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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And it's even more fun when you realize that those sites can manipulate those headlines however they want to get a reaction.
  2. As I started watching it, I was hoping that they could somehow incorporate the wild animals like they had in Red Dead Redemption. It looks like they did.
  3. We have a guy we call the nester. At some point in the day, someone throws a huge pile of clean toilet paper in the corner of the stall behind the toilet. No one knows who it is or why he does it.
  4. You know what's even worse? "Watertown strong".
  5. I'll call it "getting older" since I'm not in the same neighborhood as a lot of you. It's amazing how much longer the recovery time from any muscle aches keeps getting.
  6. This summer season has ended pretty quickly for me (well, I am going to see Man of Steel tonight, then it is done). I may check out Wolverine if I get bored one day and have free time. I'm not too anxious to see it though. I really enjoyed Red, but I'll probably hold out on that sequel until it is on free tv in a year or so.
  7. I had my first professional job for just over 6 years. I'm now at 2.5 on my second one. I'm not so sure I ever picture getting up to 10 years at any one place.
  8. The story in question was in the Sporting News. I have no idea if it first appeared in the Buffalo News or not (I did not read it either), but if it was intended for the Sporting News, he's now writing for a completely different audience and not the local paper. And if it did also appear in the Buffalo News, please pretend that my post never happened.
  9. Where do they typically put guys who are awaiting trial? Do they get thrown into the crappy places right away before conviction?
  10. Does it matter in the eyes of the law? If they're all present and working together, do they all get the same charge regardless of who pulled the trigger?
  11. So the guy was directly behind you the whole time giving the thumbs up? I'm trying to picture how you saw the thumb and returned the gesture. If you're side by side I can picture it, but not front and back. Anyway, I've had moments of random jackassery where I've given another car a sarcastic thumbs up after they did something stupid. Nothing like this though.
  12. The thing talks and actually says what the alarm is about. So when I set it off, it says something like "Alert, alert. Carbon monoxide detected. Carbon monoxide levels are: 0 (units)". So it's is alerting me to CO and at the same time telling me there is none present. I know it is the remote because I have tested it out. I can stand directly under it, point the remote at the detector and hit a button. It goes off every time. But whatever, I'm moving out of that place this weekend anyway.
  13. Lines like this one make me question whether or not the article is real:
  14. My cable remote sets off my CO detector. It's really annoying. I can't sit on one side of the couch because of it. I called 911 once when I was in high school. Kids next door were launching fireworks at my house and I saw a nasty burn mark on the front porch. I'm sure I could have stopped them myself, but I wanted to scare them.
  15. I had to use a bathroom at a restaurant years ago when I was hit by a random stomach ailment. Like most people I'm sure, I hate using a public crappy, but when you have to, you have to. Anyway, this random guy walks in and starts prying at the door. He may as well have been using a crowbar. He essentially broke the door open and then yells out "oh what the hell man, lock the damn door". It wasn't a weak lock either. And one pet peeve for me: people who are using the urinal and start ripping off loud farts. I know you're in the right room for that, but at least wait until the room is empty. We have a small 1 stall/1 urinal bathroom here at work, so 9 times out of 10 you're the only one in there.
  16. The only problem with that approach is that it gives a big boost to their competitor. I guess that doesn't matter all that much though because short of either side doing something catastrophic, they're both always going to have a very sizable share of the console market.
  17. I'm annoyed by my supervisor telling me that she is recommending me for a promotion and the company has never once rejected her recommendation in the 10 years she's been here, but then finding out that there's a first time for everything. My solution? Either fire or shiv the mo'fo.
  18. The writers could always go out on a limb and predict good things for the team. Sure, they'll lose all credibility when that prediction fails miserably year after year, but hey, they'll please a few message board posters.
  19. The storage space for the PS3 expanded ridiculously over time. I got mine maybe 2 years after they introduced the system and it was something like 60GB. The drive that spins the CDs failed last year and its wasn't worthwhile to just replace the part, so I got a completely new one. It was about half the price of my first one and has something like 300GB. That's one thing they can't update with a patch. Maybe they do move to more cloud based stuff this time, but there will still be physical changes that will happen with the system. Maybe a new one is backwards compatible, maybe something else very useful.
  20. I haven't been following any of the rookie stuff, so I have no idea what that means.
  21. You'll have to buy it eventually as a part of the progression for the Squidport questline anyway. I just got that one today, but since I already bought him, it passed me along to the next step.
  22. It say "damages estimated to Metropolis" right at the top.
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