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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I bet I could go for a 5 minute walk and get a couple bullet hole pictures.
  2. This was the question that was on my mind this weekend. Who winds up paying for these medical expenses? I suppose at this point you could go after the bombers, but does the state/city wind up on the hook since this all happened on their streets?
  3. He comes at around level 26 or 27. Keep playing and you'll get him eventually. He's a part of the natural progression of the game.
  4. I had something screwy happen with my account back in September. It wouldn't allow me to connect anymore. I tried it for a couple weeks and then gave up and deleted the app. Then in December, I was bored one day and re-installed it. I was able to connect at that point and I was greeted with 150 donuts. So there must have been some major issue with my account and for whatever reason, they gave me a bunch of donut to make up for it.
  5. People are dumb. As soon as the lifted the order to stay in doors (strangely enough, right before they found him in the boat), people were heading into Watertown so that they could see what happened. Call me crazy, but if I hadn't bailed and headed up north to NH, I sure as hell wasn't going into that town.
  6. I don't know, but it makes so little sense to me that he would be in that area. If this is indeed him, it feels like he wanted to take one last run at setting off a bomb in the middle of the temporary headquarters the police have set up.
  7. If what they're showing on NBC winds up being the guy, that means he made a run for the media. They're basically right outside of where the press conference was.
  8. I think about 75% of Boston residents keep a suicide vest on hand just in case they are ever wrongly accused of bombing the Boston marathon. They sell them in the supermarkets out here.
  9. They just happened to have that stockpile of explosive to throw at police. If by some chance they were ever wrongly accused of a horrible crime, they could throw them at police. Just about everyone is prepared for that, right?
  10. On the news out here maybe 30 minutes ago, they interviewed a mechanic out here who said he has serviced several cars for these kids. He said that on Tuesday (not sure if he meant this past tuesday or not) that one of them wanted one car back before it was fully repaired. If by some chance there is any connection to this Niagara Falls thing, maybe it's possible that was the car.
  11. My mom just called me and told me there's a report out of Buffalo that two Russian nationals were pulled over in Niagara Falls and they may have been at MIT earlier this week. Is anyone out there hearing this?
  12. NBC out here is saying the cops have some one in custody up against a fence outside the house.
  13. A UPS truck just drove by my home. I'd love to know how he got out since the UPS distribution center is in Watertown like 2 blocks down the street from where the police press conference was. It's maybe a half a mile from where all of this is happening.
  14. Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure if non-local stations were getting the same stuff we are here. And a bomb squad going into the guys home in Cambridge.
  15. I don't think it has anything to do with something nasty being seen on tv. They don't want to give this kid a shot on tv of what is exactly outside of his house or have him hear something that could tip him off to their plans.
  16. Out of curiousity, what station are you watching it on? Are they showing this stuff outside of Boston? And yes, the live viewing is crazy. The cops just shut them down though. So this is definitely the guy. Now they're saying on local tv (NBC station) that they're not giving away any addresses or streets. They just did about 5 minutes earlier! I looked it up and its a neighborhood just off of an area I drive through daily.
  17. I dropped those for you yesterday. Fat Tony's compound comes with the natural progression of the game. The missions will pop up in order after you've gotten all the other stuff like Lenny and Carl. So far, I'm building the Legitimate Socialmen's Business Club.
  18. It sounds like he ran him over after he had already been shot by the police. From what they're saying on the local news, it sounds like the older brother sacrificed himself so his brother could get away. They said he was on the street moving towards the cops and firing. They're surrounding a specific house right now, so he may very well be in there. A woman came out of the house with a young child. They won't say much about it right now. A lot action on a live shot from that house right now. The police are running aroud quite a bit now. They found something.
  19. They reported the MIT cop shooting at around 10:30 and then had a very large manhunt going on right away. At that point I knew it was theses guys. I just wish I had stayed up a little longer because it looks like all the watertown stuff happened about 30 minutes after I turned the tv off.
  20. I'm in somerville right now so fortunately I'm out of the way. It's crazy though to see the video they're showing on TV right now and I recognize one of the streets as one I drive to work on
  21. I work in watertown and a lot of our employees live there. This is going to be a long day. I was going to drive up to NH after work but I may just go now just to be out of Boston.
  22. They're enhanced, basically zoomed in quite a bit.
  23. I hate the way CNN rolls all of their updates into one article. It will say a time and then the latest report. You read through that and it's very easy to lose track of what exactly is recent and what isn't.
  24. I was wondering why they actually decided to run that picture. It is pretty clear that the backpack doesn't match the picture of the blown up one that we've seen plenty of times now. And now to hear that these are high school kids on top of it all? Great job Post.
  25. I got that rock two days ago. Every 4 hours it spits out 10 snakes. It helps a bit. Still, I wish I didn't have to bother with the snake eggs at all. It seems like you get them about a third of the time, so our total snake count would be much higher if not for those. The next item in line for me is a statue. I'm hoping that produces snakes too.
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