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Everything posted by shrader

  1. In my mind, the consolation point is actually the one awarded to the shootout winner. Those games are just ties with an additional bonus point awarded. But that is a rant for another thread/board.
  2. They have outscored their opponent only once so far in 17 games. That is impressively bad.
  3. I love this idea.
  4. I go by avatar. How can you not? We have such a simple setup here (and thank god for it) that they really stick out.
  5. I feel like the eye patch might tip her off a bit though. The thought would at least have to cross her mind if she comes across anyone with an eye patch. Surely someone at the prison would have at least mentioned that.
  6. When you say that it won't go over well with some, do you mean viewers or other characters on the show? If it is other characters, does anyone other than Herschel even know about that Carl incident? Either way, I'd call that one a much more sensible case of self-defense than what Carol did. There's a whole lot of gray area with that one. No one knows for sure whether or not that kid was going to try something. With Carol, no matter what her reasoning, we still know what the outcome was going to be. Whether she killed them or not, the flu was still going to spread.
  7. They might be running with the racial angle for the wrong reasons, but to me, that's the most interesting thing about Incognito's rants. I can't picture how Incognito can get away with the racial stuff in that locker room since he's the minority there. He'll never follow up on the threats, so they are nothing more than idiotic ramblings. The racial thing though, I don't know how that doesn't paint Incognito in a horrible light in that locker room.
  8. No they don't. They still count against the cap but. Not the roster limit.
  9. This one probably bugs me more than it would most, but it really is a head scratcher. On my floor here at work, there are two sets of bathrooms. One is at one end of the building and the other on the opposite end. My office is pretty much right in between so I have a 50/50 choice. As you face the doors, one end has the men's room on the left and the women's room on the right. The other end (which I don't use very often) has the men's room on the right. When I first started working here, the first time I went to that second option, I almost walked into the women's room. I don't know if there is any set standard for which room is on which side, but it there should be a standard within a building.
  10. I think the character overload wouldn't be so bad if it was the same characters past and present, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It looks like only Xavier, Magneto, and Wolverine are around at both time points. First Class was very good, but now that they have decided to continue on after the original trilogy, that brings X3 back into the picture. But hey, in a JJ Abrams' Star Trek type way, this one looks to be completely destroying that time line, so I'm cool with that.
  11. Looking over all of the post-lockout drafts, I wouldn't mind the 2nd overall pick one bit. Granted, the fall from Crosby to Bobby Ryan is a big one just like the fall from McDavid may wind up being the same, but there is some prime talent available at #2.
  12. It'll never happen, but I would like to see how long Morgan's defenses would last against a herd like that.
  13. I was wondering how long it would take to mention the Canadian stations. I can't count the number of times I randomly flipped back and forth through the two stations we had hoping for a glimpse.
  14. Something has to come of it. They said the vet clinic they were headed to was 50 miles away. They sure as hell aren't walking back.
  15. If they shut it down, hopefully it is replaced with a sewage processing plant.
  16. I fear for character overload in this one. It almost feels like there should have been one more movie between First Class and this, but I guess Hollywood likes to jump into the deep end quickly now (ie. Batman vs. Superman). I really hope they get this one right though. Anything that removes X3 from memory is good by me.
  17. Do they even know it is a flu at this point? They pretty much have to cover all their bases and get anything they can. But anyway, I could see people in a panic situation like this (as if there would be some realistic panic moment anything like this one) not having any clue what they actually need. But hey, that massive zombie herd was pretty damn cool. There's one thing that could definitely bring down the prison if it ever moved that way.
  18. Who was the first person to ever link to that site? These are the kind of stories that need to be told.
  19. How many hellicarriers does SHIELD have that can and will be destroyed?
  20. I'd put more weight into an idea like that if a guy like Scotty Bowman, possibly the greatest coach of all time, never played pro hockey. I'm sure we could come up with a long list of other coaches who never made it as a player. If a player doesn't want to listen to a coach since he never made it to the big time, I'm going to call them spoiled and arrogant.
  21. Both Kane and Toews cannot sign a new contract until after this season. It is not allowed by the CBA.
  22. It started out well last season too. The first episode where they broke into the prison was great stuff. Hopefully they can sustain it this time because they couldn't last year.
  23. I could see it being one of the girls though. They did it last year with the mysterious figure watching carol in the yard practicing c sections on zombies. We wanted to think it was someone special but it just wound up being the inmate we thought was dead.
  24. Like I said, I was the first in line at several red lights, so it stands to reason that without the delay I probably would have made one of those lights. Honestly though, the frustration is more of a statement about the conditions of the road around here lately. Things have been god awful slow since school started up, much worse than in previous years. Add that extra slow down this morning to all those factors (including the way maniacs drive out here) and I'm just about ready to slam my head through the window.
  25. Every time I think about the future of this offense, I wonder about how much longer Kyle Williams can maintain his level of play. He's not getting any younger. How many of the top DTs excel into their 30s? I have no idea what the answer is, but I'd expect the wear and tear at that position to be pretty tough as guys cross over to the wrong side of 30.
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