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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And it's not the least bit surprising, but I've already seen ads for the movie version of the Battleship game, complete with "special weapons".
  2. So wait, this incoherent rant had no purpose whatsoever? Shocking.
  3. Wait, she wrote the dictator? I didn't realize that someone playing out a scripted role proves a sense of humor.
  4. I would have accepted "Emery's fist".
  5. Han Solo was originally written as a green skinned monster with gills. So not only did Han shoot first, but he also stole Greedo's identity.
  6. Wasn't Graham already pretty much covering football since he's been back? I've seen the name pop up constantly.
  7. I hate that I won't be able to see the Avengers this weekend. That will probably be the only one from this batch that I do see in theaters, but I'll want to see MIB and the Dictator at some point. Oh, and does Johnny Depp ever not play an androgynous character?
  8. You can be the toughest fighter in the world, but you know you'll never get much done wearing all that restrictive padding.. I'd really love to know what was going through Marty's mind during that whole incident.
  9. The sets thing was interesting. I slipped up and lost count before doing the diagonals and had to start over, but I did wind up with those 19. And yeah, that has to be a typo. If you change the cell they listed, it looks like there's no change in the count. If I'm eyeing this up correctly, the cell everyone else has mentioned is the only one that actually leads to a decrease in the count.
  10. Eckhart was good, but personally, I'm not a crazy about giving out two nominations for the same movie. He was overshadowed by Ledger in every way, so there really is no sense in giving him a nod as well. You do have to wonder though how that movie would have been received without Ledger's death. He still would have nailed that best supporting actor award, but would the receptions have been more about the movie instead? That's what makes the Spiderman reboot such a head scratcher to me. It's way too early. Even if you ignore that absolute trainwreck of a third movie, it's still only been 8 years since #2. But hey, maybe that's the new standard, you get a decade window from the FIRST movie of the series.
  11. How about that guy claiming to be someone's lawyer? Why can't I remember his name?
  12. It's just a contributing factor. No one is ever going to try to make the claim that the head injures are the direct cause. Well, no one who is reasonable anyway. Short of some condition caused by a specific gene, just about every medical condition is based on a collection of factors. All those plates of french fries didn't cause that heart attack, but they definitely didn't help. Too often people want to say that since something isn't the main cause, there's no reason to deal with it. If we can make steps towards correcting this problem, then we can move on and go after those other causes as well. And yes, that emotional drop off you mentioned probably does have a big impact on certain people. It makes you wonder though why it hits some so much harder than others. Wait, did Hamdan actually get his revenge?
  13. Because we watch them on a daily basis. Unfortunately there's an "out of sight out of mind" mentality when it comes to the soldiers you suggested. Then again, there is some sort of forum somewhere out there for them as well (and I don't mean a message board specifically).
  14. Or you could just go this route.
  15. If it is depression related to head injuries, no autopsy is going to show that.
  16. They might have better helmets but the players are significantly larger and faster. The helmets are not going to eliminate any of these problems. And he definitely didn't have one close to what they have today his career started a while ago. Oh god, not this again.
  17. And we all know what researchers will find signs of in his brain.
  18. Even if it was done for PR, is it really such a bad thing? Sometimes both sides can benefit from an action like this.
  19. I wonder if it can be as bittersweet as when the Joker was hanging upside down near the end of the Dark Knight. One incredible performance that should have spring boarded Ledger to superstardom.
  20. I'm kind of curious as to why you'd say that. The first trailer really didn't do much of anything for the movie. This one definitely sets a mood for what to be expected from the movie.
  21. Is it wrong that I want to buy my local grocery store just so I can fire one of the deli workers? The lengths this girl goes to in order to ignore customers are actually kind of impressive.
  22. I just came across this on facebook. Wow, this one looks impressive. Is it July yet?
  23. Fair enough. Maybe there's just not another player who really fits in the comparison, but everything with how Perreault was the first draft pick and the building block that the entire franchise was based on, that just can't be matched. I don't think anyone in this modern era of sports can ever be that kind of guy.
  24. This generation's Gilbert Perreault? Seriously?
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