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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Does this mean I have to start working again, or do I get a free pass until 2PM or so?
  2. Any idea on whether or not this would mesh time-wise with the earlier report about being spotted at that medical facility?
  3. I think they may have learned a bit from Pegula. Forget for a second that year one hasn't gone as hoped for the Sabres. The culture needs to change and hopefully we're seeing that happen right before our eyes.
  4. This has definitely been a run read all day. Hopefully it gets even more fun.
  5. Now if only they could unearth the guy who designed the mooterus for the Dallas Stars. How could they not see exactly what that one looked like?
  6. So I'd imagine that if you see something that was packaged by the store itself, you should be fine. That's usually a sure sign that they grind it there themselves. It's that prepackaged stuff (and of course fast food chains) where you're more likely to run into this stuff, right?
  7. What are we counting as "alt" here? The Bud Bowl wasn't exactly a display of the product itself. And then there's that strange Mac commercial they always talk about from back in the day.
  8. I miss the Bruce Campbell one where he just rambles on and on for the entire commercial.
  9. I was about to ask you about Oldman. I didn't see it either, but I can't picture him doing anything that isn't enjoyable at this point.
  10. Yeah, like when some robot drug lord from Mars takes over on Breaking Bad. It will have some sort of clever comical name.
  11. But you have a lot of posts, so your opinion doesn't matter. From my random viewings of team owned messageboards, his attitude should fit right in over there.
  12. I wish they would have come up with something else to replace Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Everything else has completed its run (correct me if I'm wrong) and can be judged as a whole.
  13. There's a place out here that sells alcohol, but every time I walk by, I always see parents bringing in a flock of children... That's actually beginning to make sense to me now.
  14. I'm like you. I just get the big drink. I'm a bit of a sucker though. Those drinks are way too big (I call them diabetes in a cup), yet I still get the big one because "it's only 25 cents more". I understand the candy though. That seems like more of a tradition than anything. The confusing stuff is all that other food they sell now; pizza, nachos, chicken fingers... If you want all that bar food, go to a random small restaurant. You'll get higher quality and not at movie theater prices.
  15. What would guys like this do if they had an occupation where they actually had to use their brains?
  16. Do I make the obvious joke or would that get me in trouble?
  17. The WBC Boston natives (and I love including those two in the same list)
  18. Sorry if something along these lines has been mentioned already (long thread). I was reading some comments from Patriots fans that were hilarious. They try to make this out as being worse than filming the opposing team's practice. It's amazing the lengths people will go to not have their little bubble burst. Apparently wanting to hit someone just a bit harder gives you a bigger competitive edge than having potential advanced knowledge of the opposing team's game plan.
  19. I doubt any level-headed person in here thinks that the Bills being more active in free agency would mean that they'd throw big money at all the top guys. They do need to be a bit more active though. They are never going to be able to strengthen up the depth of this team through the draft alone. It does seem like a near ideal time to move up from the C-list free agents up to the B-listers. They're close and a few good moves could move them much closer to ending that playoff drought.
  20. But is the free point given to that shoot out loser or is it given to the team that wins the shootout? Take away the glorified skills competition and those games are ties. What you don't see by looking at the standings is how many games each team won in a shootout and were given that extra point. Here's what I want and I've said it a million times over on the Sabres board. Either bring back ties or eliminate the loser point and go to continuous overtime. If baseball players can play those marathon games on their 164 game schedule, hockey can do it. If you don't want the hassle of playing a long game while staring at a late night flight to a new city in the face, push to score that extra goal.
  21. Signing your own guys does not equal being aggressive in free agency. It's not quite as tough when you have no competition.
  22. I agree with this completely. The Bills have earned an "I'll believe it when I see it" approach from the fans. That said, I sure do want to believe it.
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