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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was in a store in New Orleans this summer and they had this contest to see if people could tolerate a sauce made from ghost pepper extract. You had to stand there for a couple minutes without eating/drinking anything else after trying the sauce. They required you to sign a waiver in order to do it. Some idiot woman actually let her ~10 year old kid try it. It should have qualified as child abuse. Anyway, my wife was nagging me to try the sauce after watching two other people do it. I wanted no part in it because I was well aware of what I would have been getting myself into. After the two idiots and the kid left the store, the guy behind the counter, who I had been joking with the whole time handed me a tortilla chip with a tiny pinhead sized drop on it. That single drop took over about half of my tongue. It was crazy how strong that stuff was. I can't even imagine the hell that anyone went through after eating a chip soaked in it. Oh, and my wife had no idea what she was trying to get me to do. This was the last night of our honeymoon. That would have been the end of that vacation.
  2. I've seen this glitch a million times and it never gets old. I find Rex Banner interrogating Ned Flanders and then I see Flanders walking one street over. Two Flanders in one town, I love it! Now if only I could send that extra Flanders on a separate quest.
  3. They really are idiots. I can't count the number of times I've seen a biker make some sort of crazy move right in front of me and you can tell that they're thinking "don't worry, the car will swerve or stop". Even if by some chance they are in the right with one of these moves, how on earth is it worth the risk? I've got a crosswalk in front of my office where cars routinely run red lights (and not just a light that just turned from yellow to red, they just flat out ignore a light that has been red for 40 seconds). Even though I have the right of way as a pedestrian when that walk signal is blinking, I'm ridiculously cautious on that crosswalk each day. The driver may be wrong, but I still lose that collision badly any time it happens.
  4. You'll occasionally get prompted for a quest to grow stuff but it's not manditory. You can just ignore them and it won't stop the game from progressing. If you do want to cancel the corn though you can place the farm in storage (click the move button, select the farm, then tap the button that looks like a box). When you pull the farm back out of storage, the corn will not be growing anymore. Leave the corn though. It won't hurt you and you spent a good chunk of money to start it.
  5. The little animated clips they had early in the game. They looked like they were straight from the show.
  6. I wish they would put more cut scenes in. I don't think there's been one since level 20. That's the best return you'll ever get on a Buddah. Moleman goes for what, 60 donuts? That's 15 well spent. I'm not so sure I'd run that risk again though. You'll likely wind up with some white fences or an orange tree next time. As for donuts, cash is just about the only other way. They'll give a few away in some of the holiday updates, but usually not much, 10-15 at most. They did screw up with last year's Christmas event which landed me probably about 200 donuts, but that won't happen again. They know better now.
  7. It might not always work though. Some of them could be up to the 100 friend limit. I had to drop a few people to add Fergy's family. They've made removing friends very difficult now. I actually had to download another EA game with better controls just to do that.
  8. I still have not been able to get them to stack beyond 2. I always click once I see an extra handshake though.
  9. Fergy, I just remembered a little trick for you and your family. Tap on Homer. When the window with his tasks pops up, keep clicking on Homer 10 times. You'll eventually get a statue of Jebidiah Springfield and 10 donuts.
  10. I started corn this week. See you in three months
  11. I also read that it is a little tricky to get more than two stacked handshakes. You can only get one new handshake each time you log in to your town. So if you and Fergy were to tap my squidport right now, the next time I check in, I'll only have one new handshake. In order to get the third handshake, I would have had to connect to my town and clear out other buildings. People can still tap the tile at will and get the big XP though. So I guess this means the more frequently you check your town, the more likely you are to get a few extra tiles.
  12. As long as you tell them to click on my squidport tile.
  13. That's an interesting thought. If there ever was a Pixar movie made for a sequel, it is The Incredibles, especially with the boom in super hero stuff now. They could easily make a franchise out of that movie if they wanted to.
  14. I screwed up and accidentally clicked on it. For me it takes 3 days before the next one is ready. I think it should be back tomorrow. Mrags, you can work around that by leaving one handshake. If you have 5 handshakes stacked up, only tap it 4 times. You will get your 4 tiles and the squidport will still be tappable for anyone who visits your town. I screwed up and hit the last hand shake the other day when I was trying to clear out other buildings in that area.
  15. I'd actually be curious to see if Smith's character would still wind up being the smart ass type that he was. He's probably too old to pull it off now, but since I grew up watching the Fresh Prince, it might be interesting to see him be a smart ass again like he was in Independence Day (basically just the Fresh Prince in the Air Force).
  16. I screwed up and accidentally clicked my last squidport handshake. Now I have to wait 3 days for the next one. Annoying. So much for that big XP bump people were getting from it.
  17. I can't visit until later today. But I can tell you what the stacked handshakes look like. They are very close together, so it will look like there is a slight outline around a handshake.
  18. You should try to news station at some point. I'm not sure what you'll get there, but hopefully it is a bit more than the standard reward you get from a random house. Next time you visit, look for a building with a face (Arnie Pye) hovering over it.
  19. You'll get somewhere over 700 XP for each tile you click. That sounds like a nice bonus for the early level player. You won't get any money though.
  20. Yes, you will get as many tiles as people who clicked it. I'm pretty sure the total number of tiles is capped though. Once you hit that number you can't get any more tiles as there would be no space to actually use them. I haven't had too many taps yet, but I did have three stacked up hand shakes waiting for me yesterday. And as for your concern about not needing money, you will get EXP from these taps as well. Whenever that corn does finish, I'm sure there's a lot of EXP that comes along with it. I'll gladly visit your town and help test that one out eventually. Also, it looks like you also get a larger chunk of EXP when you visit a town and tap on the squidport tile. I was definitely getting more for that than I would from other random spots. UConn, you just need to remember one thing when your tile is done. If we tap your tile, you will see a bunch of handshakes stacked up over your squidport entrance. As you tap it, one handshake goes away. Be sure to leave one left so that we can continue to tap on the tile each day. You'll max out that squidport in no time.
  21. It does work. I've been trying it the last couple days with the backup account I created when I couldn't connect last year. I got two new tiles today and I left a third so that I can keep going with this glitch. It works on the news station too, but I haven't yet tried the farm. If it does still work 50+ days from now, you're going to have a gold mine with that corn.
  22. I had to grow some moonshine for a quest so I'm just leaving that. I wish I has corn completed because that would be some serious cash. Fergy, I'm shrader81 if you want to add me. It'll take time but you'll get to our level if you keep at it. Unfortunately you can't get some of the previous holiday stuff that we have, but there will be new stuff.
  23. I just found out about a little bug in the game that can get you more cash and squidport tiles from people visiting your town. If you don't tap your squidport tile, news station icon, or farm icon, people can keep tapping them with each visit and the results stack for you. So if three of you visited my town and all tapped on my squidport tile, when I log in, I will see three handshake icons there. If I tap on each one, I get three tiles instead of just one. The same thing happens with the news station and the farm. You can get extra money there. And for the person who taps the tile, it looks like they get a much larger amount of EXP. I will gladly click on anyone's squidport tile, farm, or news station if they want to get extra money or tiles.
  24. Thanks. I just got back from the funeral now. I've got nothing but happy uplifting stories to post in the "what did you do today" thread.
  25. I just got the last of the Christmas buildings right now. It took me up until the 92,000 card mark to finally get lucky enough.
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