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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Yeah, I haven't been back there since that ride finished, other than to pop the balloons. I just hope there aren't any tasks to go along with the ride which will get in the way of the Halloween stuff.
  2. And there is a new krustyland ride in this event
  3. Crap, I'm only on basic cable so I won't get the opener on NBC's cable channel. I do have a box though, so I'd imagine the free preview will still work for the others. I'll check it out tonight to see if any of any of the other games do show up.
  4. The holiday buildings are always cheap. They set them that way so that people who just started playing the game can buy them. It's the same reason that whenever we are able to do special tasks for the holiday, it will be characters like Homer, Lisa, Flanders, or Apu. Those are all the people you get very early in the game. mrags, what type of phone are you on? I had to download an update through the iTunes store before the game could update.
  5. I'm so tempted to speed up that first building to see where this thing goes. From the brief description I saw on the iStore description, it looks like we will have items to drop in friends' towns again.
  6. It's not the same thing obviously, but aren't there plenty of stories out there of pitchers getting tommy John surgery even though they don't need it?
  7. When I hear the term home invasion, I think of some sort of massive robbery, not storming a house with the sole intention of murder.
  8. Then he goes off on a rampage because he has a Canadian accent.
  9. I bet he cheap shotted himself.
  10. You'll wind up with a bunch of other garbage posts by doing that though. People will pad post with more nonsense just to get to whatever cutoff is set.
  11. Just out of curiosity, do any of these characters actually exist in the comics? I read somewhere that they added Phil Couslon in the comics recently due to his popularity, but did any of these people exist prior to this show?
  12. I get a good laugh out of how crazy Trevor is. It probably helps that the people he hangs out with are borderline retarded. That combination works for me. I haven't reunited him with the others yet, so maybe that changes.
  13. I'm kind of liking my new found role in recent years where I don't know who the Bills play next until Monday morning.
  14. It probably happens a lot more with comedies, but we can put together a much longer list of shows with bad pilots that wind up hitting their stride once given some time. The networks don't typically give shows any time anymore for this to happen. This one will probably be given that time though due to all of their connections. So I think with this one, we will eventually find out whether or not they right the ship.
  15. I'm right there with you. I don't know how much you can judge a show by the pilot though. How many shows actually nail it from day 1? With the Disney juggernaut behind this one, I'm sure it will be given enough time to see whether or not it develops.
  16. I'm not sure whether or not the show will have a long shelf life after watching the pilot. It was decent, but I could see this one going either way. And as for Coulson, they've obviously got a lot more story planned on his "death".
  17. It's so easy to miss one of those on screen directions that pop up in the top corner. There are way too many distractions on screen at the same time.
  18. Just in case you haven't figured this out yet... You're on PS3 right? If you have the text message with the link to the stock market all you have to do is hit the square button.
  19. Mine hasn't frozen yet. Then again, I've only played long enough to do the first mission (Franklin "stealing" a car). Hopefully I can find some time this weekend.
  20. I was really hoping he would shoot the zombie at the end of that one.
  21. I love that they don't mass produce these games and put them out every single year Call of Duty-style. Working on a game like this for 4-5 years allows them to do all of the stuff you just mentioned, a ton of depth and not a game that you will put away permanently after a couple months.
  22. And now if only I could find some time to play it.
  23. I must have phrased it poorly, but that's exactly what I meant. They wore red helmets at that point, so instead of switching to a white throwback helmet, they just slapped a white standing buffalo on the red helmets.
  24. Didn't they have this same exact problem a while back (maybe mid-90s)? The Bills wound up wearing a red helmet with the white standing Buffalo on it as a "throwback" during an NFL anniversary year.
  25. I was fully expecting to see when CBS will air Rudolph and Frosty when I clicked on this thread.
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