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Everything posted by shrader

  1. My first niece is on the way this week. I hope you're able to see her a lot more quickly than I will be. It's still crazy to think that the next time I head back to Buffalo there will be a new person there.
  2. I also think that if you're going to intentionally give a guy a cheap shot, you probably look at him at least once during the whole process. I think he was completely unaware the whole time. That said, there is still no defense for what he did. I'd be very happy if I never had to hear his name again (especially his new fake name).
  3. I think it was more instinct than anything, but just the fact that a hard elbow like that is his instinctual move says a lot. So personally, I don't think it was intentional or that he knew who it was, but they still need to throw the book at him. His season should be done... maybe even his career at this point. How old is he anyway?
  4. I was joking about this in another thread but my hockey teammate's wife gave berth today too. Hmmm, I wonder. Congratulations mead!
  5. Yeah, passing along that phone is one of the things they're being most obvious about. It was the very first thing that happened in the pilot. Glover's daughter seemed far more subtle and I could see many people not even noticing. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see some random woman on the side walk turn out to be Kiefer's future wife or something.
  6. I'm too old for this. You're right in that missing an episode doesn't cause any trouble at all. There are a few recurring things from episode to episode though. That Iraqi kid has shown up a couple times now and Danny Glover's daughter also showed up in an earlier episode with no reference to who she was.
  7. I've been enjoying it. Quite honestly, I don't even notice Keifer all that much. I like how the stories weave into each other. A few people from those random stories keep popping up each week. It's only a matter of time before Danny Glover proves that global warming did in fact cause the earthquake in Haiti.
  8. As expected, they're not the same people. It seems like everyone around here is having babies, another downfall of Boston winning the Cup just over 9 months ago (not in your daugther's case though, this kid should be a welcomed addition to the world unlike those other ones).
  9. My frolex watch may be laced with lead, but I like the way it looks, so I can't complain.
  10. A guy on my hockey team out here in Boston has a wife that's one day past due. I'm just going to assume she's your daughter. Odds be damned, it has to be her!
  11. Did you at least get to call him an idiot? That's about the only thing that might make me feel guilty, if I were to say that to the guy as he's down on the ground with his skull busted open. Did there wind up being any police report for this one? I'd love to see if they tried to put any blame on you.
  12. "Endless love". This one disturbs me a bit.
  13. I'll be curious to see how much of a difference there is between the $100 and $135 versions. Will it simply be stitched on numbers vs. screen printed numbers?
  14. Thanks for posting this. I didn't lurk over here back in his days. This stuff is pure gold. It does help to understand the lunacy we deal with over on the Sabres board. There's the Ryan Miller stuff, Tyler Myers has marfan syndrome, Pat Kaleta started a charity to build an ice rink in Springville all so he could siphon money to his uncle, the Sabres brought in Cody Hodgson because of his father's connections to mining in Canada... the list of conspiracies is endless.
  15. You have to love how it is a charge for something called "FREE credit score".
  16. My station has gone down 2 cents each of the last two days, down to $3.85. Has anyone else seen the price going down in recent days? This place confuses me a bit because everything else seems to be somewhere in the $3.90s, including one about a mile and a half down the same street that was at $3.99 last night.
  17. I read "they'll continue to work" as "we'll finish out the year and then we're out of here". I'd expect any person with any level of decency to do that.
  18. If you're talking about what I think you are (and you must be), yes, that was great. It pretty much had to happen.
  19. A pissed off former poster?
  20. I saw it on friday and enjoyed it much more than I expected to. It was a nice throwback to the first two movies. Just like all the rest, Stiffler and Jim's dad were by far the best characters.
  21. I'd imagine that he needs permission to cover something that recent. I don't know, it seems way too early to revisit a song and even throw it on an album, especially when it might as well be a carbon copy.
  22. Why is he covering a 3 year old song?
  23. Am I reading that wrong or does it sound like the only deaths may be pets. If that's the case, this sounds damn near miraculous.
  24. So what happens in the rare case where it never gets claimed, does that cash get split among the other winners?
  25. Wow this month looks bad. I fully expect American Reunion to suck, but I'll see it anyway. I've got a stack of free passes, so it's not like it will cost me anything.
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