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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don't think the Q will ever shake that reputation. Still, I was surprised to see no one of value on the team with him. I thought I remembered there being some high powered line with one of the Kostitsyn brothers, but upon further review, that was Kane. That goes right along with Q's reputation though, I just assumed the soft lazy forward from Belarus played in the Q instead of the OHL. McDavid is going to be fun to watch when he gets to this level and I really hope it is here. I can't help but think about Pittsburgh drafting Malkin 2nd one year and then Crosby 1st the next. Reinhart doesn't belong in the same sentence as the other three, but he and McDavid would be one hell of a Pittsburgh-like building block.
  2. 2014: 3rd last, Panthers won lottery 2012: 2nd last, won the lottery 2011: Last place, Devils won lottery (moving up 4 places as a result) 2010: Last place, won the lottery So they got lucky two years in a row, 2011 and 2012. The lottery was different then, where the winner could move up at most 4 slots, so that Devils win allowed them to keep the #1 pick. Then obviously the leapfrog in 2012 was lucky... but that Yakupov pick looks iffy right now. They won a lot, but their timing was pretty crappy. Hall has been a very good player, but Yakupov and Nugent-Hopkins really weren't the big end elite prospects you'd hope to see when you're picking #1.
  3. She has to hold out for Daryl's scraps, either Carol or Beth.
  4. They said it on the talking dead, but I don't remember any mentioning during the actual show though. My sound was off a bit early though, so I may have missed it. She's too interested in Rosita. She had the lesbian thing going with that cop from the Governor's second camp and Abraham caught her staring at Rosita's chest once.
  5. Columbus has to get healthy at some point. I'm not really sure who is the serious contender at this point for dead last. I'd consider putting Edmonton there because of their recent history, but they seem just streaky enough to move away from us.
  6. And that backstory was poorly executed. Something bad happened and he lost family. Isn't that everyone's backstory at this point? We don't even know what happened as it opened with him beating those guys to death.
  7. That was probably a pretty good episode last night (and last week too), but I still feel kind of let down because of the way they opened the season. I don't know if it was even possible to follow up what was probably the best 3 episode stretch over the entire series.
  8. Handler is standing for it in completely the wrong place though. Go after tv broadcast standards or something along those lines. I don't know the process for signing up for instagram, but I'd imagine that she clicked a little check box saying that she agreed to their policies for membership. It reminds me of each time someone around here cries censorship when their posts are deleted, one of those pet peeves I have. By the way, where did that Putin picture originate anyway? Was it an instagram thing or somewhere else? Oh, and is that magazine that Keira posed for very popular? I can't tell if her story will get much attention or not.
  9. Anyone trying to make a direct comparison of Crosby at 17 and McDavid at 17 based on those numbers is missing a very important point. Crosby was 7 months younger in that season they are using. So if you want to claim they're the same age, you'd actually have to go back to McDavid's numbers from around April of last season. And that is completely ignoring that we're talking about only 14 games and that they were played in different junior leagues. Crosby's QMJHL has always had a reputation of being more high scoring/less defense. Crosby's 16 year old numbers (135 points in 59 games, 2.29 ppg) were miles ahead of McDavid's (99 in 56, 1.77 ppg), but again, I think it's not the most useful of comparisons. Another thing I'm not sure about is how the talent level of the two teams matched up. Erie does have another top 5 draft prospect in Strome. After a quick look at Rimouski's roster, I don't really recognize any of Crosby's teammates. Both guys numbers show them to be assist guys, so that is definitely going to be driven by how many finishers they have around them. edit: I hope this doesn't look like I'm trying to shoot down McDavid because I'm not. I want him on this team but I don't see the point of this comparison.
  10. That and the gunshot that killed zombie-Shane.
  11. The Knightly story is fine but the Handler one is just plain stupid. You have to love when the 1st amendment argument is made for a situation where it doesn't apply.
  12. Marchand flopped after his fist bump.
  13. Didn't the Governors people have some moving objects that were meant to lure them into those giant pits? I forget exactly what they had setup. The Terminus people would setoff fireworks to herd them away. That would could be either an audio cue or a visual one. They definitely go by hearing though. It was the sound of gunfire that lured them to Terminus in the first episode this year. They showed that at one point when a herd was approaching Carol and Tyreese on the tracks.
  14. Apparently this game was created by the Canadian devil.
  15. That scene where the cop was feeling her up felt especially uncomfortable because of how young she looks.
  16. Sounds like the phone to me. Are other aps working? This might be one of those moments that calls for the super technical method of turning your phone off for around a minute and then turning it back on.
  17. I thought they did enough of that for her last year up until she was kidnapped.
  18. I don't think it would be too tough to hold that position. Stairs are the walkers' enemy. They just have to worry about other humans and I don't know how many would be too interested in heading into the city. As for the episode, I was finding myself thinking "I hope this goes somewhere soon" throughout the episode. It just feels like pointless filler. At least last year the random one off episodes for each character helped to further develop those characters. This one really didn't add much. We already know enough about Beth and other than the kid, I don't think we met anyone who will be around very long. Maybe they save the doctor too. He'd definitely be useful.
  19. So from next week's previews, they're not even going to follow up on this Beth episode right away? That's irritating. It finally got interesting at the very end and then they just leave us hanging.
  20. I was thinking they might be going for a mirror image thing with the tattoos, but they're clearly not the same.
  21. Can't wasn't the right word. I'm not going to click on what I assume is a walking dead video at work. Anyway, I never actually saw the scene, just heard about it.
  22. I can't click at work, but you don't need to mark it as a spoiler if it is from season 1.
  23. Apparently there is a deleted scene in the season one DVDs where they go back to see the Vito's and found everyone was slaughtered but not by walkers.
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