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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Something seems off to me with her face in general. I can't figure out what it is.
  2. Kirk would never be caught dead in a Canadiens hat (actually, he probably would, but damnit, he wouldn't be photographed in it)
  3. Since they're generally viewed as the greatest of all time, overrated seems like a very likely option.
  4. The idea that Pearl Jam was constantly trying to re-capture Ten is so far off. If anything, I would expect the public reaction to be the exact opposite, that they evolved too much. If anyone can listen to Ten and then listen to Backspacer (their most recent album which wasn't mentioned) and tell me that there is no progression there, they're crazy.
  5. The having a baby one was only asked to half of the sample, so the numbers aren't going to match up. Anyway, I liked: -Doctor assisted suicide 45% -Suicide: 16%
  6. The last time they did it it was 50% off. This one is only 25%. I guess they're trying to hold people's interest until the next event with a little offer like this one. Personally, I'm at a point where I'm not all that interested. I sign in, send everyone on 24 hour quests, then come back in a day or two.
  7. I wish it was a package deal with buildings instead. I've got 172 donuts burning a hole in my pocket.
  8. These aren't Make A Wish kids making these invitations anymore, are they?
  9. All the way through high school I went to a dentist named Dr. Hertz. I never saw even one other patient in that office other than my parents and my brothers.
  10. Unless you're trying to get the escalator, popsicle tower, and magnifying glass, money really shouldn't be an issue anymore. I haven't done any crazy money making schemes, but I still managed to buy the escalator and have maybe $1.5 million now. You should have so many buildings by the time you're level 29 anyway that you will generate a good chunk of change each time you play the game.
  11. What exactly are they charging her with if the kid is 18?
  12. I was bored and hated the movie the entire way. I guess it did get its message across though because I was pretty freaked out afterwards when I was driving my friend back home in Eden traveling on some very obscure, heavily wooded roads in the middle of nowhere.
  13. I enjoyed Caddyshack 2 when I was a kid, mostly because it was on HBO all the time when I was younger. I saw part of it in recent years and realized how dumb I was as a kid. I miss those days though. If I could find a piece of garbage like that entertaining, life could not have been any easier. At least some of the movies from my youth have held up well over the years. Spaceballs was another one I watched all the time and thank god, that is still just as incredible today.
  14. Gabe... now that was an annoying character
  15. I've never had an experience where a person sitting next to me completely ruined a movie for me, but that happened today. This woman laughed at everything. Villain reveal? Laugh. Crazy action scene? Laugh. Dramatic scenes full of deaths? Laugh. I'm pretty sure this woman laughed when she watched Schindler's List. It was beyond obnoxious. I wish I had more to say about the movie. I enjoyed it, but I would have soaked in so much more if I had been able to peacefully watch it. Other than that woman, I wasn't crazy about the ending, but the rest I liked.
  16. If nothing else, I can live with this finale because we got to see that Michael is happy. As much as they played up Jim and Pam over the years, it still was all about Michael in the end.
  17. I did a regular scratch off last night. Just second before I clicked on it I told myself I should really pay the dollar this time around, but passed. It would have netted me 50 donuts. As for things I've seen that I like, I don't think it is any of you, but some people have lined up fences and green hedges just right to give it a 3D look. I think that's really cool. One guy built up a giant wooden wall around the army base. Another one used green hedges to make pyramid like steps up to the Buddhist temple. I'm not the least bit creative, so stuff like that really impresses me.
  18. That's actually what made the show so good. Characters like Creed belong in the background. The cast was full of perfect characters like that. Highlight them for 2 minutes or so each episode and its perfect. Carell left and they had to give them the airtime they weren't worthy of (Andy Bernard). And yes, I was dead silent until that TWSS joke. Thank you Michael Scott for single-handedly making those jokes relevant again over the last 8 years.
  19. Well that finale reminded me of exactly what was missing over the last two years. I laughed four times: each of Michael's lines and the Creed stuff at the end
  20. No it's just a bunch of new items that tie into random episodes from this entire past season. Nothing that seems worthwhile to me
  21. Your mentioning of US Marshals a few days back almost made me mention it. Releasing sequels of remakes (or movie versions of TV shows) just seems strange to me. And yes, that movie was awful. I hate that I paid money to see all those actors just sit back and have fun.
  22. I'm going to watch it, but I've only seen bits and pieces of the last two seasons. The end of this series reminds me a lot of how they ended Scrubs. They put together a great episode to send off the main star, but then for whatever reason, tried to keep it going after that. I'm sure we'll all look back some day and completely ignore these last two years.
  23. You get Miss Springfield with the motel. Personally, I think she's a waste of space. You get some funny interactions with Quimby, but otherwise she's pointless. There's also no voice to go with her, which to me makes a character less worthwhile.
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