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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I really can't come up with three, but the one sticking out to me right now was a few years ago where I was in the first row for an Alice in Chains concert. Yeah, Layne Staley was long since dead, but I haven't been even remotely close to the stage for any other show in my life. I'm not sure if that fits your concert moment criteria, but the whole thing really does boil down to that one simple fact.
  2. The cops have gone way too far now. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/boston-police-milk-watertown-photo-124528069.html
  3. Another thing you can do is go into the origin menu where you add friends and click on "news". That will give you a list of your friends' recent activities. If they added anyone you will see the names. So you can try to add those people because you know they're active. Oh, and his username is drs5763 if anyone wants to add him. I have no idea if he'll respond or not.
  4. I enjoyed the "Go Bills" message. I'm too lazy to spell things out though. Dropping the eggs is so tedious to me, so I just throw them all together in a corner and get out of there. And speaking of leaving messages, my brother left a note in my town the other day calling me a dick. Then someone else saw it and decided to draw a picture to go along with that word. It was hilarious when I found out he didn't draw it.
  5. I was wondering the same thing. I forget how many they had there to start the night, but you'd have to think at least one or two more are still available.
  6. How close to the time of the pick did it happen? I left the board for a bit right around the time of the trade and didn't check back again until after they took Manuel. But anyway, thanks for getting the place back up. If nothing else, I got to bed earlier last night than I would have thanks to the boards being down.
  7. There's no better way to get someone to look at you than punching them in the face.
  8. I was hoping that it was more of a drive by. He rode past the driver side of the car while it was stuck in traffic, saw the window open and figured what the hell, might as well punch him.
  9. There's far too many 30-40 somethings here in Boston who think they still have a shot at the NHL. If you even brush up against someone accidentally, they're ready to throw punches. I had played for about 6 or 7 years straight year round but took this past winter off. I have to say, I'm really not missing it. I just want to play a fun game and not have to face a constant barrage of slashes and cross checks, but that just doesn't seem to exist around here. Two years ago one of those checks in a so called non-contact league left me with a torn meniscus in my left knee (no penalty called). The very next game which I was watching from the bench, someone threw a leg check at our best player, tearing his ACL. That right there pretty much ended it for me. I came back for a bit after my surgery, but I just didn't enjoy it anymore.
  10. I'd love to know what caused that, but the article brushed over it pretty quickly as if it wasn't important.
  11. The Buddha's suck. I'd just hold on to them in hopes of landing a character at some point. I've got around 160 right now and I'm still worried wasting them. At this point I think I'll hold out for a good deal from Gil.
  12. So maybe it was marshal law that allowed me to leave Boston freely.
  13. Marshal law? I was one town over, in one of the part of the city that had the order to stay inside. Short of Watertown, that order was nothing more than a suggestion and people were smart enough to listen to it. They weren't dragging anyone off the streets and arresting them if they did go outside. I got in my car and left for New Hampshire at around 11am. I even drove by a few cops on the way out. No one said a word to me or stopped me. Sorry, there's nothing but your standard two lane roads there. There's a more commercial area in Watertown with bigger 4 lane roads (wow, what a sprawling metropolis), but that wasn't where they were searching. The cops spotted them at a very low traffic area (at that time of night) in cars which they more than likely were looking for. At that hour with a hightened state of alert among the cops, they were going to be very easy to find in those cars. So here's what I don't get about the people who think the government is framing them for all of this. If they're willing to go to these lengths for god know what reason to screw over these two poor checken kids, why wouldn't they quickly silence the people spouting off on message boards? If you can blow up twin towers and bomb marathons, you sure as hell can make a few message board posters disappear.
  14. I bet I could go for a 5 minute walk and get a couple bullet hole pictures.
  15. This was the question that was on my mind this weekend. Who winds up paying for these medical expenses? I suppose at this point you could go after the bombers, but does the state/city wind up on the hook since this all happened on their streets?
  16. He comes at around level 26 or 27. Keep playing and you'll get him eventually. He's a part of the natural progression of the game.
  17. I had something screwy happen with my account back in September. It wouldn't allow me to connect anymore. I tried it for a couple weeks and then gave up and deleted the app. Then in December, I was bored one day and re-installed it. I was able to connect at that point and I was greeted with 150 donuts. So there must have been some major issue with my account and for whatever reason, they gave me a bunch of donut to make up for it.
  18. People are dumb. As soon as the lifted the order to stay in doors (strangely enough, right before they found him in the boat), people were heading into Watertown so that they could see what happened. Call me crazy, but if I hadn't bailed and headed up north to NH, I sure as hell wasn't going into that town.
  19. I don't know, but it makes so little sense to me that he would be in that area. If this is indeed him, it feels like he wanted to take one last run at setting off a bomb in the middle of the temporary headquarters the police have set up.
  20. If what they're showing on NBC winds up being the guy, that means he made a run for the media. They're basically right outside of where the press conference was.
  21. I think about 75% of Boston residents keep a suicide vest on hand just in case they are ever wrongly accused of bombing the Boston marathon. They sell them in the supermarkets out here.
  22. They just happened to have that stockpile of explosive to throw at police. If by some chance they were ever wrongly accused of a horrible crime, they could throw them at police. Just about everyone is prepared for that, right?
  23. On the news out here maybe 30 minutes ago, they interviewed a mechanic out here who said he has serviced several cars for these kids. He said that on Tuesday (not sure if he meant this past tuesday or not) that one of them wanted one car back before it was fully repaired. If by some chance there is any connection to this Niagara Falls thing, maybe it's possible that was the car.
  24. My mom just called me and told me there's a report out of Buffalo that two Russian nationals were pulled over in Niagara Falls and they may have been at MIT earlier this week. Is anyone out there hearing this?
  25. NBC out here is saying the cops have some one in custody up against a fence outside the house.
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