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Everything posted by shrader

  1. If I went with anything off of Ten, it would be Evenflow.
  2. Oh great, there's that number again.
  3. Based on the reactions at live shows, I'd have to say Betterman.
  4. Some friends want to see Ted tonight, but I really have no desire to see it. McFarlane's style totally clashes with what I enjoy. I also don't see an ounce of acting talent in Marky Mark, so this one has the recipe for disaster written all over it. Have any non-McFarlane fans seen this movie so far?
  5. Don't be afraid to relocate. It's not easy, but if you really want to be in the area, you can return once you have experience and are in higher demand.
  6. I had one yesterday who was riding in the bike lane and decided to no look pass another biker. She cut over right in front of me, but was lucky that I was actually paying attention and hit the brakes fast enough.
  7. That and the fact that Caine is in just about every movie Nolan makes.
  8. Have they started to market the skittles hoodie yet?
  9. I feel like New Era has started making the stickers so obnoxiously large just to see how willing these kids are to make themselves look like fools just to stick to the so called style. Those stickers that cover the entire brim are ridiculous.
  10. My dad used to do it all the time 20 or so years ago, so he was in way before the trend. Maybe I should these kids a few pictures of him. That would end the flat brim craze really quickly. Now if only we could take care of the sticker issue. I swear they want to look like they stole the hat.
  11. In July movie news, I bought Dark Knight Rises tickets yesterday. Is it July 19th yet?
  12. It gets me every time. I don't picture posters as their avatars, but I do associate the two. I never actually read the names anymore. One fun one that throws me off is the few times I see DC Tom and Alaska Darin in the same thread. I cross up the Statler and Waldorf pictures.
  13. I remember Jim Carrey having a very busy start, but I didn't realize it was that busy. I didn't realize Dumb and Dumber was the same year too.
  14. And look at all the movies we're talking about here with the actors that have been mentioned: Star Wars X-Men Lord of the Rings Transformers Harry Potter Batman Avengers ... It all comes down to who is the king to all the nerds.
  15. I'd also expect to see someone like Hugo Weaving thanks to being in movies like the Lord of the Rings series and the Transformers series that raked in a ton of money. It really is a pointless ranking though since movies tickets today cost about twice as much as they did even ten years ago.
  16. Speaking of pulling over the bus, where's the driver in all of this? He/she had to be at least somewhat aware of what was going on.
  17. I do think that if the whole thing ended with Martin's attack of Zimmerman and it was Martin on trial for assault, he'd be able to claim that same self-defense angle. He'd probably walk on the charge because of it. This whole thing is another one of those cases where I wish we could go back and see the whole thing just to find out that both guys were idiots.
  18. And now that the parents are aware of all of this, shouldn't they be given the chance to correct it first before facing their own wave of pranks and harassment that is coming their way?
  19. I thought I had read the same thing about Samuel Jackson recently. Thanks to his willingness to take on even the most minor of roles, he's been in an endless list of big time money makers. The Star Wars prequels, Ironman 1 and 2, the Avengers,... you can go on and on with that list. And he'll wind up in all of the Marvel movies moving forward, so the money will keep on growing. Maybe he gets passed over for Oldman though since he's done a lot of uncredited roles.
  20. Someone will take it too far. They almost always do now. I miss the old days where parents/schools could and would take care of these things on their own.
  21. I assume you're talking about the villain? That's Bane. He's listed as John Blake, a name that doesn't exist anywhere in any Batman stuff. It's possible though that this could still be just a swerve name as he's never actually mentioned by name in any of the clips out there.
  22. Levitt's character is a Nolan creation. He is not from the comics. So much like Rachel Dawes, the character could go in just about any direction.
  23. There's another new trailer out there now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASQqjK47c04
  24. I'll be in town next week and I'll have to check these out. I'm happy with my blue Dareus jersey from last year, but a white Williams jersey sure would complement it well.
  25. I was waiting at a crosswalk this morning as 5 people were walking across. This d-bag kid on a bike then went flying past me on the right, through the middle of the walkers. One woman stumbled a bit trying to get out of the way as he kept going and never even looked back. Kid, you're on a very busy urban street right next to a subway station. Pay attention you fool. And I don't want to label this kid as the typical cyclist. He was pretty clearly just a kid who uses his bike to get around the city and doesn't actually do those regular long distance rides that the more dedicated riders make. He was just a stupid kid completely oblivious to anything outside his stuck up little world.
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