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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The wife will want to see Les Mis, but otherwise, I don't think I'll wind up at any of these movies.
  2. I found something far worse than clueless bikers the other day. I don't know if it was some kid screwing around or what, but I was in a line of three or four cars waiting to turn left while this person in a motorize wheelchair/scooter kept going back and forth across the crosswalk. It had to have been one of the most confusing things I've ever seen.
  3. So this is interesting. Here is the result of a quick google search for "Jim Kelly": https://www.google.com/search?q=jim+kelly&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a I hope they don't correct this any time soon.
  4. Damn, I was going to mention that. I'd have a little sit down with them to forever solve that little argument. And also, just once I'd like to wish Mead a happy birthday.
  5. This is number one on my list right now. And I would add to that any internet words/phrases that wind up being used in actual non-computer conversations.
  6. I have no idea what the thought in the rolling turn at a red fine, but the red light cameras are a complete money gouging scam. So I can't hold that one against them at all. I'd guess that the rolling turn at a red light thing is also tied into the red light cameras, but the fact that it was two different governors makes me unsure on that one.
  7. This "song" can't go away fast enough.
  8. How in the hell does a computer quick pick give you 9, 38, and 50?
  9. I'll pick up a couple later today at some point. These are the only ones I will ever buy, when the jackpot gets up to the absurd levels. Now the big question... when I win, do I immediately sign a pre-nump for my August wedding?
  10. In case people don't like watching those clips, I'll throw it in spoiler tags:
  11. The ass look at the end does look like it was for show. His eyes don't even seem to be looking in the right direction.
  12. I love how unpredictable this thing looks going into next week. There are so many cases of split loyalties heading into this mini-war: Merle, Darryl, Andrea... this thing could go in any direction. And I really hope they didn't give away too much with one line Carl said in the previews for next week.
  13. The farmhouse season would have been far more entertaining if Beth had been successful in killing herself. They would have unexpectedly wound up with a zombie inside the house.
  14. It looks like the game is also insensitive to people with blue eyes. Apparently only 5 characters have blue eyes. They don't like bald people either, since there are only 5. There are only 6 with facial hair and 5 with glasses. Hasbro better act now before all of these groups go after them as well.
  15. I was fully expecting him to be pantsless while telling the kids this.
  16. Shane was a very different case though. The rest were deaths that were out of Rick's control. Hops, the second female voice was Jackie, the woman who stayed behind at the CDC.
  17. Yes, and the other three calls were from people who were killed in season 1. I'm surprised they didn't work in a call from Dale too since he's the only other member of the group who has been dead for a while now and also died on Rick's watch.
  18. 4 and 5 are the worst ones on the list. #4. It just figures that it wound up being a guy wearing something Dolphins. It has the potential to make this area look very bad if it was in any way related to that hat. #5. That brother is going to feel incredibly guilty for a very long time over this one. Maybe nothing changes if he had left right away, but either way, this one is going to weigh on him probably for the rest of his life.
  19. Do they document every ejection from the stadium? It seems like a common sense thing to do.
  20. So what happens once the Governor finds out Merle is lying? One of them is going to wind up killing the other and I have absolutely no clue which way it will go.
  21. And now the important question: how does this move impact Buffalo. I'd image a couple of the guys the Jays shipped away were penciled in for the Bisons.
  22. I can't even count the number of times I accidentally punched a 70 year old woman in the face.
  23. I always wound up running into organized groups of 4-5 teenagers. If I did manage to find a game without a long list of matching clan tags, it did wind up being much better. It seems like the longer the game is out though, the more likely you are to run into those groups.
  24. I don't know if we can really take it to the scamming the taxpayers level though. They signed these guys after the stadium was built. So somehow they convinced the local government to give them all that money before the team actually looked like they were even trying to put something together. The whole thing is just a big head scratcher to me. Maybe they're freeing up cash for that stupid A-rod to Miami rumor.
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