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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I remember Jim Carrey having a very busy start, but I didn't realize it was that busy. I didn't realize Dumb and Dumber was the same year too.
  2. And look at all the movies we're talking about here with the actors that have been mentioned: Star Wars X-Men Lord of the Rings Transformers Harry Potter Batman Avengers ... It all comes down to who is the king to all the nerds.
  3. I'd also expect to see someone like Hugo Weaving thanks to being in movies like the Lord of the Rings series and the Transformers series that raked in a ton of money. It really is a pointless ranking though since movies tickets today cost about twice as much as they did even ten years ago.
  4. Speaking of pulling over the bus, where's the driver in all of this? He/she had to be at least somewhat aware of what was going on.
  5. I do think that if the whole thing ended with Martin's attack of Zimmerman and it was Martin on trial for assault, he'd be able to claim that same self-defense angle. He'd probably walk on the charge because of it. This whole thing is another one of those cases where I wish we could go back and see the whole thing just to find out that both guys were idiots.
  6. And now that the parents are aware of all of this, shouldn't they be given the chance to correct it first before facing their own wave of pranks and harassment that is coming their way?
  7. I thought I had read the same thing about Samuel Jackson recently. Thanks to his willingness to take on even the most minor of roles, he's been in an endless list of big time money makers. The Star Wars prequels, Ironman 1 and 2, the Avengers,... you can go on and on with that list. And he'll wind up in all of the Marvel movies moving forward, so the money will keep on growing. Maybe he gets passed over for Oldman though since he's done a lot of uncredited roles.
  8. Someone will take it too far. They almost always do now. I miss the old days where parents/schools could and would take care of these things on their own.
  9. I assume you're talking about the villain? That's Bane. He's listed as John Blake, a name that doesn't exist anywhere in any Batman stuff. It's possible though that this could still be just a swerve name as he's never actually mentioned by name in any of the clips out there.
  10. Levitt's character is a Nolan creation. He is not from the comics. So much like Rachel Dawes, the character could go in just about any direction.
  11. There's another new trailer out there now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASQqjK47c04
  12. I'll be in town next week and I'll have to check these out. I'm happy with my blue Dareus jersey from last year, but a white Williams jersey sure would complement it well.
  13. I was waiting at a crosswalk this morning as 5 people were walking across. This d-bag kid on a bike then went flying past me on the right, through the middle of the walkers. One woman stumbled a bit trying to get out of the way as he kept going and never even looked back. Kid, you're on a very busy urban street right next to a subway station. Pay attention you fool. And I don't want to label this kid as the typical cyclist. He was pretty clearly just a kid who uses his bike to get around the city and doesn't actually do those regular long distance rides that the more dedicated riders make. He was just a stupid kid completely oblivious to anything outside his stuck up little world.
  14. See, I was thinking about it from a different angle. Maybe we'll finally see less people starting the same thread over and over to complain about him now that they'll have to pay. If that's the case, thank you Buffalo News! Oh, and I was really hoping I would get a message saying I had to pay to read that link about how they will now be charging people to read online.
  15. It's not a bike issue, but my problem on those narrow streets is a little different. People driving in the opposite direction will swerve out into oncoming traffic giving a ridiculous cushion to the parked car. They are so much more concerned about hitting a parked vehicle instead of the one that is actually driving towards them. It makes absolutely no sense to me. First of all, you're not anywhere as close to that parked car as you think you are. Second, you're going to do far more damage hitting that moving vehicle head on.
  16. Why are they even allowed to waive someone who is out due to injury?
  17. If you want real fun, you should listen to the audio clip of when the guy called in the radio show. It was the kind of segment all radio host must dream of.
  18. And the biker who apparently wasn't stopping at that red light has more than his share of fault as well.
  19. Can we just get past this at this point? Yeah, I just assume he was doping at this point. Why do we even care anymore? As far as I'm concerned, every single pro athlete at that time was dirty. Let's focus on cleaning it up now instead of 10 years ago.
  20. What they're getting is not hype. They just get talked about constantly because they are on the edge of the biggest market in the country. ESPN is a business and they are going to focus more on their largest audience. It really is no different than WGR covering the Bills or Sabres. They're going to promote what the majority of their audience wants to see. If you want to search for a network that is going to cover everything equally, good luck with that. I'll see you in 80 years.
  21. I wonder if Neale has hit the point where he doesn't want to travel anymore. It wouldn't surprise me one bit since he's now 75.
  22. And then of course there's the 88 Oilers that went 4-1, 4-0, 4-1, 4-0. They lost game 3 in each of those series. There was also the screwy "tie" in game 4 of the finals against Boston due to a power outage in the Garden.
  23. Forget the 8 seed. No NHL team has ever done that before, regardless of their seed.
  24. I'm guessing that having people running around who will burn down a house simply because the owners are black doesn't exactly help neighborhood house values either. So you have to love the arsonist's logic.
  25. For all of these types of shows with these kind of tryouts, I've always had the impression that they do those street interviews after they've been picked. They've always got a ton of on the street footage with people who are picked.
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