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Everything posted by shrader

  1. He's really going to regret dropping the gloves the second he lands a punch to the other kids cage.
  2. Let's not kid ourselves. It's TV and corporate sponsor deals that are paying these salaries, not the fans.
  3. My nephew couldn't say truck for a while either. Instead it sounded like rooster. My parents took him to church one day and he was playing with some toys when he decided to yell out "big big big truck". If only they had that on video.
  4. I don't know if a single person (myself included) has ever seen the movie, but the Singles soundtrack is about as good as it gets for anyone who is a fan of the early 90s stuff out of Seattle.
  5. I'm very curious about 42. While watching the commercials lately, I've realized that I really know nothing about Jackie Robinson. I know he broke the color barrier, but why did it end up being him. I'll check that one out at some point. I think it would be hilarious (and awful) if they decided to re-make Army of Darkness.
  6. My brother sent me a picture of it yesterday and the first response was from Donald Jones. I just assumed the two were joking back and forth a bit. Either way, it's hilarious.
  7. Yeah, they pretty much have to completely ignore the Origins movie.
  8. Did they get the Woodbury doctor out of this trade?
  9. I just wonder if they'll even try to explain away the age gap of Cyclops and Havok.
  10. Did you see it (serious question)? To me, it was a lot like Spiderman 3, trying to throw way too much out there at once instead of making the story better.
  11. I'm late to this party. BRAWNDO, is there any chance that you can use this new found power to chase a few posters away?
  12. I really thought they booted the Cyclops character throughout the whole series, but killing him off in the 3rd was even worse. It even seemed like they made such a huge decision on the story based solely on the fact that the actor was also working on the new Superman movie at the time. It really felt like the whole movie was just an ego boost for the biggest actors, Jackman and Berry.
  13. Is this a serious question? I think it would be much easier to list the things I did like about them: 1. The line "I'm the juggernaut, B word" Sadly, that's about all I can think of.
  14. I hope they're not overloading the sequel to first class too much. I really wish they'd separate it from the first three movies thanks to that train wreck of a 3rd film and Wolverine spinoff. From some of the casting stories I've seen though, it looks like it will be tied in very heavily. If they can somehow eliminate those two movies from the continuity, I'll be very happy.
  15. Kind of like how the Orioles brought back their cartoon bird head last year, I'm sure Miami will eventually go back to the helmet wearing dolphin. Sports need more of those cartoon logos (especially when you wear teal and orange).
  16. What they really need is Morgan and all those booby traps.
  17. No, that would end Wile E Coyote style.
  18. I'd go, but the parking is atrocious in that building. The thought of having to pay to park at a supermarket is a bit much to me. Then again, the story says they are planning a store in Burlington, so if that happens, I'm there.
  19. Alcohol is an issue for one person in my party, so that idea is out. That's part of the hassle with thinking up ideas for this stuff. Flasks are just about the only suggestion that ever comes up.
  20. It's August. I've got a decent connection for tickets, so I don't picture that being too much of a problem. There will probably be 4 people who wouldn't be a part my gift portion of the tickets.
  21. I figured I'd bump this one since I'm looking for these gifts right now. I'm trying to do a Red Sox game a couple days before the wedding (which is in NH) and I wonder if that is enough. We've got a bunch of golfers too, so I was thinking about some Titleist hats with team logos on them specific to each person. They only to MLB and college hats though, which might cause some trouble. Also, if I do decide to go with the tickets as gifts, I was planning on inviting a few other people to that game as well. Would it look cheesey if I pay for my groomsmen, but then ask the others to pay?
  22. In general, that type of attitude seems to be more present in hockey players. It's probably just because most of them are Canadian, but there's definitely something different in a lot of them.
  23. I haven't been able to watch much, but so far since his return, Leino has solid numbers. 3 points in 4 games, if he could actually sustain that pace, they'd be getting out of him what they had hoped for.
  24. Or if you turn to celebrity golf tournaments, you'll find just about any link you need.
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