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Everything posted by shrader

  1. But is your buddy gaining a couple bucks by loaning his DVD to you?
  2. I have absolutely no idea what I saw in that trailer. You have Kingsley as the Mandarin, but other than that, I'm confused.
  3. I also thought it was strange that it almost looks like they were trying to say that Janeway came before Sisko. Oh, and Shatner is 81 now, I still don't believe that.
  4. My money's on Merle. Edit: And on that note, I wonder how much we will even see of Rick's group next week. It seems like they'll have a lot of catching up to do with Andrea and Michonne since they weren't even in this one.
  5. Except that the network owns those shows and has the right to say how/when it airs. And this is probably a stupid question, but I'm assuming the FX website doesn't have these shows available? I know I've caught up on recent episodes of certain shows directly from the network's website.
  6. I saw Argo yesterday. The whole thing made me realize that back in school, nothing ever touched on these Iran days. None of my history classes every went much beyond WWII. That just drives me crazy. But anyway, I enjoyed it, especially since my showing started at 1PM.
  7. I shouldn't be laughing at this, but the reaction of the opposing player standing back in the endzone was hilarious. He completely nailed that Charlie Brown sad walk off (insert Arrested Development clip here).
  8. I love the line about how Fehr doesn't know whether or not this is a serious attempt from the league to negotiate. That's pretty funny considering that the players have yet to negotiate in any way.
  9. Watch a typical NHL preseason game. They're completely pointless. These guys won't miss a step.
  10. It's a shame that she never stopped to think that a fetus has no teeth or strength.
  11. They weren't charging a rental fee since day one? I figured this was standard approach from the cable companies.
  12. One thing that never comes across in any tv show like this is how dark that room really was supposed to be. It doesn't seem too unreasonable to me that he might not have even been aware that zombie was there. I'd have to watch it again though, as I'm not sure if he made an obvious attempt to step over it.
  13. Yeah, but how many living zombie heads has she left scattered around the area? I really wish one of those had wound up biting Herschel.
  14. I watch it but I really don't have very much to say about it. If it went away I wouldn't really notice
  15. It's not a biker complain in case you didn't notice, it's a car complaint. Call me crazy, but I'm not too happy when I'm faced with a head on collision with another car in any scenario, let alone one where the driver somehow thinks s/he's more entitled to the lane for opposing traffic than someone who is actually driving in that lane. The biker was perfectly fine this time around, riding as close to the sidewalk as humanly possible.
  16. I'm all for going after Brady, but that guy looks like a fool for posting that online after the game. Get your words in on the field and then be done with it.
  17. I hate when drivers think they have to give a huge cushion to a biker on the road. This morning I had to slam my brakes because some guy coming the other way decided to give a bike a 6 foot cushion when passing it. So I have this car coming straight towards me that is 3/4s of the way into my lane. It was a very narrow road with parked cars to my right, so I couldn't move over at all. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but if someone is going to have to slow down because of a biker in the road, it's not the guy traveling in the opposite direction. The lack of patience on the roads out here in Boston is mind blowing.
  18. It has zombies everywhere, so I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that it doesn't become another farm.
  19. I've been running into a guy lately who flies out into the main road from a minor side street. He takes such a wide turn thanks to how fast he's going and winds up halfway out into the lane. There's no stop signs or anything on this main road, so he's idiotically flying out there into moving traffic. I've almost hit him twice in the past week. The only thing I did do was flip him off while I drove past. I'm not going to honk at the guy because I'm too scared that he'll lose control and wind up damaging my car. And yes, I'm far more worried about damaging my car than I am about hurting the guy. If he's going to ride that recklessly, I won't feel guilty if he does it at just the wrong time and I can't avoid him.
  20. I was watching with a Pats fan who immediately said "I guess the Brady rule only applies when it is Tom Brady" after that flag on Williams. So at least one of them will acknowledge the double standard.
  21. So it's a book about someone reading a book to someone. Interesting. It seems like a strange premise to start with. More Fezzik backstory does sound good to me though.
  22. Does the book have Columbo reading the story to Fred Savage too or was that just added in for some transitions in the movie?
  23. And the best part of that story is that my dad hit a deer in Hamburg that week.
  24. I just read the most confusing review of Looper. It starts by saying how smart it is and that it was a solid movie... and then proceeded to shred it for the rest of the review. I don't know what to think.
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