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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Thanks for posting this. I didn't lurk over here back in his days. This stuff is pure gold. It does help to understand the lunacy we deal with over on the Sabres board. There's the Ryan Miller stuff, Tyler Myers has marfan syndrome, Pat Kaleta started a charity to build an ice rink in Springville all so he could siphon money to his uncle, the Sabres brought in Cody Hodgson because of his father's connections to mining in Canada... the list of conspiracies is endless.
  2. You have to love how it is a charge for something called "FREE credit score".
  3. My station has gone down 2 cents each of the last two days, down to $3.85. Has anyone else seen the price going down in recent days? This place confuses me a bit because everything else seems to be somewhere in the $3.90s, including one about a mile and a half down the same street that was at $3.99 last night.
  4. I read "they'll continue to work" as "we'll finish out the year and then we're out of here". I'd expect any person with any level of decency to do that.
  5. If you're talking about what I think you are (and you must be), yes, that was great. It pretty much had to happen.
  6. I saw it on friday and enjoyed it much more than I expected to. It was a nice throwback to the first two movies. Just like all the rest, Stiffler and Jim's dad were by far the best characters.
  7. I'd imagine that he needs permission to cover something that recent. I don't know, it seems way too early to revisit a song and even throw it on an album, especially when it might as well be a carbon copy.
  8. Am I reading that wrong or does it sound like the only deaths may be pets. If that's the case, this sounds damn near miraculous.
  9. So what happens in the rare case where it never gets claimed, does that cash get split among the other winners?
  10. Wow this month looks bad. I fully expect American Reunion to suck, but I'll see it anyway. I've got a stack of free passes, so it's not like it will cost me anything.
  11. What it all comes down to is what needs to happen to both Philly and New Jersey in order for them to switch positions is incredibly unlikely. Laviolette will pull up if he thinks it is to his advantage though. Just look at what the Flyers did in their matchup with us at the end of the season last year.
  12. It's such a long shot with them 3 up on New Jersey. And if playing Florida was such a big deal, don't you think New Jersey would do the same exact thing? Philly can't possibly lose that 3 point lead if Jersey wants to stay where they are.
  13. I won't necessarily say I want him to win, but I would like to see Tiger make a run. The game is so much more watchable when he's near the top.
  14. I was thinking along the same lines, but it stops being a metaphor the second he makes it specific to Gore. Killing the team's head was a metaphor, but once you say to kill Gore's head, the message is very clear. The editing makes it a bit unclear as to the timing, but if you go with that whole kill the head metaphor and then tell your team to hit Smith in the chin, again, say goodbye to it just being a metaphor. The whole thing is incredibly disturbing to listen to, especially with what we now know about all of the concussion issues.
  15. Eyesight is the one thing that actually goes in its favor.
  16. The huge "NIKE" on the back of the shoe seems completely unnecessary though. Luckily that shouldn't show up on tv.
  17. He's been great in just about every role. And just like you, I only watched his WWE stuff. My favorite was when he was a bit of a bumbling idiot, when he and Stone Cold were paired up as heels. The stuff from the 2 minute mark on in this video is what I always remember the most. And it was so fast too. I don't remember many careers taking off as quickly as his did.
  18. I'm trying to think of any top tier athlete right now who was able to cross into the world of entertainment and be as good as he was. His athletic ability was never in question, but he was also ridiculously amazing at the character side of things as well.
  19. That's a sure sign you're watching one of the best. If they can get that kind of reaction from a crowd even though every single person knows who will win, they're doing something right.
  20. Every so often I can tune in, but most of it turns me away at this point. Still, I was tempted to check it out this weekend just for nostalgia's sake in seeing the Undertaker probably calling it a career.
  21. I probably should have mentioned that I'm in Boston too, which is why I asked. My gym must have some crazy setup. They were hit with that NBC situation at the start of the year though, so I know it's DirecTV.
  22. Is there something local with ESPN now? My gym has their tv service through DirecTV and now all of a sudden ESPN has been replaced with YES.
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