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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's still a whole lot of ifs though. I'll take that #1 any day though. Spiller alone is a lot more out of a draft than it seems the Bills have been getting in most recent years.
  2. Just for the record, there are no hands free laws for cell phones out here, so it is perfectly legal to make a phone call.
  3. I saw this story on the news last night and it is just about the dumbest thing I've ever seen. People were holding their cell phones out their car windows to film it. So that makes the fact that not a single person called the cops that much more mind-numbing. You've got the phone right there in your hand you idiot!
  4. Wasn't there an NFL team that started the season with one guy who did both within the last couple years? If I remember right, they quickly bailed on the experiment, possibly due to injury.
  5. I had a guy yesterday cut over into my lane and then immediately slam his breaks. At first I assumed it was some insurance scam or something, but then I realized it was a very nice BMW. I have no idea what this guy was doing, but add him to the list of jerks.
  6. No one responded to it, but this is the big issue with having one guy to do both. If that guy gets hurt, you're suddenly out of both a kicker and a punter with no one left to replace those duties.
  7. I've got a strange one going with my card right now. I made a decent sized donation to a charity (Michael J Fox Foundation) and I used my card for the payment. They haven't actually put a charge on my card yet though even after sending a thank you note for the donation. I'm going to correct it at some point, but part of me still wonders if they're waiting for a certain time to actually make the charge. At this point, I guess I'll just wait until my current bill closes and then contact them.
  8. He has to know that all of his web traffic comes directly from this board. And on that note, how does that link not go right to that page?
  9. I heard this one from two homeless looking guys talking on the streets of New Orleans yesterday. It would make a great bumper sticker: "You don't have to wash your whole ass, you just have to wash your !@#$."
  10. I just got 30 donuts in the once a week mystery box. Nice!
  11. I predicted it a while back and it has officially happened. They put out a massive update on the week of my wedding. I won't be touching this one until mid august
  12. Maybe he made a really big S.
  13. How did he even do that much if he was cuffed? You probably don't have very much arm to work with thanks to the limited range of motion.
  14. Years? It hasn't even been one.
  15. Telling people they're idiots is actually providing a valuable service to the board. So DC Tom is actually being polite to the rest of us.
  16. I'm not quite at that kid stage yet, but I'm 31 and getting married this weekend. I'm the youngest of 3, so my parents are a bit older. I was at a birthday party for a 1 year old this weekend and the kid's great grandmother was there. It bothers me sometimes when I realize that my own kid will be very lucky to even have a grandparent around for some of the bigger events (graduation, wedding, etc...).
  17. Another Futurama fan here.
  18. And then there's the Cool Cats.
  19. No, it was well post-Kim. I think it was also the first season that wasn't on NBC, so it was probably very easy to miss.
  20. Did you at least watch up to where JD left (but didn't really leave)? That one was really well done.
  21. I saw Despicable Me 2 last week. It was a bit of minion overload. That and the story didn't work at all. The first one was fun seeing the girls slowly win him over. This time around, it just seemed forced, trying to recreate that same process with the female agent.
  22. They mention Coulson being killed in NY on the trailer. That rules out a prequel. That and if it is all new events in that timeline, they will be able to tie it into any of the upcoming movies.
  23. I just have a hard time believing that someone like Loki would screw up and not kill him quickly especially with that magic spear he had. Oh well, I'll get over it since Coulson was very entertaining.
  24. Three months for me to figure out how to continue watching this show. I don't have AMC anymore.
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