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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Definitely suck it up. He's an idiot if he doesn't. But if by some chance he's so outraged by the thought, go with a plain red tie.
  2. Fez, I have to take issue with your first point about how all of the encounters with Bane were face to face and Batman didn't use is environment. He was tricked into the first fight, being locked in that sewer area with Bane. Up until that point, he was sneaking up on everyone. He did try to use some stealth after getting his ass kicked, but Bane was just as good and saw through it. As for the final fight, it happened in the middle of the day. He has no environment to take advantage of. If you remember from the first two movies, Batman only works at night, where he can take full advantage of the dark. The only other time in the three movies that he did anything in day time was when he stopped people from killing Reese (the guy who was going to reveal his identity) in the second movie. And when he did that, he went out as Bruce Wayne. So in not taking advantage of the elements to fight Bane, he had no choice and that was pretty clear throughout the movie.
  3. I wonder if they ever decided to bring back Steve Holt.
  4. Yes, they did show the two of them in my theater. There just seemed to be a bit of a jump right before that reveal. It went from Blake in the cave, cut to the cafe, then cut back to Blake in the cave. During that cut to the cafe, there was an awkward red flash (it was very short, but there was some sort of flash) which transitioned to Alfred's nod. For whatever reason, it seemed like a second or two were skipped in that flash. Anyway, I wish they hadn't showed the two of them. I feel like that was a dumbing down of sorts. The second Alfred nodded, it was completely clear why.
  5. And as a side note: who the hell brings a 3 month old to a movie?
  6. Just in case, I'll say that this post is full of spoilers ******************************* The only thing I wasn't too crazy about was how the over did the enhancing of Bane's voice. I guess it was necessary though. Anyway, Hardy completely won me over near the end with the Talia reveal. The look in his eyes of pure love for her as she told the story was amazing. With as ruthless as he was, I almost actually felt bad for him at that point. As for the ending, I felt like something may have been missing at my showing. There was an awkward cut with a bit of a red flash between the scene where Blake was going into the cave and the shot of Alfred nodding as he saw (or thought he saw) Bruce. Did anyone else have that at their showing or am I just imagining things. I guess I'll just have to go see it again (IMAX) to know for sure. edit: I also want to add that I thought it started a bit slow, but once Bane showed up in Gotham, it was a constant thrill. I really want to go to an IMAX showing just to see the scene where he isolated the city.
  7. I am the proud owner of a "No Ma'am" t-shirt.
  8. So what time are all of you going to the theater? I'm still trying to figure out just how early I want to be to ensure decent seats. I'm in a group of 4, so it shouldn't be too tough if we're early enough.
  9. Thanks for not throwing any spoilers in there. I know aj said they were free game, but since essentially no one has had a chance to see it, not saying anything is appreciated.
  10. I tried for IMAX but the only tickets I saw available even 2-3 months ago started at 8am. So I went with the standard screen.
  11. Work is going to suck tomorrow. I've had my tickets for at least a month now.
  12. Messaging when you should have been massaging. There's your problem right there.
  13. I was reading through this thread trying to think of anything I could add to this thread... and then you nail it with the last post I read. Married with Children was amazing. Other than that, I would list a whole lot of what has been said already: Cheers Seinfeld Fresh Prince
  14. It sounds like a modernization of the logo in general. The sentence that mentions the M on the helmet is just a description of what the team currently wears.
  15. That sentence is just poorly written. They're not suggesting that Miami would move to a new logo featuring that M. It is talking about how the current logo has a dolphin wearing that M on its helmet.
  16. The colors are god awful, but I've always liked the logo. I wish they'd just leave it alone.
  17. That was one of the more rambling nonsensical responses I've seen in a while.
  18. Ok, I'm wondering how I was supposed to handle this one: Last night I was approaching a massive traffic stand still due to construction. It was a 3 lane road where the two left lanes were both about to close (there were several signs announcing this). I'm in the right lane with a merging lane to my right from an onramp. There's a cop coming up that ramp with his lights on and he gets to the highway pretty much even with me. Traffic ahead of me started moving, so I stayed still and left a huge opening in front of me. But for whatever reason, the cop stops right next to me and lays on his horn. I had given him a huge gap in front of me where he could have gotten all the way over to the closed left lanes that he was trying to get into. For whatever reason, he was expecting me to pull over to the right even though that's exactly where he was. So long story short (or short story even shorter), I wind up having to pull up ahead of the cop and then over so that he can do his thing, which I'm pretty sure was just a shift change so that he could replace the guy who was protecting the construction. It made no sense to me that I was supposed to get in front of him to get out of his way.
  19. I hope this link works here. I saw this Dark Knight Rises IMAX poster on facebook today. That's pretty creepy. It definitely has a Vader feel to it. And I like how they made the shadow of his eyes into the bat signal.
  20. I saw one last week with a sign that said "Homeless and sober". I know what he was trying to say with that sign, but I've never seen as obvious of a sign advertising "hey, I'm going to spend your spare change on booze". This also reminds me of a fun moment I had about a year ago. I was leaving leaving from a dinner date with the now fiance and had had a couple drinks. This guy asked me for spare change and I just shrugged him off. He said he wouldn't leave me alone until I said no. It was a very populated area and still bright out, so I decided to have some fun with this. I went off on this long winded rambling conversation making every effort to never use the word no. I finally slipped up about a mile and a half from where he was begging. He followed me the whole way and then we were both laughing as we went off in separate directions.
  21. I wonder if Van Miller might be an option for discussion.
  22. One thing that really annoys me is the high beam flash in the middle of the night. Whether the driver thinks you cut them off or is tailing you and really wants you to move, they're close behind you and they decide to go with the method that could potentially blind you. They're just asking for trouble.
  23. Can we somehow put Kelso's helmet on that mountain? I'd love to see that.
  24. http://pearljam.com/music You can filter by number of times played. It is very interesting to look at. I hope more bands have something similar on their websites.
  25. I went pretty scientific on it actually. They have played Evenflow more than any other song, almost 100 times more than Alive (which is 2nd on the list).
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