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Everything posted by shrader

  1. What does this even mean, is she a crazy cat lady or something?
  2. Of all the people who mentioned Slap Shot 2, have any of you actually seen it? There are some movies you just know not to ever waste your time with.
  3. I'm waiting for the big reveal that Touch was just Jack Bauer undercover the whole time. That show quickly turned into 24 anyway. Hell, just about every episode I saw this year had a guest appearance by a bit player from 24.
  4. You had to pay donuts for the costume. The spotlight was free.
  5. What do people think of the two Harrison Ford Jack Ryan movies? I always like them, but I wonder if people would want to include them on a failed sequel list or not. Either way, the Ben Affleck one would definitely go on my list.
  6. I realize this question is completely pointless, but I wonder how long the NFL would suspend him for if some team was actually dumb enough to sign him.
  7. $750 in my first whack box. On that note, I am officially done killing snakes
  8. I was roped into seeing it tonight (not in 3D though). It was really bad. I have no idea what they were thinking with this one. The combination of over the top visuals and modern music was mind numbingly stupid. I found the party scenes to be nauseating.
  9. At least I won't have to pay anything for the whack boxes. It's a free bonus if I decide to keep playing.
  10. So wait, the Great Gatsby is airing in 3D? That's something I would not have expected.
  11. Yeah, I just got an update with level 29 but Whacking Day is still there. The new update looks like it has Agnes Skinner, the Skinner House, and Sprawl Mart. Oh, and since I'm about 125 snakes away from the first whack box prize, I guess I'll keep trying.
  12. Willie really isn't worth it, but you might as well get what you can.
  13. If anyone is thinking about sending eggs, don't bother with me. I got the motel yesterday, so I'm all set. And as for the next theme, I wonder if they do a quick mother's day mini-update similar to Moe's suit.
  14. Accidentally pulling down the shower curtain rod and having it hit her is one hell of a "walked into a doorknob story". But if that is true, that's one hell of a case of bad luck.
  15. There has to be a few more commentators out there like that, but none are coming to mind right now. I'm kicking myself right now since I can't think of more.
  16. It's funny when the characters do wind up going through buildings or decorations. They either walk sideways or look like they're moonwalking. That's the one thing I do like about the snakes. Thanks to this little bug, you'll get a few that are side winding through a parking lot.
  17. Your reasoning is identical to mine. The top 3 seem like no brainers to me, but then that last slot is a toss up for me. I think I'd actually go with OJ though if for no other reason to actually get another era represented.
  18. I think I'll get the motel right as it ends. It is going to be close though.
  19. It's 20 minutes tops, but a town I would otherwise not go to for movies. I'm not big on IMAX, but Star Trek sounds like a good one for that.
  20. Tatum is even better. The tasks I've seen so far are nothing special except for walking the tiger like UCONN mentioned. That is awesome. And as for the eggs, now that the friends list is no longer alphabetized, it was way too painful to spread them around. My brother's town showed up on the first page of my friends, so he's been getting all the eggs.
  21. I have to drive her and my mom to a wedding shower on May 18th which is being held in the same town as a massive IMAX theater. Star Trek opens that weekend. Problem solved!
  22. Don't you just love when you read a thread title and you already know what the first response will be?
  23. It's amazing what people fall for too. I was at a casino last night and standing by a blackjack table. They had some strange side bet thing about matching cards. This woman was doing it each time and she never won once. The rate this woman was blowing through money was shocking. She then walked off pissed after she disagreed with one choice my friend made. Funny, I would have thought dropping hundreds of dollars in five minutes would make you walk off pissed.
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