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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Barry Trotz has coached 100% of all Predator games.
  2. Watch an interview with Rogen. Then you'll want to punch him even more.
  3. We have completely different definitions of main character I guess. Steve Carrell is a support role in Anchorman, just like Ferrell is in a movie like Old School. They tend to thrive in roles like that because they can be completely off the wall crazy but not be the entire focus of the story.
  4. 40 Year Old Virgin is the only movie I've seen with Carrell in the lead. So based on that I totally disagree with him being listed. I'd add Will Ferrell to that list though (minus Anchorman).
  5. They ran two episodes already? I've still got last week's waiting on the DVR. Was that a two parter?
  6. Once we run out of our first stash of cups, I bet she changes her mind. For whatever reason, she didn't seem too crazy about buying one of those crates of 1000 cups they sell at Costco, so she may have no other alternative. And for the record, for this first stash, we did what was mentioned earlier in the thread and found a sale at Kohls and used one of their Kohls cash coupons.
  7. I'm in the opposite situation. I don't drink coffee but the soon to be wife does. We got one of these things for Christmas and once we heard about the reusable filter we bought one. We've also loaded up on a bunch of the standard cups through random sales. So far, she said she isn't too crazy about the reusable one because the coffee has come out weak and she doesn't know how much to put it (that's what she gets for throwing out the directions). As for me, I've tried some of the random non-coffee ones. I have a box of apple cider that is decent. The next one will be hot chocolate, but we haven't found a good deal on those yet. I'm not much of a hot drink drinker in general, but we have the machine, I'm damn well going to use it.
  8. My mind couldn't help but jump right to roid rage when I heard this on the way to work today.
  9. I'm really looking forward to the moment where the lazy asses who think they don't need to clear out their cars finally decide to. Those things are going to be encased in ice soon enough. The only thing I don't like about this storm is that it's the first time I've been in an urban area (Boston) for a huge storm. I'm not looking forward to the hopeless search for parking after work today.
  10. It's been so long since the last one that I've lost complete track of where things were. Wasn't there some secret company that was trying to grab the kid or something?
  11. Is this weight policy something they agree to upon taking the job? If that's the case, the discussion ends right there. You can't agree to something and then complain later if/when you violate the condition.
  12. Jumped the gun a little bit on this one, Mark? Anyway, I'll check out Die Hard at some point, most likely when it hits tv. Otherwise, it looks like I'm saving some money this month. Oh wait, a space movie that uses Shatner's voice. Now I'm intrigued.
  13. There was something in the water that year because the Sabres draft was horrible too. Gaustad in the 7th was the only player to even make it to the NHL (except for one game out of convicted drug smuggler Sean McMorrow).
  14. Facebook has to be very heavily skewed towards younger users. Most younger people are not going to be Bills fans at this point. I'd be curious to see how much these changed by age group. I wonder how much of a spike you would see for teams like Buffalo and Miami who haven't done anything for years among older people.
  15. It would have been funny if they actually had done one of these a year ago and they could actually see now how it panned out. The whole thing just seemed forced to me, especially with them putting their jokes in bold. The whole recurring theme they've had about Flacco not being elite is the perfect example of that. They ran with it over and over, and now that he's in the Superbowl, it has paid off.
  16. They've been hit or miss for a while now, but that one was truly awful.
  17. Is there a point where the half your age plus seven rule is no longer valid?
  18. I wonder if some might view the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises as a bit dated at this point. They definitely were the crown jewels of all things sci-fi throughout my entire life.
  19. He has to have officially claimed the throne of the king of all nerds at this point. I always used to think it belonged to someone like Hugo Weaving for the long list of sci-fi and comic book roles he played, but that has officially been trumped now.
  20. I've worked with some of their people and to label them as a bunch of guys out to make some money is ridiculous. I could go on and on with a list of positives that have come out of the medical research there. The guy I'm really mad at though is that F'er who invented cancer.
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