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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Have you spent your entire life in some obscure central African nation or something? This statement is absolutely mind blowing.
  2. Yeah, with that criteria the discussion might as well be over. I can't even imagine a scenario that would recreate what they did.
  3. I'd be tempted to throw an asterisk on the Habs as well since they were essentially handed that pipeline to all the elite talent for so many years, always getting the first pick. I guess most of that was gone by '77, but there were still pieces. And now that I have Ken Dryden on the mind, it's making me think of the 1970 Cornell hockey team. If we want to name a best team relative to their league/competition, they should be mentioned. They're the only college hockey team to go undefeated... and all this AFTER Dryden left.
  4. I have a hard time separating the fact that I know it is connected in Alien in some way though. Does the trailer seem as interesting and mysterious if you don't know that connection. So I was watching Conan last night and Charlize Theron was on. It got me wondering. Does anyone know if anyone has ever had a major role in two movies that will most likely be the #1 seller in back to back weeks? Assuming Prometheus beats out Snow White this week, that will happen. And as for her being on the show, I'll mark this one as a spoiler just in case: She said that in the movie
  5. I have a hard time picking any hockey team ahead of those early 80s Oilers. None of the numbers may match up to what you posted, but it is all pretty close. I can't picture anything that can balance out the pure fire power that those teams had.
  6. You really have to wonder what the casual non-Alien or Ridley Scott fan thinks of those trailers though, someone who doesn't realize the connections to the Alien series. Looking at the trailers, you don't have the slightest clue what threat they're facing. Will they draw that kind of viewer?
  7. Yeah, but they're not really librarians though. I suppose they wouldn't be acting (and I use that term very loosely) as librarians unless the real ones did in fact exist. Maybe I'm just biases since every librarian I ever ran into was an old lady, as opposed to this one who looks like the girl from American Pie.
  8. So you're saying you can't find all that stuff on google?
  9. Isn't that basically the same thing that New England has had with us over recent years? If the league really wanted to help them out, wouldn't they give them the extra time to prepare for those annual games against Indy or Pittsburgh instead? All that extra preparation for Bills games in the last couple years was the equivalent of giving me extra time to study for a 1st grade math test.
  10. Yeah, that decade where Tom and Jerry turned 50 years old. Remember it?
  11. Is there any chance that they could gas the audience during every single showing of That's My Boy? I can't believe people still pay to see his awful movies. And I know I'll see Prometheus at some point, but I get the feeling that I won't see any of this month's offerings in a theater. Nothing is really catching my eye. Bring on July!
  12. Did you do this before or after you put your binoculars away?
  13. Let me go on record as thinking its very disturbing that you have a picture to link to.
  14. The comments I heard from the jury had them not trusting the blood draw. If that's the case, how did they even get him for the DWI? They don't sound like the brightest bunch.
  15. My immediate thought is if this automatically excuses anyone who commits any type of crime while drunk or under the influence of something else, rape, robbery, murder, whatever else...
  16. I'm surprised they even bothered to follow him. I figured a guy further down the line would eventually be in the right place.
  17. How did they actually catch him? That detail seemed to be glossed over a bit in the story. I'm also wondering how these guys actually have licenses after getting these tickets. Oh, and how do they not wind up dead splattered all over the side of the road?
  18. Did Noah have to put two of every type of fish on his ark too? If he did, that just seems like god was being cruel. And also, I wonder if he ever got really hungry and decided to have a barbecue. If Noah deprived the world of some sort of kick ass tasty animal species, would crayonz still be as thankful to him?
  19. Why would anyone not expect those pictures to be gruesome?
  20. Being able to relax outside with nice weather in a very green area. I got a lot of that this weekend while visiting the family and it reminds me just how much I miss that stuff living in an area where I see 3 trees a day.
  21. Turning into a caricature? I'd say he's already been there for about 10 years or so now. Sometimes I wonder if a script starts out with a completely normal character and it quickly gets morphed into that same androgynous freak that he plays every single time. edit: Oh, and for those who saw MIB3, how is the K screen time split up between Jones and Brolin, 50/50, 40/60... ?
  22. I really enjoy watching stupid people do dumb things. Nothing that's going to get anyone hurt, just those minor stupid things that are always good for a laugh, like watching a woman this morning hit a stationary car. No one was hurt and the only damage was to her car. Perfect.
  23. I hated Tamblyn's character. I thought she was a character who failed miserably and they quickly shipped her off.
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