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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Die Hard and Gremlins. Best Christmas movies that some would like to say aren't Christmas movies.
  2. This one is #1 on two of my lists, top action movie and top Christmas movie.
  3. There are too many to list and a lot of my favorites have already been covered. I'm trying to think this one through by genre and for now I'll stick with comedy. One I can watch any day that I'm pretty sure hasn't been mentioned yet is Spaceballs. We used to recite lines from that movie constantly on the school bus, so it always brings back a ton of memories.
  4. And a stripper in a much more expensive market.
  5. The best part about the whole Thomas thing was that he was the only American born player on the active roster for the Bruins during that playoff run (and possibly one American reserve up from the AHL). So a bunch of Canadians, a Slovak, a Czech, and a Finn visited the president that day. That couldn't have thrilled Jacobs too much.
  6. Most of the heat on Thomas wasn't about the visit itself but the statement he put out immediately after(on facebook if I remember correctly): "I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People. This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government. Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL. This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT" So it wasn't about politics but it was about politics.
  7. They should have waited a year to start the show. They were handcuffed because they had to wait for Captain America 2 to be released. Once that happened, the show took off. Hopefully they can keep that going next year. The show may very well be the primary lead in to Avengers 2 at this point.
  8. How long will it take before some of these rumored potential ownership groups merge together? Ego is going to play a role in that, but why not have someone like Golisano team up with someone like Pegula? They're going to have more than enough funds to make this happen and keep the team right where it belongs. And before anyone mentions any potential conflicts there, I just used the first two names to come to mind. There has to be any number of combinations that would be a good option for the Bills.
  9. It was a busy weekend. BU had a kid try to bring two loaded hand guns into their graduation on sunday.
  10. Norm was my personal favorite. His delivery and complete lack of acting ability always worked for me. To me, that show died once Colin Quinn took over. I was very happy to see him near the bottom of the list.
  11. Did this actually happen?
  12. Gary Oldman, sweet! I wasn't really thinking much about this movie even though I enjoyed the first one, but that knocks it up a couple pegs on my must see list.
  13. It got a little dusty in here when I watched that. The aftermath of someone's cancer battle is still fresh in my mind, so to see a 9 year old have to go through that is gut wrenching.
  14. What about us brain dead slobs?
  15. Ok, she doesn't look like my wife's coworker anymore.
  16. I hear those things are awfully loud.
  17. Especially during the school day
  18. She looks just like a teacher my wife works with. Creepy
  19. I was at the zoo in New Orleans with my wife last summer and we were walking a narrow wooden walkway exactly like the one in that picture. There was a squirrel on top of a garbage can and my wife completely froze. She refused to continue walking down that path until the squirrel left. I couldn't stop laughing as I had to scare the thing away. I guess her reaction actually makes sense to me now.
  20. I'm relatively new to XM. It's been about 4 years now, so I guess I missed out on a lifetime thing by a wide margin. But still, I'm amazed how drastically they cut the rates if you threaten to leave. You'd think it would at least take a little negotiation, but no. Their first offer has always been something I've been very happy with, but I think I'll put up a little more of a fight next time to see how low they'll really go.
  21. Yeah, I'm sure they'll get most based on the trailers I'm sure they will focus mostly on the new cast. But then again, they've got a good number of new characters in the future that they have to devote some amount of time to them. That and if they're going to use someone of the caliber of Stewart and McKellan, those two damn well better get a lot of screen time.
  22. It's amazing how easy it is to negotiate down their subscription rate. One simple call saying you want to cancel and they immediately cut the rate by 3/4ths.
  23. I'm torn. I can't help but think the story seems a bit too ambitious. That's a whole lot of cast to jam into one movie.
  24. I saw captain America last week. I agree completely. They did some real good work with that one. It kind of felt like a Bond movie to me. Oh and the wife did go with me. I only had her watch the first one and no other marvel movie. I think it was enough. She didn't recognize the winter soldier reveal at first but as a whole, she enjoyed the movie. She liked it better than the first.
  25. Everyone knows that the #1 cause of deaths among teenagers is falling into a bottomless pit.
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