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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Goldeneye was good, but wow did it spiral out of control quickly from there.
  2. I had to pause that Bond trailer and rewind a bit towards the end. That shot where some shadowy figure was walking away from a fire reminded me of a shot of the Joker from the Dark Knight. Anyway, I'm looking forward to that one. I guess I'm going to have to refresh my memory a bit on where exactly things finished up in Quantum of Solace. Oh, and I'm glad it doesn't have a really confusing title like that movie did.
  3. So if he's keeping his body healthy and safe, shouldn't this test result be completely expected?
  4. Did I miss it or did they never actually explain how he got in the building and how the addict died?
  5. I'm not so sure I want them walking around with a gun though. Then again, I've had a lot of idiot neighbors over the years.
  6. jboyst, the answer to your question is yes. And they should have left him dead (it already aired, I'm not going to worry about spoilers). For years now I thought that show should have ended with him dying. On another note, I'm surprised they couldn't get Cuddy back to do one quick hallucination scene.
  7. And you were actually able to think of something?
  8. I would want a Snarf just so I could tell it to shut the hell up, snarfsnarf.
  9. I had that happens years ago when seeing one of the Gremlins movies (true story). Unfortunately Hulk Hogan wasn't there to straighten things out.
  10. They actually gave you your money back? I was in a theater once that had to clear out for a fire and even then it was a hassle getting the money back.
  11. Aren't you always complaining when the media writes anything negative? You can't have it both ways.
  12. So knowing that something could cause problems but having absolutely no clue what those problems are means the player is informed and knows the risk he's taking? There's a big difference between thinking you might have headache issues the rest of your life vs. what is now starting to come to light.
  13. See, that's just it. No they aren't. If the research is now just starting to put together the long terms risks of head injuries, no player can know exactly what kind of risk they're taking.
  14. So the article says that they were assigned their historical figure. So doesn't the teacher have to take some of the blame here? What kid isn't going to think about the makeup right away in this scenario?
  15. How would the footage be found anyway? Wouldn't the witch go after the person who finds the camera too?
  16. 60% of the time his movies work every time.
  17. Steven Tyler, a woman in a wheel chair, and me in an elevator. I bet that's exactly what he had in mind when he wrote the song. I just hope they don't decide to make a new video.
  18. Thank god for the fixes in the new CBA. Everyone's now on a level playing field in terms of getting guys in for the entire camp. Why did it take this long?
  19. Steven Tyler wished me a Merry Christmas in an elevator once.
  20. But then the story would go away! Wait, didn't this story go away already? And speaking of the distance, did they ever even say where Martin was shot? I don't remember seeing anything about that at any point.
  21. It makes you think about any team that wound up with back to back elite QBs. San Francisco is the first that comes to my mind.
  22. Did he do the stupid voices back then too? That has to be his biggest downfall, the stupid voices and the ridiculously stupid characters he plays. I can watch a few of his movies like Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, and Big Daddy. He's playing relatively normal people in those movies, with normal of course being relative to the rest of his career (yes, Happy Gilmore is normal compared to playing the devil, a retarded southerner, or his own twin sister). If he just stayed away from so many characters maybe people would have a higher opinion of him. Then again, the need to play all of those types probably says a lot about his talent level (its low).
  23. Wasn't he feeling the best he's ever felt last year too? I feel like I saw that exact same quote at some point.
  24. I heard a story yesterday that mentioned three times where this little "stumble" happened. He's definitely putting on a show.
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