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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I want a Verne Troyer zombie.
  2. I've never watched the show, but Conan O'Brien randomly showed up in the background of an episode of How I Met Your Mother. He bought a walk on role in a charity auction. The writers wanted to give him a speaking role but he thought it would be funnier if he was just randomly in the background. The Walking Dead has had giveaways like this, haven't they, where some random winner gets a bit role as a zombie? They could somehow do the same thing with a random celebrity if they wanted to. Having Rick and co. recognizing someone, to me, feels like it would cheapen the show a bit. The vast majority of these walkers are so rotted away at this point that they should be recognizable anymore.
  3. They're actually waiting until December this year? Perfect!
  4. Kind of like in Zombieland?
  5. When Rick and Glenn came back out of that wing of the prison, they were asked about T-Dog and Carol and he said "they didn't make it". They found that scarf she was wearing on her head and assumed she was dead too. So at this moment, she's more along the same lines as Andrea and Merle, assumed dead. My guess is she'll reunite with them pretty quickly in the next episode.
  6. Is it really? So much was left in the air after Quantum of Solace that I expected this one to tie in quite a bit.
  7. I wonder how long it will take for Carol to resurface. I was surprised that they left her fate up in the air like that. I do wish it had been someone else sabotaging the prison though. It seemed a bit odd that he was resourceful enough to do all of that, yet dumb enough to think that he's going to be able to survive everything with just a group of 3 prisoners.
  8. The second a Rudolph timing is listed, I'm adding that to my calendar.
  9. I had a sprained toe once that I couldn't trace back to a specific incident, so I guess that's possible. It's amazing how annoying that was.
  10. I think this is the first time I've wanted to see each of the first four movies in one of these threads. This is shaping up to be one expensive month for me (and then of course all those Christmas presents I'll need to start buying). Thank god for that gift card I got for my birthday. But yeah, Bond clearly rules the day out of this list.
  11. You're about to get some negative comments for that post.
  12. Was there power? I should really pay more attention. All that really stuck out to me was all those fires at night.
  13. Disney has a strange contract when it comes to the Marvel stuff though. I was in Disney World earlier in the month and talking to one of the employees, it turns out they're not allowed to even have even one piece of Marvel stuff inside their parks. Universal holds the rights for that stuff in amusement parks for whatever reason. I wonder if something similar might be in place on the movies, make all the money you want, but keep your logo off of it. But whatever that rule is, you're right, I don't think they'd do much logo-wise with the new movies. But the one thing that will be really strange, and I think it was mentioned here, will be the opening of the movie without the 20th Century Fox stuff. That music flowed into the opening theme so perfectly.
  14. For some reason I'm thinking the Avengers was the first of the Disney-owned Marvel films. I'm sure Mark Vader will chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. Andrea got better at the end of season 2, but they completely killed that with this episode. I guess we can all look forward to her winding up on the receiving end of some sort of sadistic Governor killing. And as for Daryl, at least he's actually had a bunch of screen time, unlike Fett.
  16. Hopefully Disney corrects those mistakes and releases the original version. That would be a great lead in to the new movie, so I fully expect them to do it. Oh, and I can't wait to see all the internet hate when they make their choices on recasting those key roles.
  17. 5. I still want to know why Mike Lodish came to mind so quickly for his question. For some reason that is one of those facts that always sticks out in my mind.
  18. And they didn't even mention how she had been using the zombies as pack mules, carrying all their gear.
  19. I wonder how long they had been in that small fenced in area. I can imagine them being very sleep deprived
  20. So I guess that means it wasn't Merle watching Carol
  21. The Saints would beg to differ. That's one hell of an extreme case though, especially since it does look like the league definitely locks up these elite QBs well ahead of time. And speaking of Brees, there's another level of subjectivity of this type of look. Being the first pick of the 2nd round, he may as well have been a first rounder. In fact, he went 32nd overall in 2001 and Ramsey went 32nd overall the next year. Ramsey winds up being counted here since Houston was added to the league that year bumping up the number of teams to 32. It's obviously subjective, but I'd be curious to see how many QBs went in the top 5 or 10 picks of the second round over that time.
  22. Is the person sharing the file making any money whether it is from subscriptions or advertisements? At that point, you definitely have someone who stole something and someone who is receiving stolen goods.
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