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Everything posted by shrader

  1. These bathrooms are clearly designed with anatomy in mind. The presence of urinals doesn't exactly lend itself to the female anatomy. I don't see how any case against the school could be made if they take the stance that their assignment of bathrooms is based solely on anatomy. They've also given this child the option of a separate bathroom, so I don't see how they're discriminating here.
  2. Thanks again Mark. Since I started seeing the ads way back, I've always wondered how someone can make a prequel to a dream.
  3. Earl deserved a better fate. It was a very good concept but they quickly ran out of ideas. That show got way too weird way too fast.
  4. Which is why I always get a good laugh when arguments about top 10/20/50 lists wind up getting so heated. It's all completely subjective. There is no such thing as the "greatest show of all time". I guess titling your list "My favorite shows of all time" doesn't draw the same amount of clicks though. If I had to put a list together, I wouldn't even dare to put numbers to it. I'd just throw shows like Seinfeld, Cheers, the Simpsons, and Married with Children out there as stuff I can watch at any time.
  5. And he probably has lead poisoning now since the bike was made in China.
  6. I wonder if that whole campaign to bring back Steve Holt! ever worked out.
  7. Captain America is probably my favorite of all the Marvel movies. I'm a little worried about the second one though because it can't have the things that I really liked about the first one. Ignoring Red Skull's crazy weapons, I really enjoyed the completely different setting they had with the WWII era. Maybe they'll be able to work in some things that happened with Bucky while Cap was frozen, but most of it will have to take place in the modern day.
  8. Sam's conquests sure would have been a lot more interesting on pay cable. Seinfeld's too, but not quite as interesting. The whole "are they real" episode definitely would have been one to watch. And as for the list, I've never understood why Parks and Rec is so loved. It's watchable, but it isn't something I absolutely have to see. Ron Swanson is great, but I pretty much can't stand the rest of the cast, especially Tom.
  9. Well my wallet is going to take a big hit this summer. I have high hopes for Star Trek, Iron Man 3, and Man of Steel. At the same time, I expect the Hangover 3 to be pure garbage, but I'll still be stupid and go see it.
  10. And then in terms of coach/front office types, you have guys like Lou Lamoriello in NJ (26 years and counting) and Jim Rutherford with Hartford/Carolina (29 years and counting). So there are a number of guys who have been in one place longer in pure numbers than Ruff, I just can't think of any who would up as both players and coaches there. Maybe Yzerman with his 20+ year career and then 4 years in the Detroit front office?
  11. I think last week's attack has to snap Rick out of his battle with insanity. We have what, 6 episodes left? That's not a whole lot of time to still deal with the insanity all while building up enough people for the war with the governor. Right now they have Rick, Daryl, Merle, and Glenn. I'm not sure how much Carl, Maggie, and Carol can offer other than tower watch duty. We really don't know how many able bodied fighters the governor has either, but Rick needs to at least bring in Tyrese's people to even stand a chance here. And then of course there's still the issues with whether or not they can trust Merle. Oh, and how much does Michone offer in a gun battle? We know she's good up close, but if bullets are flying across the fences, is she useful?
  12. How long until they figure out how to put it in a contact? I could actually see that happening at some point in my life.
  13. It was a mostly sarcastic response, which is why I included the smiley. I realize the importance of what promo said. It does have me thinking about other guys who stuck with one team for such a long period. A guy like Gordie Howe immediately comes to mind and his ungodly amount of time with Detroit. That can never measure up percentage-wise obviously thanks to the Wings being around so long.
  14. Barry Trotz has coached 100% of all Predator games.
  15. Soon enough North Korea will take credit for all of this.
  16. The next one is supposed to land on Tom Brady, right?
  17. Watch an interview with Rogen. Then you'll want to punch him even more.
  18. We have completely different definitions of main character I guess. Steve Carrell is a support role in Anchorman, just like Ferrell is in a movie like Old School. They tend to thrive in roles like that because they can be completely off the wall crazy but not be the entire focus of the story.
  19. 40 Year Old Virgin is the only movie I've seen with Carrell in the lead. So based on that I totally disagree with him being listed. I'd add Will Ferrell to that list though (minus Anchorman).
  20. They ran two episodes already? I've still got last week's waiting on the DVR. Was that a two parter?
  21. Once we run out of our first stash of cups, I bet she changes her mind. For whatever reason, she didn't seem too crazy about buying one of those crates of 1000 cups they sell at Costco, so she may have no other alternative. And for the record, for this first stash, we did what was mentioned earlier in the thread and found a sale at Kohls and used one of their Kohls cash coupons.
  22. Seth Rogen fan, eh?
  23. I'm in the opposite situation. I don't drink coffee but the soon to be wife does. We got one of these things for Christmas and once we heard about the reusable filter we bought one. We've also loaded up on a bunch of the standard cups through random sales. So far, she said she isn't too crazy about the reusable one because the coffee has come out weak and she doesn't know how much to put it (that's what she gets for throwing out the directions). As for me, I've tried some of the random non-coffee ones. I have a box of apple cider that is decent. The next one will be hot chocolate, but we haven't found a good deal on those yet. I'm not much of a hot drink drinker in general, but we have the machine, I'm damn well going to use it.
  24. My mind couldn't help but jump right to roid rage when I heard this on the way to work today.
  25. I'm really looking forward to the moment where the lazy asses who think they don't need to clear out their cars finally decide to. Those things are going to be encased in ice soon enough. The only thing I don't like about this storm is that it's the first time I've been in an urban area (Boston) for a huge storm. I'm not looking forward to the hopeless search for parking after work today.
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