Ok, I'm wondering how I was supposed to handle this one:
Last night I was approaching a massive traffic stand still due to construction. It was a 3 lane road where the two left lanes were both about to close (there were several signs announcing this). I'm in the right lane with a merging lane to my right from an onramp. There's a cop coming up that ramp with his lights on and he gets to the highway pretty much even with me. Traffic ahead of me started moving, so I stayed still and left a huge opening in front of me. But for whatever reason, the cop stops right next to me and lays on his horn. I had given him a huge gap in front of me where he could have gotten all the way over to the closed left lanes that he was trying to get into. For whatever reason, he was expecting me to pull over to the right even though that's exactly where he was.
So long story short (or short story even shorter), I wind up having to pull up ahead of the cop and then over so that he can do his thing, which I'm pretty sure was just a shift change so that he could replace the guy who was protecting the construction. It made no sense to me that I was supposed to get in front of him to get out of his way.