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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The cannibalism is the one major stretch in the whole thing. They get taken advantage of, so they snap and just start killing everybody. That at least makes sense. Resorting to cannibalism goes to another level all together. They need to bring Gareth back just so we can see exactly what took them to that extreme.
  2. I don't think it's likely. The terminus group doesn't go all out crazy, tearing people apart and eating them unless they did the same thing to those original conquerors. They had to have escaped, tortured the hell out of those people, and then headed down their sick and twisted path. I do think we'll hear a little more about them though from whoever has Beth.
  3. I was sick when I got home from work yesterday. This prompted my wife to start researching the symptoms of ebola. God I love mass panic.
  4. They're going to have a ton of cap space going forward. With the prospect pool they are building up, there will be a lot of ammo for trades. Mix in a few free agency signings and that is where the recovery of this team needs to come from. They won't just hand over the reins to the 85 draft picks they've used over the past three years.
  5. Ahh, right. There were two watches in that episode. You're probably right that it was the one she gave to Rick.
  6. In that same episode from last year with the blond guy that you asked about earlier, Rick gave him the watch so that he could meet up with them at the right time. That was the same episode where Rick kicked Carol out of the group. I forget if the watch had any other meaning from earlier in the show.
  7. Yeah, that's pretty much the whole thing. He reads the sign, then turns around and removes his mask.
  8. The thing that sticks out to me after last night's show is that Gareth is still out there Governor style. I wonder if the eventual blood bath he brings to the group will be anywhere near the level of the gov's.
  9. I just happened to watch his previous episode on Saturday. It was kind of random to bring him back, but I guess it ties up one loose end. Oh, and on a side note, that guy is now the Penguin on Gotham.
  10. I think Obama is Ebola. Seriously, have you ever seen them both in the same room?
  11. They kind of need to thin out their own group a bit though, especially if they are going to add new people. The season just isn't long enough to keep developing all these characters. Some of the longer running cast members would be more meaningful deaths, but they should at least kill someone off like the new girl from the governor's camp. She doesn't really add anything at all. Bob and Sasha really haven't brought much either.
  12. I wish it wasn't so boring going around tapping each building. I need a lot of cash to get the new $10 million building they added. I know I could do it pretty quickly if I played a couple times a day, but I don't have the patience for that. This event will draw me back in a bit more though. I like that they have staged it a bit so that new things open up later in the month. That should keep it interesting. And with the gremlins, I just send everything I have to whatever town I happen to be visiting. I don't think they bring too many extra items to anyone. I did run into a nice little glitch in the game yesterday. I shot down a UFO in a town and it started a little loop where I kept getting the reward for it over and over. I think I got about 10 of the treat bags before it finally stopped. I hope I run into that problem a few more times.
  13. Can't wait. For some reason, I get the feeling that they're going to finish of the Terminus story very quickly and move on to something else completely.
  14. I sped up the first reward with donuts. I'm going to play the rest of it normally. Anyway, I think there's a daily cap on the halloween rewards kind of like what they do with the friend points. You only get the halloween stuff for the first X monsters you click on in another town, per day. I hope their changes to how you buy buildings and decorations work out well. It was getting to be a pain in the ass to find the right kind of fence when expanding your town. edit: Oh, and nice Beerball pond at the bottom of your town.
  15. Please tell me he landed a foot short of the endzone in that one.
  16. Shouldn't someone who actually played for Schwartz be the one to make this comment?
  17. I think it may be the original wording of "their grand unveiling". That makes it sound like the Pegula's are going to be very visible in the whole thing. I wouldn't expect to see much of them at all. You'll get some sort of parading of alumni, but you'll see very little of those two. That's how it should be. Actually, what they should really do is some sort of major ceremony or video tribute to Ralph. I'm not even sure how much they did at opening week, but that doesn't matter. This is the perfect time to do something like that one more time.
  18. How about only referring to players by their number or initials (here or any other sports board)? There's too many duplicate initials out there and rosters turn over too quickly now. The number thing is probably more of a hockey thing though, typically when listing out line combinations.
  19. Speaking about annoying internet habits, how about people feeling the need to post "IN" when a duplicate thread is started.
  20. I was wondering the same thing. It seems like most of the time we are hearing MRI results before the game is even finished.
  21. Your post wasn't gibberish. I'm not entirely sure how pointing out that it's a tough job comes across as making this political.
  22. They do this with everything now though. Everything exists so that we can find something to complain about.
  23. I hope they got the name dropping of future villains out of the way with the pilot. They were a bit over the top with all of that. The Penguin looks like he could get an interesting story line, but the rest really didn't need to be included. Otherwise, the show was fine. I don't know what to expect from this one though. I want it to be good but I really don't have the highest hopes. On another note, how many different times have we seen the Wayne murders over the years now? I'd say somewhere around 85 times. I'm surprised that they went a little more graphic with this show than I expected, with those blood splatters as they were shot.
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