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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's probably more of a coach thing, but I hate any time they use compete as a noun. "I wasn't happy with our compete out there today".
  2. Maybe the can resurrect Chris Farley and have him voice the Hulk.
  3. Spader is pretty damn creepy in that. I'm excited for his voice over work in this.
  4. They must have figured it out by now. If they've been around this long, they've seen someone die by natural causes and then turn. The governors crew knew it and they were never at the CDC.
  5. I'm picturing the old Itchy and Scratchy cartoon from an episode of the Simpsons back in the early 90s where Itchy tricks Scratchy into eating part of his stomach and the piece keeps popping up on his plate over and over.
  6. I guess we were right with Bob. But it should have been Tyreese instead. His whiny guy storyline sucks, especially now that we know he didn't kill that guy in the shack. The guy was threatening to murder a baby and he left him alive. Pathetic.
  7. They were Hanna-Barbera, weren't they?
  8. I really wish they had left out the scene with Downey and the bartender. That throwaway portion of the story was very uncomfortable. I'm leaving this vague description in case others plan on seeing the movie, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
  9. I went to The Judge with the wife this past weekend. It was kind of predictable, but not bad. It was worth the free passes we had.
  10. I had a flu shot last Thursday for the 2nd time ever. My new job (working for a hospital) requires it. By Sunday night I came down with something and just today I'm finally starting to feel better. My wife has not had any signs of catching what I have (and she thinks it's ebola). I'm not ready to pin this one on the shot, but I can see why people would think that. Mine was just a minor annoyance though, there's no way this is the flu.
  11. I don't have a clue who Lorde is, but I still find the whole thing entertaining. I've heard the name, but I couldn't identify her music or her face if it showed up on my TV. So, as far as I'm concerned Randy Marsh is Lorde. Was anyone else hoping for a brief Buffalo mentioning when Elon Musk showed up?
  12. So someone is following Rick's group and Morgan will show up to save the day.
  13. When did that ever happen? Deluca kind of gets that treatment over there, but not him. I've only ever seen two people defend him and they're just people who like to ruffle feathers.
  14. The cannibalism is the one major stretch in the whole thing. They get taken advantage of, so they snap and just start killing everybody. That at least makes sense. Resorting to cannibalism goes to another level all together. They need to bring Gareth back just so we can see exactly what took them to that extreme.
  15. I don't think it's likely. The terminus group doesn't go all out crazy, tearing people apart and eating them unless they did the same thing to those original conquerors. They had to have escaped, tortured the hell out of those people, and then headed down their sick and twisted path. I do think we'll hear a little more about them though from whoever has Beth.
  16. I was sick when I got home from work yesterday. This prompted my wife to start researching the symptoms of ebola. God I love mass panic.
  17. They're going to have a ton of cap space going forward. With the prospect pool they are building up, there will be a lot of ammo for trades. Mix in a few free agency signings and that is where the recovery of this team needs to come from. They won't just hand over the reins to the 85 draft picks they've used over the past three years.
  18. Ahh, right. There were two watches in that episode. You're probably right that it was the one she gave to Rick.
  19. In that same episode from last year with the blond guy that you asked about earlier, Rick gave him the watch so that he could meet up with them at the right time. That was the same episode where Rick kicked Carol out of the group. I forget if the watch had any other meaning from earlier in the show.
  20. Yeah, that's pretty much the whole thing. He reads the sign, then turns around and removes his mask.
  21. The thing that sticks out to me after last night's show is that Gareth is still out there Governor style. I wonder if the eventual blood bath he brings to the group will be anywhere near the level of the gov's.
  22. I just happened to watch his previous episode on Saturday. It was kind of random to bring him back, but I guess it ties up one loose end. Oh, and on a side note, that guy is now the Penguin on Gotham.
  23. Where's crayonz with his Canada rants?
  24. I think Obama is Ebola. Seriously, have you ever seen them both in the same room?
  25. They kind of need to thin out their own group a bit though, especially if they are going to add new people. The season just isn't long enough to keep developing all these characters. Some of the longer running cast members would be more meaningful deaths, but they should at least kill someone off like the new girl from the governor's camp. She doesn't really add anything at all. Bob and Sasha really haven't brought much either.
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