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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I've had similar thoughts about that cast. It's amazing how they can take a group like that and still put together trailers that send you running away in fear of your life. The fall can't get here soon enough. I'd really like there to be at least one movie out there that I'm interested in.
  2. Yeah, I don't know how someone with some free time deciding to do some photoshopping reflects poorly on the Ravens' PR department.
  3. The only power ranking I believe in is the one that says "Buffalo: 2-0".
  4. They better get every single one of those details out there in the next few days, solidify that legacy.
  5. Just out of curiosity, how many NFL owners do own another sports franchise?
  6. And strangely enough, it was probably Conte that kept him out of the endzone.
  7. Rough on the family though. It can't be easy losing out on the chance of an open casket wake.
  8. What are the odds of this plane not crashing into the ocean. I can't believe it actually hit one of the islands.
  9. The whole thing is a lose-lose situation for them. If they didn't respond, people out there would say that they are condoning the situation. Then there would also be the people who say they leaked it themselves. No matter what, the people who want to attack these celebrities will find a way to do that.
  10. This is definitely a good thing to push for if possible. If it is a big company, HR is going to go out of their way to make sure you get the lowest amount possible, especially with zero experience. I was lucky enough with my first job to have my boss push for a 6 month evaluation (I was completely clueless at that point and didn't know to ask for one). They completely low-balled me on that starting salary, and really, with every salary I ever made at that place. Still, you have to start somewhere and if you can get that slightly earlier raise, every penny helps.
  11. I can't help but view Jackson as a big sign of the failures of this organization, even though it's no fault of his own. Three different RBs drafted in the first round have been with this team over his time here. This kind of lack of vision when it comes to talent evaluation is why this team is where it is right now. It's a great credit to him that he has been able to put up the numbers he has with those other guys around, but to me he's a constant reminder or an era I want to forget. He deserves better and I hope he gets it here.
  12. I just started a new job in August and originally when I gave my salary requirement, my now boss chuckled a bit and told me "yeah, we can do better than that". They wound up giving me $10k more than my number. I wish all of these conversations went that way.
  13. The teams within that group of "bottom feeders" are presented in alphabetical order. Ranking is not included in any way, other than listing them as a group.
  14. I was in Boston for the last 14 years so I think the answer to that one is very obvious. It's so easy to hate when the fans are that obnoxious. Now I've been in the Raleigh area for about a month. I can't picture every caring all that much about the Panthers. They've always been a team that is way off my radar.
  15. Is your neighborhood one where you would actually notice whether or not the cops were keeping an eye on the place?
  16. Why was Wood even asked this question in the first place? It has absolutely nothing to do with him.
  17. I have a lot of donuts, but I won't get into how that happened. Anyway, I used those early for the first level of prizes. After that, I have been using the cheaters a lot, but just on castles. Don't bother with attacking your friend's towns, you get more coins and elixir from going after random towns. What I do is use that button in the top right corner to bring up those random towns and then I send a single nerd per house, typically at night time and hope that people are sleeping. In the morning when I go to the game, I usually have somewhere between 1000-2000 coins waiting for me. edit: The fact that you even know how many coins I have is a good sign that you're doing it wrong. Like I said, don't bother with going after people on your friend list. You get half the value on those ones that you do for going after random people.
  18. If that's the case, he still responded to the media almost immediately about it. The quote about how he'd do it again for any kid was probably the first thing I heard. The recent update to the story really sheds new light on that comment though, doesn't it.
  19. So if police were looking for someone who jumped off of a balcony, why would he create a fake story about jumping off a balcony and share it with the public? Didn't really think that one through, did you, Josh?
  20. I finally got around to seeing Guardians last night. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't put it up there as the best Marvel has done so far, which I have heard a lot this month. I don't even think it was their best movie this year as I enjoyed Winter Soldier a lot more. And I don't mean it as a shot against Guardians, I just thought that highly of Winter Soldier. Rocket and Groot were the highlights of the movie for me. They were worth the price of admission. I don't know all that much about a lot of these Marvel characters, especially the villains, but when I see Thanos, all I can think of is Darkseid. If DC decides to use him in Justice League, I hope that movie isn't out right around the same time as whichever Avengers movie will feature Thanos. We could be in evil alien bent on destroying the universe overload that summer. Oh, and Howard the Duck? Seriously? I wonder if they actually try to go that route with a movie at some point.
  21. I bet he was reclining his seat while using the device. That would firmly establish this guy in the d-bag category.
  22. Good luck with your recovery. That's some scary stuff.
  23. I'll borrow this thread for a second. Does anyone know of any good weekend getaway spots around Wilmington for late September? I'm trying to come up with a decent anniversary/birthday weekend for my wife.
  24. Why didn't you just go directly to the ALS website and donate there instead? That way you cut out the middle man. And here's what bugs me about this whole thing. I watched a 1 hour local news broadcast last night and they showed multiple versions of these videos. The term "ALS" was not used once during that entire hour. The money raising is great and all, I just wish it didn't take a whole new level of attention whoring to do it. Unfortunately we'll never change that.
  25. I'll tune in for the Simpsons-Futurama crossover, but not this one. Family Guy is unwatchable for me. This one is supposed to happen on an episode of Family Guy, right?
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