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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I didn't think it was possible at this time of the year, but it has happened. I am not interested in a single movie on that list. I don't mean to belittle your work here Mark. I love these monthly threads. I guess it's just a weak month for me.
  2. I can't wait for when the injuries are revealed after the Stanley Cup Finals are over.
  3. Yours might work better if you didn't have the giant cluster of crap. I occasionally have trouble connecting to your town
  4. Now if only the cop had issued him a citation or whatever they can do for the bikers violation.
  5. I had one the other day where I was fourth and last in line waiting at a red light. A biker passed me on the right, but instead of passing all the cars he instead waited in front of me. Once the light changed he started riding in the middle of the road. So apparently this guy had something against me and wanted to slow me down. I can think of no other reason why he would do that. I had passed him a couple minutes earlier and I gave him a ton of space when I did that, completely crossing into the other side of the road (yeah I know , chef, that's where I went wrong).
  6. I'm not quite ready to keep the "wo" in that word.
  7. What on earth is that thing walking with her?
  8. I think any impaling was the worst, especially the triple.
  9. I downloaded it last night, so I've been able to start a bit. This time it is more like some of the older events before they started with the wheel. You collect points and when you hit certain numbers, you get a guaranteed prize. So there's no getting stuck with nothing but fences this time around. It looks like a lot of the awards are costumes for characters. So far the story seems entertaining though.
  10. I didn't think they seemed too over the top. Most were heavily CGI so they weren't all that graphic.
  11. So this Stonecutters update looks like it could be decent. They got rid of the prize wheel, so automatically it's a big step in the right direction.
  12. I went to X-Men on Monday. I think on it's own it was decent, but what makes it good is that it takes care of all of the complaints about X3. This next line might count as a SPOILER, so I threw that in caps right now just to warn people. There sure are a bunch of brutal deaths in that movie. Those future sentinels were pretty badass.
  13. If figures that it would be a DC movie I never saw. Yeah, that one came to mind randomly yesterday while I was driving home. I figured it was someone from that movie. I'm not all that familiar with it, so I'm still not sure who you're talking about.
  14. They lost complete control of the 7 or so that Margot's people took over. They placed the order to ground all drones, but it was too late.
  15. So you've never put much thought into how if you never sent a guy back in time to bang your mom, you wouldn't be alive today? It crosses my mind at least twice a week.
  16. The guy running the computers is supposed to be her son right? I don't want to know what he has chopped off.
  17. I want it to be that Behrooz kid from season 6(?). It would be funny to bring him back since he just magically disappeared.
  18. Do the X-Men movies count as Marvel? That would add James Marsden and Ryan Reynolds to the list. edit: And then there's Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and the Silver Surfer if the crappy FF movies count as Marvel.
  19. Waiting out six years is a pretty risky move seeing as how someone else could move to LA before them. It sure would be nice to see an asshat with that kind of plan spend $2 billion and then have to sell the team for $1 billion.
  20. I'll put Wrath of Khan somewhere on my list
  21. I can't help but think "I've seen tha all before" as I'm watching g, but I don't care. It is still fun. The one problem I have right now though is that I do t identify with these characters at all right now. Jack and Chloe are really the only ones who were brought back. Heller and Audrey have been out of the picture for too long and I don't really care what they do. And to make the character thing worse, there was basically no Jack for the past hour.
  22. Why on earth does this rule even exist?
  23. I can't help but wonder if this woman knew what was going on in that house. I have a hard time believing that she didn't. But man, what are the odds of the flash bang landing there?
  24. That's one detail I wish they expanded on a bit. Just how scrawny is this kid? If by some chance there's some medical issue there, the father could potentially be in the wrong on this one.
  25. It is pretty stupid, but I love how one girl described it as humiliating. I'd love to know how it meets that description. I wish they had included the modified hairstyle picture though. That one sounds like it has some potential for comedy.
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