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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I guessed right on the first one and then the rest seemed fairly straight forward. I'm still not exactly sure what's going on in that first one though. Maybe I'm just trying to look way too closely at it.
  2. Arrow is pretty good, but I worry that they're trying too hard to bring in the Batman audience. They threw a few too many random villains out there for single episodes this season. They all seemed to be guys straight out of Batman. Now I don't know a thing about the Green Arrow comics, so maybe there is a lot of overlap there.
  3. All I know is that I want the last hour to air right now. They threw so many teasers out there in the previews for next week that I'm losing my mind here.
  4. The best part is that he has now opened the door to a whole new world of insults thanks to this idiotic lawsuit. He's probably hoping to get some free tickets out of this, but he has no idea what kind of onslaught he is bringing upon himself. I hope MLB doesn't cave and they absolutely bury him.
  5. So Jack is going to get another one of Audrey's husbands killed.
  6. It's kind of odd. I enjoyed the first one a lot and I expect this one to be pretty good too. But for some strange reason, I'm not feeling much of a draw to this one.
  7. My father-on-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March of 2012 and died this January. We were lucky to get those near two years as that was longer than most of the cases I've heard about. He managed to make it to our wedding and the birth of his first grand daughter during that time. It seemed like that was his entire motivation as he quickly faded after she was born.
  8. I'm annoyed by how that story is trying to make A&M look even worse since they are going after a double amputee cancer survivor. If they feel the need to protect their trademark, his health status should not play into it one bit. It's a shameful tactic to use that to make A&M look bad. His situation sucks, but he should still be treated just like anyone else.
  9. I love how they fixed his voice at the end of the first movie but have completely ignored that moving forward. I haven't seen the movie and still don't plan on it.
  10. Chang has to be facing a very bloody death at the end of all of this. Jack's got the obvious revenge issues there, but so does Heller thanks to everything Chang did to Audrey. I won't be surprised if Heller winds up encouraging Jack to make Chang suffer.
  11. Beer just saved Jack Bauer's life Edit: I've been calling this show awesomely predictable but I did not see that coming.
  12. That's one good thing with a 12 hour show. They don't have the time to go down that love interest path. Well, that and I think that Jack is way too far gone at this point. Throwing the woman out of the window was the perfect sign of exactly where he is now and it was awesome.
  13. Fuquay Varina has some really nice homes. It's a trek to durham but it's very tempting. How is that area?
  14. My offer is for $17k more than I currently make in Boston, so fortunately the salary she would make down there isn't make or break for the move. It will be more for her sanity than anything.
  15. We are at least 18 years away from that. It's definitely something I'd keep in mind if I stick around the place that long.
  16. Well jack's buddy is going to betray him. That much is obvious.
  17. Best wishes to your family John. I look forward to your eventual post in this thread where you tell us they found the SOB.
  18. I'm flying into Raleigh/Durham tomorrow to meet with some people at Duke. I already have a very impressive job offer from them without even having visited the area or meeting people face to face. So I will be quickly trying to get a feel for the area over the course of this week (leaving on Saturday), meeting with people at Duke and looking for places to live. I've gotten a fair share of information from a few people, but I figured I'd ask around here too as you can never hear too much. Right now I'll be focusing on Wake county for potential places to live. My wife is a teacher and it sounds like she could find a decent job there. If anyone has any suggestions on places I should keep my eyes open for, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance.
  19. How did they get Marlon Brando for this show? I find myself asking that question each time Rosa gets a few lines. I just finished the 2nd season last night. The ending was pretty good. I wasn't too crazy about this season though. I'm glad they featured Red more as I think she's one of the best characters, but I find Tasty and her friend to be really annoying. There was so much focus on those two, which really hurt the season for me. I guess they had to do that in order to build up Vee, but I wish there could have been a better way. She was a good addition to the show though.
  20. They're definitely getting a bit less obvious than they were at the start. Today's is a nice little reference to the old days of the show.
  21. There's so much left up in the air right now. It's crazy to think that the whole thing will be finished a month from now. That leaves me very encouraged that we will see more of the show beyond this year. There are going to be a ton of loose ends.
  22. And his career average was something like 10 points higher than any other post WWII player.
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