they had to bail.
  8. George's speech about saving the whale will always be the highlight of the series to me.
  9. Ha, I never would have noticed that.
  10. What am I supposed to be looking at here, the staff member behind Wood who seems to be floating in mid-air? I've never really paid much attention to photoshop screw ups.
  11. What, did something happen today?
  12. A quick question to the mods. I know you try to keep it pretty standard, but you really need to re-word that thread closing post. It needs to read: -Please consider using your eyes before starting new topics.
  13. Forgive me for bumping this, but I officially believe it now.
  14. Does this mean I have to start working again, or do I get a free pass until 2PM or so?
  15. Any idea on whether or not this would mesh time-wise with the earlier report about being spotted at that medical facility?
  16. Any updates on this?
  17. I think they may have learned a bit from Pegula. Forget for a second that year one hasn't gone as hoped for the Sabres. The culture needs to change and hopefully we're seeing that happen right before our eyes.
  18. This has definitely been a run read all day. Hopefully it gets even more fun.
  19. Now if only they could unearth the guy who designed the mooterus for the Dallas Stars. How could they not see exactly what that one looked like?
  20. And they still won the game.
  21. So I'd imagine that if you see something that was packaged by the store itself, you should be fine. That's usually a sure sign that they grind it there themselves. It's that prepackaged stuff (and of course fast food chains) where you're more likely to run into this stuff, right?
  22. What are we counting as "alt" here? The Bud Bowl wasn't exactly a display of the product itself. And then there's that strange Mac commercial they always talk about from back in the day.
  23. I miss the Bruce Campbell one where he just rambles on and on for the entire commercial.
  24. I was about to ask you about Oldman. I didn't see it either, but I can't picture him doing anything that isn't enjoyable at this point.
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