That's amazing. I like the slow motion shots where you see that the eagle tried as hard as it could and then realized the kid was too heavy.
It reminds me of this one time on a golf course where I heard something rustling around in some bushes. I slowly walked up to get a closer look and to see what it was. Then a hawk swooped in over my shoulder and picked off whatever it was. The thing was about a foot over my head. It was creepy. It was no baby snatching eagle, but it was a damn big bird.
Wreck it Ralph was ok, but it just felt lacking to me. Maybe it's the Pixar thing you mentioned. It could have been so much better, but for whatever reason, it just felt sluggish. I did enjoy all of the video game cameos though.
And we've got it good over here. Thank god we don't have it like many other parts of the world where kids are targeted or killed far more frequently. I don't know how those more war torn places of the world get by when kids are being killed far more frequently.
I hate speculating on this, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it was an entire class. Someday we'll find out this shooter's motivation and we will all collectively slam our heads against the wall.
I just came across this online. I'm not entirely sure how much it says about the movie, but that is one incredibly done trailer. This one will increase the chatter for the movie quite a bit.
I saw some pictures from the movie posted on facebook yesterday linked to Paramount. It had the villain labeled as "John Harrison", but that could wind up being just a cover name. I thought I also saw that the blonde is supposed to be Carol Marcus. People will want to say that means Khan is in the movie, but Kirk knew her for years since their son was a 20 something in the 3rd movie.
But wasn't there a theme of destiny in the first one? No matter what happened, Kirk and Spock were destined to be friends. They could bring on more of the same here with any other character from the original show and movies. clearly the villain is Sybok
No. I was never into any of those books. And also, the questions I've read constantly about how they're spreading this whole thing into three movies seem like a big issue to me too.