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Posts posted by shrader

  1. 4 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    OKay, can someone explain the difference   between "waivers" and "unconditional waivers"? 


    Found it..guess a player has to clear this unconditional waivers in order for the club to terminate a players contract ...man, some of these things in hockey confusing as hell


    You retain some level of control after the former and you have no control after the latter.  You pretty much nailed it, one you use when you want to reassign the player.  The other is for the end of the line and you're completely cutting ties with the player.


    Baseball has the two different types of waivers too, but with completely different rules.  I feel like football has something similar too, but maybe with different language.  Don't they have the rule where players with a certain amount of experience are a free agent immediately while others have to first go through waivers?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BillsFan4 said:


    If the Pegulas did either of these things, I feel like it would prove that they haven’t learned anything.


    If they get rid of Botterill, they NEED to bring in someone experienced to run the team. 

    I wouldn’t mind Krueger in some type of team president role or something like that, but they still need a veteran GM to get this thing back on track. I like Kevyn Adams but he has no experience running an NHL team. 


    I hope Friedman is just purely speculating. 


    Of course he's speculating.  The whole quote is "they could do this, they could do that... no one really knows what they'll do".  They could go off in just about any direction.

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  3. 1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

    All that's really needed is a "heads up, i am going to recline"..ask and someone may say "why yes, yes i do"...but i do believe common courtesy just to let the fellow behind you know in case he has a laptop open, or drinks etc that may spill when you recline.


    There's another possibility.  If the person behind the recliner happens to be leaning forward for some reason, they can get smacked in the face with that chair.  It was a perfect storm of randomness, but I've had it happen to me.

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  4. 9 hours ago, I am the egg man said:

    Guys plowing kids, women, the elderly, anyone, back into their seats to deplane ahead of those in rows ahead of them. WTF is that rudeness ?


    I've body blocked quite a few and will continue to do so. And then, if the opportunity is there, I let out anyone in front of me out who is still waiting.


    My wife hates when I do the body block thing, but I don't care. 


    I've started to subtly block people too.  The people who jump up and rush the front the second the plane stops, that's one thing, but the last second rushers are the worst.  I had one recently where I was back in the last 3rd of the plane.  Seats emptied out normally one row at a time.  But then when it got to be my chance, the guy directly behind me suddenly jumped up and forced his way past me.  And of course he then had to get a bag from the overhead that was way too big and was stuck.


    Never again, I'm blocking those tools.

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  5. I can't wait for the day that Hutton is off this team.  I'd love to see the language in Mike Bales contract because it's blatantly obvious that the broadcast has some contractual obligation to show him each game while Rob Ray showers him with praise.  Last night it was talk about how he's done good work with the goalies.  Meanwhile Hutton is having by far the worst season of his career, great work indeed. 


    This organization had such a great run in net, but we've now been stuck in goalie purgatory for 6 years.  Luukkonen better deliver because the franchise and the fanbase needs it so badly.  Even then, we're still up around 10 years of purgatory before he's ready.

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  6. Just now, May Day 10 said:

    The sabres arent a budget team.  They have retained salary in the past.  They brought on hunwick to do pittsburgh a favor.  No problem bringing on frolik's salary when the same contribution could be found from sabertooth.  


    The ability to eat 10 games of scandella's salary isnt an advantage montreal holds over the sabres


    The Sabres are at the cap and Montreal is in the bottom 3rd in the league.  So yes, Montreal does have a greater ability to retain money.

  7. 27 minutes ago, K-9 said:


    Any other impossible to prove scenarios you want to toss out while we’re at it? 


    Two teams trading for him over the course of the season suggests that there is a market for his services.  So yeah, it probably is the best offer that they could find as of today, but the thought that there was no other offer out there at all is just as impossible to prove as my stance.  At this point, I'm very comfortable in the assumption that whatever Montreal got, it was going to be more than they gave up.


    And yeah, they took on money, but that's essentially nothing to them.  They're in the bottom 3rd of the league in total cap hit and the franchise can print money at will.  They wrote a check for around $1.5 million and improved a draft pick.  The rich teams will take that any day.



    12 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    well, you have Borgen,  Pilut, and Nelson all  still in the system, plus a few to many RHS.. but I get your point. 


    I get the impression Nelson isn't in the plans anymore.  He's a UFA at the end of the year and hasn't sniffed the NHL this year.  Both sides will be moving on come July.

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  8. I witnessed probably the rudest moment of seat etiquette the last time I flew.  The second he sat down, this 20-something kid in the aisle across from me put his knees up on the back of the seat, at around his chest level, and gave a good push.  Over the course of the flight (fortunately a short one) he continued to slouch further and further down.  By the end of the flight, his ass was completely off the end of his seat.  Meanwhile, this super timid college aged girl was in front of him, was clearly frustrated, but wouldn't say anything.  Meanwhile, the flight attendant walked by several times too and didn't bother to do anything.


    I'm probably an ass for not saying anything, but I wasn't going to cause a scene.

  9. I'm still not crazy about it from the Sabre point of view.  But from Montreal's point of view, it's a great move.  They're already in the bottom 3rd of the league in terms of total cap hit and absorbed just shy of 40% of Scandella's total contract* for the year and improved a draft pick by about 40 picks or so.  That's an easy move for a franchise that can print money at will.


    And I'm not going to factor in Bouwmeester.  They were going to get a similar return from someone over the next few days if St. Louis didn't come knocking.


    *He was there for ~25% of the year and then they take on half of his money for the remaining 25% of the year.

  10. 1 minute ago, BillsFan4 said:




    My guess is they get the 4th round pick if Scandella re-signs.  That seems to be the typical conditional deal.  But yeah, ouch.  Botterill got a 4th for him and now Montreal got a 2nd (and possibly a 4th too).  Clearly he could have done better.


    But at the same time, it does give a little hope that the price for rentals is higher this year... Now if only we had more than one or two attractive rentals.

  11. 1 hour ago, SlimShady'sGhost said:


    No guesses?    Do you surrender ? 

    He's been in a series of movies and  .....  His character was just killed off 


    a song with his characters name



    Oh yeah, his face is pretty clear given those clues.

  12. 55 minutes ago, Cripple Creek said:

    What moves that the GM has made give you hope that he knows what he is doing?


    You’re not paying attention if you don’t know the immediate answer to this question. I know people want to crap on him, but this idea that people want to parrot about him making horrible trades is just plain lazy. Yeah, that one trade really hurt, but don’t paint every single one after that with the same brush. 

  13. 2 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Two dozen pucks? For ERod? That was a nice play last night, but let’s not get carried away here. Take the dozen pucks and be happy. I’m holding firm on those pylons, though.


    But is it those tiny cones that they do stick handling drills around or is it the giant ones that little kids lean on when they're learning to skate?


    1 hour ago, snafu said:


    Now Bogosian is gone, we need those practice pylons more than ever.

    I'm willing to back off the second dozen pucks.



    Except this doesn't mean that he's gone.  They're probably looking to see if anyone will take him off their hands for free.  If not and he clears, that doesn't mean he's off the roster.  He can, and probably would be kept around.  At that point, they'd be able to drop him off the roster in the upcoming week if they need to open up a spot during the trade deadline.  Yeah, he's gone at the end of the year anyway, but not necessarily today.


    I'm wondering if we may see him swapped in about a week for some other stiff who just cleared waivers.  Those type of deals tend to pop up a few times each year.  Why wouldn't that other team just claim him and not give up a thing if they really wanted him?  They don't get to dump dead weight of their own if they do.

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