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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Ok, she doesn't look like my wife's coworker anymore.
  2. She looks just like a teacher my wife works with. Creepy
  3. I was at the zoo in New Orleans with my wife last summer and we were walking a narrow wooden walkway exactly like the one in that picture. There was a squirrel on top of a garbage can and my wife completely froze. She refused to continue walking down that path until the squirrel left. I couldn't stop laughing as I had to scare the thing away. I guess her reaction actually makes sense to me now.
  4. I'm relatively new to XM. It's been about 4 years now, so I guess I missed out on a lifetime thing by a wide margin. But still, I'm amazed how drastically they cut the rates if you threaten to leave. You'd think it would at least take a little negotiation, but no. Their first offer has always been something I've been very happy with, but I think I'll put up a little more of a fight next time to see how low they'll really go.
  5. Yeah, I'm sure they'll get most based on the trailers I'm sure they will focus mostly on the new cast. But then again, they've got a good number of new characters in the future that they have to devote some amount of time to them. That and if they're going to use someone of the caliber of Stewart and McKellan, those two damn well better get a lot of screen time.
  6. It's amazing how easy it is to negotiate down their subscription rate. One simple call saying you want to cancel and they immediately cut the rate by 3/4ths.
  7. I'm torn. I can't help but think the story seems a bit too ambitious. That's a whole lot of cast to jam into one movie.
  8. I saw captain America last week. I agree completely. They did some real good work with that one. It kind of felt like a Bond movie to me. Oh and the wife did go with me. I only had her watch the first one and no other marvel movie. I think it was enough. She didn't recognize the winter soldier reveal at first but as a whole, she enjoyed the movie. She liked it better than the first.
  9. Everyone knows that the #1 cause of deaths among teenagers is falling into a bottomless pit.
  10. He watched a commercial once, so he knows all there is to know about video game content.
  11. This thread can only lead to torches and pitchforks. Where's the popcorn eating emoticon when I need it?
  12. I don't know whether or not it was actually offered to him, but I did see a story last week that said he is getting a huge payoff for not getting the Late Show gig. There was a clause in his contract for a couple million dollar payout if they went with someone else. If he did get offered the job, I'd say he made the right choice. His style wouldn't work at the earlier hour. His material is a bit more risky. He's perfect right where he is.
  13. And the crazy part is that they had to detonate that one too. Are we officially at the point now where we say "there's something electronic, better safe than sorry"? Maybe it's just the bomb squad venting a bit and having a little fun.
  14. The second bag wasn't mentioned very much during the brief coverage last night. My guess is that they knew exactly where it came from and weren't concerned. They forced everyone to evacuate the area pretty quickly when it all happened, so I can see someone, even media, losing their bag during that rush. It's the same reason why there were lots of "suspicious devices" reported last year when everything happened, people drop stuff when in a panic.
  15. Sad to say, but I bet you can expect to see a few more on Monday somewhere along the course. They can't police all 26 miles. There are too many idiot college kids along that course for something stupid not to happen, especially on one of the biggest drinking holidays of the year.
  16. I want to see a secret service agent dive in front of the shoe.
  17. To the people who have grills with side burners, what exactly do you wind up using those for? I've got a brand new gas grill wedding gift just sitting in the in-laws basement until we buy a house and have the space to use it. No one I know has a grill with one, so I've never seen it in use. Is it pretty much just for keeping things warm after you've taken them off the grill?
  18. I saw what had to be the dumbest move I've ever seen by someone on a bike this morning. I was driving through a green light (at maybe 25-30 MPH) and this 20-something idiot on a bike was riding up the side street. He took the right turn at full speed right out in front of me all while riding without his hands on the handle bars. So of course it was a ridiculously wide turn. I was on a 4 lane road and luckily no one was next to me or else I would have had no choice but to hit him. I can't even imagine how stupid you have to be to ride like that out into traffic.
  19. He's way too edgy for the earlier time slot. He's perfect right where he is.
  20. The timing is pretty interesting, with that recent "fire Colbert" stink due to people not understanding satire. I wonder if CBS will get a little backlash from that crowd due to this decision.
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