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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'd be curious to see the actual ages of people involved in these idiotic situations. Yeah there are plenty of idiots of any age, but I'd be willing to be it does skew towards the younger ages. Is it something so simple as them not really knowing how to handle their alcohol at that point? And yes, there are idiots at every age at games. I had a 60-something south Boston fool spewing obscenities at me at a Bruins-Sabres game last year (the Miller-Lucic incident). I had line after line of nursing home jokes all lined up in my head, but since it was an entire row of south Boston behind me, I decided against it. Those people terrify me.
  2. If only his birthday fell in a better month for movies. Happy birthday Mark.
  3. That game is what brought this on, but banning the kneel down would have a much wider impact than just that. Do we really need to see a couple extra plays run with scrubs in a blow out because that's one thing that would happen with any ban.
  4. I'd much rather watch a 3rd string QB hand off the ball to a 3rd string RB in those dying seconds of an out of reach game. That's the "thrilling action" that would take the place of a banned kneel down.
  5. But all it takes is one event to completely ruin that for you. I have been to countless sporting events over the years and only two wound up having acts of complete idiocy. Unfortunately, those are now the two games that come to mind first every time.
  6. So now they can change their jerseys yet again. I wish they'd just go back to the swinging Buster Bison from the 90s and stick with it. But anyway, it obviously is a good move for the team. With all the affiliations they've had over the years, it's hard to believe they never had Toronto before.
  7. 31 and about to marry into a family of Pats fans. Luckily the wife doesn't care about football one bit, so I still stand a chance. My parents visited last weekend and my mom actually bought her a Bills shirt. She plans on wearing it around her family (probably the first Bills-NE game) just to mess with them. Based one that alone, it sounds like I lucked out with this one.
  8. "Its my left leg. It's amputated up to my ankle," So you mean it's your left foot?
  9. But it is White filling Nelson's roster spot right? If Easley gets bumped up someone else has to be moved off of the 53 man roster. Or did I miss a cut somewhere?
  10. Yeah, but other than those times...
  11. I remember seeing this picture shortly after the Kings won the Stanley Cup this summer. I thought it was a very nice, simple tribute so why not share it:
  12. I want to hear the audio of that call. I wonder if it really was this quick: Hag: How old does a boy have to be legal... 911: Well how old was the boy? Hag: 15 I completely picture her being stupid enough for that. ...oh, and pooj would say yes
  13. Please tell me that's not Jack Edwards at the desk with him. If that is, my favorite ESPN moment is forever stained.
  14. Everything involving Charlie Steiner was great. I know it wasn't a commercial, but his meltdown while showing the Carl Lewis national anthem is my favorite moment in the history of ESPN.
  15. As long as there is no Rob Schneider. And as for this month, it looks like this is the month of Bruce Willis and Amy Adams. I always get a kick out of seeing someone mentioned multiple times in these movie posts.
  16. This is exactly what I was going to say. People will be going out of their way to find every little mistake these guys make. I didn't watch the game, but the basic complaints in this thread sound just like any other NFL game.
  17. And the way things generally go, you know both WRs will see time with the team before the season is up
  18. They guy stitching the uniforms in Carolina is happy right now.
  19. What about crossing international borders. A Canada-US relationship seems very doable for anyone living in Buffalo.
  20. Thanks for proving my point that Grand Island Nebraska is in fact not on an island. It's like changing North Tonawanda's name to Grand Island.
  21. I still like this one better: www.khaaan.com
  22. Back in June I was trying to show my fiance where we'd be driving on the way to Niagara Falls. So I did a quick google map search of Grand Island so she could see it. The Nebraska town showed up first and I was shocked. Next I'm expected to see a place called Oceanview in Kansas.
  23. You want really stupid? Look up Grand Island Nebraska on a map.
  24. That and the things he says while you do it are priceless.
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