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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I hope they're not overloading the sequel to first class too much. I really wish they'd separate it from the first three movies thanks to that train wreck of a 3rd film and Wolverine spinoff. From some of the casting stories I've seen though, it looks like it will be tied in very heavily. If they can somehow eliminate those two movies from the continuity, I'll be very happy.
  2. Kind of like how the Orioles brought back their cartoon bird head last year, I'm sure Miami will eventually go back to the helmet wearing dolphin. Sports need more of those cartoon logos (especially when you wear teal and orange).
  3. What they really need is Morgan and all those booby traps.
  4. I'd go, but the parking is atrocious in that building. The thought of having to pay to park at a supermarket is a bit much to me. Then again, the story says they are planning a store in Burlington, so if that happens, I'm there.
  5. Alcohol is an issue for one person in my party, so that idea is out. That's part of the hassle with thinking up ideas for this stuff. Flasks are just about the only suggestion that ever comes up.
  6. It's August. I've got a decent connection for tickets, so I don't picture that being too much of a problem. There will probably be 4 people who wouldn't be a part my gift portion of the tickets.
  7. I figured I'd bump this one since I'm looking for these gifts right now. I'm trying to do a Red Sox game a couple days before the wedding (which is in NH) and I wonder if that is enough. We've got a bunch of golfers too, so I was thinking about some Titleist hats with team logos on them specific to each person. They only to MLB and college hats though, which might cause some trouble. Also, if I do decide to go with the tickets as gifts, I was planning on inviting a few other people to that game as well. Would it look cheesey if I pay for my groomsmen, but then ask the others to pay?
  8. In general, that type of attitude seems to be more present in hockey players. It's probably just because most of them are Canadian, but there's definitely something different in a lot of them.
  9. I haven't been able to watch much, but so far since his return, Leino has solid numbers. 3 points in 4 games, if he could actually sustain that pace, they'd be getting out of him what they had hoped for.
  10. Or if you turn to celebrity golf tournaments, you'll find just about any link you need.
  11. An endless amount of football players pray to Jesus during a game. So if they think Jesus is on their team, the connection becomes very easy.
  12. That and it is Indiana Jones' name.
  13. Sammy Baugh coached the 1964 Houston Oilers. George Blanda played on the 1964 Oilers coached by Baugh. Ken Stabler played on the 1975 Raiders with Blanda. Wade Phillips was the defensive coordinator of the 1984 Saints, which Stabler played for. Alex Van Pelt played for the Buffalo Bills while Phillips was head coach. Fitzpatrick played for the Bills while Van Pelt was the offensive coordinator in 2009. I was going to try to tie in Ralph Wilson instead, but I guess I didn't need to.
  14. Were all of the Happy Days spinoffs all directly from that show?
  15. They can bring him back, but only once Quebec's season is done.
  16. I just did a quick google search and a ton of article popped up saying that NBC passed on the spinoff. They were all dated on October 29th. One story from January said that they decided to air the pilot that was shot as an actual Office episode. I didn't watch this week, but it sounds like that is what happened.
  17. I thought they pulled the plug on the spinoff show.
  18. I just wonder how all the current issues with health concerns and the wear and tear from head shots would impact that. All of a sudden, you're adding that much more impact on the bodies of guys who wind up playing at both levels.
  19. He'd win in court too if that idiot tried to complain. The performer didn't initiate contact.
  20. I did that with season 2 and didn't mind one bit all the complaints that people said about the search for Sophia.. DVDs and streaming of shows online has really hurt the "live viewing" of tv shows. That said, I'm 3 episodes behind right now and they're still waiting for me on the DVR. I'm guessing I'll enjoy them all.
  21. The owners get a huge infusion of cash in the form of expansion fees. The union gets more jobs. What's not to love from guys who have nothing but dollar signs in their eyes?
  22. If you went all out geographically, I think Boston would have to wind up with DC-Philly-NY-NJ. That makes too much sense. So obviously there's a bit more than geography driving this one. The Florida teams don't really fit anywhere. I'm sure they'll bounce around yet again when they change the system again in 2-3 years. Any expansion/re-location will demand it. No matter what people say about it already being watered down, this current system with non-balanced conferences will leave the door wide open to expansion.
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