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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Didn't the Governors people have some moving objects that were meant to lure them into those giant pits? I forget exactly what they had setup. The Terminus people would setoff fireworks to herd them away. That would could be either an audio cue or a visual one. They definitely go by hearing though. It was the sound of gunfire that lured them to Terminus in the first episode this year. They showed that at one point when a herd was approaching Carol and Tyreese on the tracks.
  2. Apparently this game was created by the Canadian devil.
  3. That scene where the cop was feeling her up felt especially uncomfortable because of how young she looks.
  4. With New England coming off of their bye week.
  5. Sounds like the phone to me. Are other aps working? This might be one of those moments that calls for the super technical method of turning your phone off for around a minute and then turning it back on.
  6. I thought they did enough of that for her last year up until she was kidnapped.
  7. I don't think it would be too tough to hold that position. Stairs are the walkers' enemy. They just have to worry about other humans and I don't know how many would be too interested in heading into the city. As for the episode, I was finding myself thinking "I hope this goes somewhere soon" throughout the episode. It just feels like pointless filler. At least last year the random one off episodes for each character helped to further develop those characters. This one really didn't add much. We already know enough about Beth and other than the kid, I don't think we met anyone who will be around very long. Maybe they save the doctor too. He'd definitely be useful.
  8. So from next week's previews, they're not even going to follow up on this Beth episode right away? That's irritating. It finally got interesting at the very end and then they just leave us hanging.
  9. I was thinking they might be going for a mirror image thing with the tattoos, but they're clearly not the same.
  10. Can't wasn't the right word. I'm not going to click on what I assume is a walking dead video at work. Anyway, I never actually saw the scene, just heard about it.
  11. I can't click at work, but you don't need to mark it as a spoiler if it is from season 1.
  12. Apparently there is a deleted scene in the season one DVDs where they go back to see the Vito's and found everyone was slaughtered but not by walkers.
  13. I'm saving my treat bags too. We will see
  14. I'm kind of curious to see where this goes. I just started working at Duke but haven't looked around that area much yet.
  15. Especially Glenn. He was next in line at the trough in the first episode. He saw what they were doing to people first hand. And then add in eating Bob's leg on top of all of it. He should have been next in line with the machete.
  16. I think they were burying all of the bodies. Rick and Tyreese were each digging a grave at the end. They only lost Bob, so something else has to go in that second one. Not only that, but Abraham also joined in on the brutality. He was bashing in a guy's skull repetitively with the butt of his gun.
  17. Or Merle's hand.
  18. Great, now I have to add water balloons to the list of things I'm scared of. ISIS wearing externally padded football helmets armed with water balloons, we are all doomed.
  19. She had a massive zombie bite from Milton and was then shot off camera. So yeah, they didn't show her die, but if nothing else, she's a walker now.
  20. Yeah, that's a good point. The only other possibility is someone they know but haven't seen in a while. I don't think anyone fits that bill at this point.
  21. That's why I'm thinking it is either Beth or someone completely new.
  22. It's going to be someone other than Carol with Daryl. Beth or Morgan, who knows, but definitely someone different. That's the only reason to end the episode like that. I guess that sets them up for trying to rescue Beth and/or Carol for the rest of this half season.
  23. I'm still trying to picture how the homeless of America would even go about getting ebola in the first place. They're not going to be hopping onto a plane to Africa any time soon.
  24. I'm glad they brought the red machete back. I don't really have much more to say about last night's show. I don't know, it just felt a bit predictable this week. That and giving a sad emotional death to a character no one really cared about feels like a total waste.
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