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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Everyone but Beth/Daryl are now on the tracks (actually was Daryl too?). I think they get there this week or next.
  2. In an effort to re-live my childhood, I'll check out the Muppet movie. It's going to suck, but whatever, I have free passes. I also stand a better chance of seeing the stuff I want to see in the summer if I take the wife to this one. On another movie related note, I saw American Hustle last week. Thank god that was still in a theater because the options right now are really bad.
  3. Which shows are you talking about and what type of scheduling block are they on? I really don't watch too many shows that are following this cable format so I really don't have a reference. Breaking Bad is the only one that comes to mind, but the last season was the only one where they had one of those long mid-season splits. The rest of the show aired on continuous weeks. They also had a smaller core cast. I don't want to suggest that it can't be done, but I do think this scheduling quirk really limits what they are able to do. We would have to know so much more about these characters if they had the old 20+ episode seasons.
  4. Yes, I realize that. That setup really doesn't lend itself to the character development. By the time you've actually given people some depth, your 8 weeks are up and you're back on hiatus.
  5. I finally got around to watching this week's episode. I know a lot of people aren't crazy about the pace, but I've been enjoying these recent episodes. The show really needs a longer season. This is probably the first time they've ever actually tried to develop some of the secondary characters, which is tough to do given the short season. People actually care about Bob now after this one. He's not just that random alcoholic guy anymore. It will mean more when some of these characters are killed. And call me crazy, but I'm getting more of a father-daughter vibe from Daryl-Beth than other people are apparently.
  6. There's no way it has been 2 years since that point. Have they actually mentioned her age on the show? Laurie was knocked up at that point and now Judith looks like she's under a year old. So unless Beth was a couple days away from her 17th birthday when they introduced her, 18 doesn't add up.
  7. I'm surprised too. Even though it is pretty obvious what is wrong with her, they'll have a tough time proving it. I wonder if they may have witnesses saying where she was in the hours leading up to that bus ride. Then again, I don't know what the legal standard is for removing a child from a home.
  8. I think you nailed it with the last part. These people don't exactly have a lot to choose from. I'd have to imagine just about any woman in that setting would flock to Daryl. If you want to live, you stick to the ultimate survivor.
  9. I could see it wind up being the group from season 2 that they ran into in the bar. They randomly go off on separate supply runs like Rick's group did while at the prison.
  10. I'm not saying he won't be killed off. I just figured he'd be the type of actor that would be around for more than just a 2 minute role in one episode. I don't have a clue what the actor's name is, but he usually winds up being the killer in shows like Law & Order.
  11. I think I mentioned it here but it may have been over on the Sabres board. I knew that guy would have a bigger role (the guy on the porch). I've seen him in a bunch of shows over the years and it seemed like way too minor a part for a guy who has gotten that much work.
  12. You should try living here. My brother and I are both currently looking at homes, him in Buffalo, me in Boston. He's seeing stuff that is half the price and twice the size of the stuff out here. I really need to relocate. They've got the strange combination of simultaneous superiority and inferiority complexes. Mention the Yankees, Lakers, or Peyton Manning to someone and you'll see a fine display of insecurity. $3 beer? What was it, Bud Light? The only place you're finding a $3 dollar beer around here is called the liquor store. It's safe as long as you don't accidentally turn the wrong way when leaving the hotel. If you head south, look out.
  13. It's nowhere near as entertaining as a phone in the river, but something like 8 years ago my dad lost his phone somewhere while leaving work around Christmas time. At the end of the winter, he found it in a mostly melted snowbank in his parking lot. I told him to have some fun and try charging it. It still worked.
  14. Did anyone else thing about this conversation when watching Sunday's episode?
  15. That and the two years where Prison Break was good. That was one hell of a way to start the week. I don't know if they've given a time slot to the new 24 yet, but it damn well better be 8PM on mondays.
  16. Just to add to what has already been said, subway access to Fenway will be fairly simple if you stay anywhere in the city. Back Bay would likely wind up being just a walk, so it does have that going for it.
  17. I always just assumed that it was as simple as trying to keep it separate from Guardians. They had a two month longer gap between Ironman 3 and Thor last year. It looks like they're trying to stick close to that one, but shrink the gap slightly.
  18. Thanks for the write up Mark. I'm going to be very busy this summer.
  19. If you want a time line you have the 9 months that Lori is pregnant with Judith. Now add that to whatever her current age is. Then you have the unknown time between when Rick was in the hospital and he woke up. That couldn't have been very long or else he wouldn't have survived. You might have to take a month or two off of that time depending on whether or not Shane is the father. 1.5 years does sound reasonable. The first two seasons played out fairly continuously. There was an unseen time gap between seasons 2 and 3, but Lori was pregnant over that time. So at most there's 9 months there. Then there's the gap between seasons 3 and 4, which can be figured out by guessing how old Judith is.
  20. And the answer is very simple. There are some things that cannot be shown on tv.
  21. Are we really discussing why the guy's pants were up and why we don't see them going to the bathroom?
  22. Do they still get a lot of people out there in the kayaks during games now that the Bonds hysteria has died down? I haven't watched much baseball in years.
  23. I know next to nothing about San Francisco, but that area always looks amazing anytime I see that ballpark on tv. If they can do something even remotely close to Buffalo starting with this current construction, it will go a long way. Buffalo's a very different area, but if they can at least get something worth showing on TV it will be great. Maybe we can finally see the end of the days where the only clips they show during football broadcasts are shots of the Falls or of people making wings.
  24. was being hijacked to DC 2 dead turned to walkers against 2 alive. 1 was screaming ,,,, if any survive its the B budget actor The 2nd guy wasn't dead, just knocked out. There's no way that guy would be dumb enough to kill his friend, leave the body on the ground, and then go to sleep in the bed. I'm also pretty sure I saw him breathing when Rick fled the bedroom. But whatever, that guy gets killed by the bathroom zombie anyway... And speaking of that, I love Rick's move to crack open the door so the walker would go after the others. They should have stuck around and waited to go in for the extra guns once everything settled.
  25. I'm going to go out and start collecting spores, molds, and fungus in his honor.
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