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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Anyone else feel a bit creepy when reading about some 8th grade girls being described as 9s?
  2. I wasn't expecting an explanation, just thought it was funny.
  3. If the owner of the board has someone blocked, why does that poster even get to stick around? Anyway, I have no issues with anything so far. Maybe the sabrespace lead in was a big help.
  4. Always hang out with a slower/heavier kid. That way the seniors will get their hand on him instead of you.
  5. I hope he does sign so at least his kids can get some money.
  6. The wife's stuck watching her nephew for the night, so I've decided to see the Dark Knight Rises at an IMAX. That's about all I have in mind for August movies right now.
  7. If you're looking for a change of pace, you could always try your left hand.
  8. I like yours better. They can be one half Bundy and the other half Bundy.
  9. They should make it a dysfunctional version of the family, something part Bundy, part Simpson.
  10. Not that I'm trying to take anything away from this woman, but I do wonder what the non airbrushed picture looks like. The plus size label does sound incredibly stupid here.
  11. Thanks for the reminder that it is in fact August now. I want to see a few of these, but I'm not so sure any will be theater movies. All I know after scanning through the list is that I need to go back and rewatch the original Total Recall. I haven't seen that movie in ages.
  12. Choosing the 9 year old over the 7 and a half year old is probably a smart choice.
  13. Nolan and Bale have stated over and over that they're done. So yes, in terms of the story, Wayne is happy and he has passed on the torch. All of your main characters have moved on. Someone may try to do something with Blake, but at that point, it's not a Batman movie anymore without Wayne and Alfred.
  14. I do wonder why people say the movie is so un-Nolan like. He makes one open to interpretation ending in Inception and now all of a sudden that's always his style? This ending was very much in tune with the entire series. Begins has and ending that is happy but with setup for the future. TDK has more of the Empire Strikes Back ending where things don't look so great. Then this one wraps it up and definitively ends the series. I see no problem with that.
  15. And I can't picture anyone associating him with steroids, which will be such a big thing with the voters in the coming years.
  16. Can we throw together a kids table so that Selmon can actually find some people to read his movie review of the Smurfs?
  17. Not only that, but he's got his costume and all his gear. I'd imagine he has all sorts of crazy exits to and from the cave and the city. The one thing that was never completely clear is just how far from the city Wayne Manor is. I remember a line in the Dark Knight where Harvey Dent asked if it was even within his jurisdiction. My guess, he flew the Bat in during the night.
  18. Ok, well then I'll counter that guy's thoughts (I didn't take the time to read it just yet). I actually enjoyed those fights quite a bit. The first one was Batman completely unprepared and out of shape, so he gets thrashed. The second one wasn't really a situation where he can do much beyond a fight like that. He has the massive battle going on all around him, so there was very little space to take advantage of. I really enjoyed the visuals of that whole sequence with the massive cops vs. criminals brawl going on.
  19. Zod will be in this movie, so there is in fact an equal on Earth. I guess that actually means the odds are stacked against him if it's like Superman 2 where Zod had his two cronies.
  20. Is there any chance that there's a little bit of that going on with the situation you're talking about?
  21. Now I'm thinking this could be a great way to prank people from beyond the grave. I'd love to force all the Pats fans out here to wear a Bills tie at my funeral.
  22. I had hear that there were a couple extra issues with the Bane voice in IMAX due to the sound system they use. I have no idea if that's the case though.
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