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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Yeah, but how many living zombie heads has she left scattered around the area? I really wish one of those had wound up biting Herschel.
  2. I watch it but I really don't have very much to say about it. If it went away I wouldn't really notice
  3. It's not a biker complain in case you didn't notice, it's a car complaint. Call me crazy, but I'm not too happy when I'm faced with a head on collision with another car in any scenario, let alone one where the driver somehow thinks s/he's more entitled to the lane for opposing traffic than someone who is actually driving in that lane. The biker was perfectly fine this time around, riding as close to the sidewalk as humanly possible.
  4. I'm all for going after Brady, but that guy looks like a fool for posting that online after the game. Get your words in on the field and then be done with it.
  5. I hate when drivers think they have to give a huge cushion to a biker on the road. This morning I had to slam my brakes because some guy coming the other way decided to give a bike a 6 foot cushion when passing it. So I have this car coming straight towards me that is 3/4s of the way into my lane. It was a very narrow road with parked cars to my right, so I couldn't move over at all. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but if someone is going to have to slow down because of a biker in the road, it's not the guy traveling in the opposite direction. The lack of patience on the roads out here in Boston is mind blowing.
  6. It has zombies everywhere, so I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that it doesn't become another farm.
  7. I've been running into a guy lately who flies out into the main road from a minor side street. He takes such a wide turn thanks to how fast he's going and winds up halfway out into the lane. There's no stop signs or anything on this main road, so he's idiotically flying out there into moving traffic. I've almost hit him twice in the past week. The only thing I did do was flip him off while I drove past. I'm not going to honk at the guy because I'm too scared that he'll lose control and wind up damaging my car. And yes, I'm far more worried about damaging my car than I am about hurting the guy. If he's going to ride that recklessly, I won't feel guilty if he does it at just the wrong time and I can't avoid him.
  8. I was watching with a Pats fan who immediately said "I guess the Brady rule only applies when it is Tom Brady" after that flag on Williams. So at least one of them will acknowledge the double standard.
  9. So it's a book about someone reading a book to someone. Interesting. It seems like a strange premise to start with. More Fezzik backstory does sound good to me though.
  10. Does the book have Columbo reading the story to Fred Savage too or was that just added in for some transitions in the movie?
  11. Inconceivable
  12. And the best part of that story is that my dad hit a deer in Hamburg that week.
  13. I just read the most confusing review of Looper. It starts by saying how smart it is and that it was a solid movie... and then proceeded to shred it for the rest of the review. I don't know what to think.
  14. Ha, the first video has a link to Bomb Squad. All of those talking games always stick out in my mind. I wish I could remember the name of the 3rd one we had. You would shoot down space ships. My brothers and I would set up the room like the bridge of the Enterprise and pretend to be the Star Trek cast (even though the ships looked like they were straight out of Star Wars). I miss being so easily entertained. Oh, and I just googed it. The 3rd one was Space Spartans.
  15. Well then nice work. You had my attention the second I saw the picture. I spent more than my fair share of time on each of those games you listed except the last one, which I've never heard of. Oh, and thanks to you, I have that B17 bomber voice stuck in my head.
  16. I couldn't tell you what the first game was, but it would have been either on the intellivision or the colecovision. So I did enjoy that first story in the link. The rest were a bunch if kids.
  17. It sucked though when others would chime in immediately after that telling people not to take crayonz seriously.
  18. It was on the NFL app on my phone during the game too, so it wasn't an ESPN issue. I never did check back to see if it was ever updated.
  19. I was expecting Peter Pan. But anyway, is this actually a new image? I feel like I've seen that exact picture before, right around the time they finally got Hubble working. A sharper image perhaps?
  20. It's a real shame that the best punter we ever saw was stuck on those teams. I guess that's what it takes for a punter to get to his cult hero status.
  21. The NFL is doomed. They will never recover from the online petition.
  22. I just hope that when he does cave and call her, he goes MIA for a few months just like sage did and we all think he's dead.
  23. Is this going to turn into sage's lentils thread?
  24. Can we spell it "IRth"?
  25. Is this his first game since those comments?
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