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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's one hell of a bait and switch they pulled on their fans for the opening of that stadium. So now every big piece they added last offseason is gone now, right? Add to that all the other higher profile guys on the team. The saddest part of all is that they actually have 2 WS titles.
  2. I started with the series with Modern Warfare 2 and this will be the first one since then that I don't get. I don't know, it just doesn't appeal to me too much right now. It seems like you need to have a ton of friends online in order to make these games any fun. I'll connect with my brother at times, which was always entertaining, but our schedules don't mesh too well. Unless I suddenly find some new free time, I wouldn't have any chance to really play this one anyway. I'm still trying to finish up Borderlands 2 on the PS3, but playing that once every two weeks isn't too efficient.
  3. I didn't mean to imply that the blood tests were unwarranted. The other situation that I mentioned is something that I'm sure annoys a ton of people, but blood work is definitely very important in many cases.
  4. They do blood work for just about everything. It's kind of like if you go and ask about this crazy rash on your arm, they'll automatically go the STD route and ask you if it is somewhere else. Some things are just straight out of the how to be a doctor handbook.
  5. In a parked car at 10am? Yeah, you might want to plan that one out a little better than that.
  6. The best I can do right now is a google image search. The bloody gums you're seeing is actually her decaying lips. It's tough to tell on the pictures I pulled up, but it does looke like there's some white inside that.
  7. I'd have to go back, but I'm pretty sure I saw teeth on his daughter. If he's keeping her around, he's not going to want to deface her in any way. He's taking a huge risk there, but with her restrained, he should easily be able to out muscle her if she tries to bite.
  8. I wonder how legit this complaint is. I'm remembering a similar one filed last year against a different team. I forget the specifics, but it sounds nearly identical to that one. I wonder if it could be a copycat or if someone is going around doing this to all teams.
  9. They did go a bit deeper than necessary I guess. I'm assuming the did bury that remaing T-dog rib cage so there's at least something to put in the hole. Weren't there random remains near where they found Carols scarf? Maybe they buried that too.
  10. Hops, the graves are just symbolic. Lori's grave is empty. If that walker left any of her behind, no one has gone back into that room other than Rick.
  11. Hinting towards comic book spoilers really does ruin it for a lot of people.
  12. I thought he was going to gut the walker until he found Lori's ring. The phone call was definitely odd though. Where could that one possible go?
  13. Enjoyed skyfall quite a bit. Javier Bardem was the first memorable Bond villain in a very long time.
  14. And the best part is that you know she'll do it again.
  15. I want a Verne Troyer zombie.
  16. I've never watched the show, but Conan O'Brien randomly showed up in the background of an episode of How I Met Your Mother. He bought a walk on role in a charity auction. The writers wanted to give him a speaking role but he thought it would be funnier if he was just randomly in the background. The Walking Dead has had giveaways like this, haven't they, where some random winner gets a bit role as a zombie? They could somehow do the same thing with a random celebrity if they wanted to. Having Rick and co. recognizing someone, to me, feels like it would cheapen the show a bit. The vast majority of these walkers are so rotted away at this point that they should be recognizable anymore.
  17. They're actually waiting until December this year? Perfect!
  18. Kind of like in Zombieland?
  19. When Rick and Glenn came back out of that wing of the prison, they were asked about T-Dog and Carol and he said "they didn't make it". They found that scarf she was wearing on her head and assumed she was dead too. So at this moment, she's more along the same lines as Andrea and Merle, assumed dead. My guess is she'll reunite with them pretty quickly in the next episode.
  20. Is it really? So much was left in the air after Quantum of Solace that I expected this one to tie in quite a bit.
  21. I wonder how long it will take for Carol to resurface. I was surprised that they left her fate up in the air like that. I do wish it had been someone else sabotaging the prison though. It seemed a bit odd that he was resourceful enough to do all of that, yet dumb enough to think that he's going to be able to survive everything with just a group of 3 prisoners.
  22. The second a Rudolph timing is listed, I'm adding that to my calendar.
  23. I had a sprained toe once that I couldn't trace back to a specific incident, so I guess that's possible. It's amazing how annoying that was.
  24. I think this is the first time I've wanted to see each of the first four movies in one of these threads. This is shaping up to be one expensive month for me (and then of course all those Christmas presents I'll need to start buying). Thank god for that gift card I got for my birthday. But yeah, Bond clearly rules the day out of this list.
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