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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's obvious that he is ready to fall on the sword with this one and doesn't want anyone else getting blamed. That much was obvious with the lawyer's statement. But now someone in the family steps up and ruins that by naming the cousin? God these people are stupid.
  2. What about the NCAA? He played there too. I would think that someone could make a reasonable argument that he may have had the condition before he even set foot on an NFL field. Without the the thought that it definitely came from the NFL, this suit should have no leg to stand on.
  3. Ahhh the classic Boston defense. They went with that "he was just defending himself thing" last year when one of their hockey players (Marchand) who had a history of going low into the knees of guys who were about to hit him.
  4. I don't think he was specifically aiming for the knee, but the kick sure as hell was intentional. I thought the same thing about Suh. At the speed the game is moving (ok, everyone else but Brady), they're not going to be able to accurately aim a kick. Suh was just trying to kick Schaub and happened to catch him in the worst spot. Brady was going with a pathetic attempt to protect himself. If anything, I bet he thought he'd catch Reed in the stomach area. But yeah, blatantly illegal.
  5. I've always wondered how cold that food was when someone finally won.
  6. Why does the link say "hurt deadly subway fight"?
  7. I would sew Frank Reynolds into my couch and then wait until a guest said something bad about him.
  8. Ahhh, brings back memories of the old Magic-Bird commercials.
  9. I'd love to see where he was going after the save when he started sprinting upfield.
  10. I haven't had the chance to go back over this thread, but I really hope this one wasn't posted already. This Helmet-Sanders exchange always cracks me up. http://youtu.be/qzO4BSTnkgg
  11. I wanted to say it too, but let it go. And in my party, I'd like to invite Cliff Claven just to see how quickly he'd wind up alone in the corner after driving everyone away.
  12. If I actually had a choice for which sport my future children will play professionally, it would be golf. Baseball probably is the most cost effective sport though for the parents who are crazy enough to think their child actually has a shot.
  13. I wonder if you might have a high potential for asphyxiation if one of those things popped. That or like you said, all the rocks. Pick your poison. I'd also like to see the hilarity that could ensue if a guy is running down a snowy slope like that with a bowie knife.
  14. One thing I'm not clear on in all of this: will they still be connected to SI or is that brand being phased out? I do go there for the random Peter King stuff and a few other writers, so I'll need to figure out where to head to find those ones.
  15. And the best part is that Nassau county has since signed on for renovations to the coliseum after this was announced. Figure that one out.
  16. Lost control? Doesn't that imply that they actually had control at any point?
  17. Isn't that what espn already does with their paid service?
  18. I really enjoy old political bumper stickers, especially those who lost. Last year I saw a car with a ton of stickers on it. One was "Dukakis '88". If I had been driving when I saw it, I probably would have crashed due to laughter.
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