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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The wife has a 4 and I have a 4S. She's due for an upgrade, but I have to wait until Thanksgiving. We'll probably both be getting one of these two once my deal is up (we just got married so we still have separate accounts until my deal is up). I'm not all that picky about this stuff, but at this point, I'd rather stick with what is familiar. I'm glad I have to wait until November though, the initial rush to buy these things is always so stupid. How much difference is there between the two new models? I haven't seen any of the descriptions yet, other than the finger print thing. I know I could just google it, but someone here will probably do a much better job of summing it up in terms that aren't way over my head.
  2. That is pure brilliance. It is one thing for some random people to fake something like that. But for it to be someone so high profile faking the tape and getting away with it? Perfect.
  3. Michael Keaton? Where the hell has he been? The cast seems pretty intriguing to me. Gary Oldman alone peaks my interest in this one. I think I'll have to wait until free cable or Netflix to see this one though. I do hope they work in some very minor cameos for guys like Peter Weller and Kurtwood Smith.
  4. Ok, I'll go ahead and plead ignorance. What does that even mean?
  5. It's a shame those girls weren't the ones who put the noose around his neck.
  6. "Future employer" implies that they still actually hire her after doing that google search.
  7. I'm kind of curious after reading this. I know that all of my maternal great-grandparents came over from Poland as kids. I don't know much about my dad's side though. His father did a lot of searching on his family back in the early 90s, but I don't know what ever came of that. I think there was some sort of early death/remarriage that clouded that branch of the tree quite a bit.
  8. Why is it that the conspiracies always tend towards the most outrageous and elaborate schemes? Laser guided planes, bombs in the buildings, hundreds of passengers who are now off in hiding somewhere and were never actually on the planes... Why don't they instead go with the angle that the government was aware of the plan but let it happen anyway. That one would at least be somewhat plausible idea that you might be able to convince more people to go along with. Does that theory just not sell enough books or get enough youtube hits? Or do people just tend to let their imaginations wonder a bit towards the crazy scifi angle?
  9. So is that a "cheat sheet" with some lyrics on her arm or an actual tattoo?
  10. They should make that the back of Jennifer Garner's head while they're at it.
  11. I saw something on the news last night that said the Smith picture wasn't even in reaction to Cyrus. It was a reaction to something else at another point in the night. I have no idea if that is true or not. With all of this crap, I think I found a new favorite local news person out here in Boston last night. They were going through this stupid story that doesn't deserve our attention and then the anchor ended it by saying "why does she do this stuff". The anchor woman working with him responded with "she wants attention and to be mentioned on tv... oh, am I not supposed to say that?". It was great. For at least a brief second one of the news people admitted how pathetic their business of shock journalism is. She was definitely frustrated by it. The last part of the quote was clearly a reaction to something that was said to her over her ear piece.
  12. I love that movie, but for whatever reason, the ref suit doesn't stick out in my mind. The question still stands about that other guy though.
  13. Why's that guy dressed like a ref?
  14. Would you happen to have a link to any quote like that? I haven't seen anything of the sort, but I could just be looking in the wrong places.
  15. I could see Peter Venkman going that route.
  16. If they're looking to the Dark Knight Rises, it is going to be a very very loose version of it. That one is basically senior citizen Batman. This movie is going to be their first step towards the Justice League and they can't do that with an old, at the end of his career/life Batman. The articles I've read today said they were looking for a late 30s, early 40s age for Batman, so it will be very different. They had the heavy rumors last week of Warner Brothers throwing a $50 million offer at Christian Bale. That alone if true give some support to the idea that they have considered it being the same world as the Nolan movies.
  17. I'll get over it as long as it does wind up as a reboot Batman character and not the one from the Nolan-Bale trilogy. If they try to make this the same world as those movies, it is going to be a major mistake.
  18. Ahhh crap, I missed the listing of the light years when I read it. Still, its interesting to think that what we're seeing is completely different than what that star actually looks like right now. I wonder if it actually is a regular star at this point. I have no idea how long that process is supposed to take.
  19. And the question I like to think of when I see stuff like this: How long ago was that star actually born?
  20. It is mentioned that they checked both the weight and the height, but then the results completely ignore the height. I wonder how that measure stacks up.
  21. The thing is, if he's not somehow in on it, he knows exactly who sold him out by selling letters. That can easily catch up to these guys in the future, especially with these gang ties.
  22. Was it the seizure inducing post from earlier today that pushed you over the edge? That crazy result of cut and pasting sure does wind up looking like a spam attempt.
  23. Well that and Martz refusal to give the ball to Faulk.
  24. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a quick money making scheme. He attaches another letter that tells the person to sell it so they can make some cash.
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