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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm really starting to hate trailers like this one that are blatantly designed for 3D. They did it with the first movie too, way too much coming towards the screen. I really hope that fad dies out sooner or later.
  2. I have always loved Christmas, so my biggest complaint about the season is how so many people feel the need to rant about how much they hate it. I don't even mean threads like this one specifically, just the complaints that seem to be pretty widespread everywhere I go.
  3. Emily is the name of the actress (Hershel's daughter). The character's name is Beth.
  4. My two favorites are Die Hard and Gremlins.
  5. What about the Oedipus complex that Santa has going, constantly calling the wife "mama"?
  6. Shouldn't Hermie be dancing with one of the male elves?
  7. I took the wife this weekend. All I could think the whole time was that they went an recreated the Star Wars trilogy for teenage girls. It was watchable, but I don't get why those movies are so popular. She'll have to pay me back by going to Anchorman next month.
  8. I don't get all the details, but that sounds a lot like where my father-in-law is at right now, constant trips to the hospital and one procedure on a lung in the past month. It sure does leave a giant cloud hovering over life right now.
  9. Have you seen the Cadbury "Screme" Eggs that they now put out at Halloween? It's great and all that they are now available at another time of the year, but it still just seems so wrong to me. They're not as special now that they've added a second season.
  10. No, you can't send any CHL player down the the AHL while their season is ongoing. They can be in either the CHL (WHL, OHL, or QMJHL) or the NHL and that's it. Once a player is in the CHL, they cannot return to the NHL until their season is done, unless it is an emergency call up (I don't know if these actually exist anymore, but they used to). Years back Marty Biron made his Sabres debut on an injury call up. This rule is in place so that the junior leagues don't get raided of all their talent. Without it, every drafted player would wind up in the AHL right away and the junior league talent would be heavily diluted. I assume the rule you're hearing about a two player limit is that the junior leagues only allow their teams to carry at most 2 non-North American players at any time. This is being mentioned because Quebec, the junior team that has his rights, already has two non-NA players on their roster.
  11. Who was it that suggested moving Jasper to inside LB?
  12. I did notify them of the problem. It took a couple days to get a response and when I finally did, it was mostly useless. I deleted the game shortly after that.
  13. I lost access to mine for a while last year. I think I went about 2 months without accessing it. After a couple weeks, I deleted the game, so I'm not sure how long it was actually out of commission. I downloaded it again after those 2 months because I was bored one day and it finally worked again. When I got back on the game, I had something like 250 donuts waiting for me. So maybe there's one little bonus coming your way if/when you are able to play again.
  14. Either Nestle Crunch or the 100 Grand bar. It all depends on whether or not I'm in a caramel mood.
  15. Whether or not this person goes after the Bills as well, you better believe that the team is going to go out of their way to do right by this guy. I'm not sure what his situation is ticket-wise, but he's probably got lifetime season tickets out of this one.
  16. And if he is still with that family, he is very likely not standing near the gates of the prison all by himself at the end of the previous episode. That family is not long for this earth. They'll be dead next week.
  17. This one probably will be the classic case of building up a character right before you kill him off. We get one more episode of him next week and then we're at the half season finale. So we'll get some sort of fire fight and then the prison will probably be no more.
  18. So how much longer will it be until another one of those "Why are they talking hockey on WGR?" threads over on the main board?
  19. Every team seems to do it now, bringing back a former player.
  20. I can't say I can blame the average American if it was never actually taught to them. I don't know if it was that way for everyone else, but I barely touched anything post-civil war in my high school history classes (and never took any history classes beyond that point). It always drove me crazy how little time they spent on the more recent history. It is the most relevant to where we are as a world today. I wonder how many many Americans know nothing more of the middle east than what Ben Affleck showed them in Argo.
  21. Or put the kid in the seat temporarily and then take off the jacket once the car has warmed up.
  22. Like the person who starts the car and then immediately backs out without even bothering to turn around and look? I love those people.
  23. I went to the WWII museum in New Orleans this summer. All I could think while going through the Pacific Ocean portion of the museum is how so little of that half of the war is taught. School pretty much just mentioned Pearl Harbor and then jump to the bombs, nothing in between. There was some truly brutal stuff on display at that museum.
  24. My wife has pulled a ton of recipes off of pinterest. So I'm cool with it.
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