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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I went to see Interstellar this weekend. It didn't feel nearly as long as its actual running time, so that's always a good thing. I can't help but wonder how confused my wife was throughout the whole thing when most of the science is way over my head. Anyway, I wasn't too crazy about the ending. Everything after the black hole just didn't feel right to me. Still, I enjoyed it. I noticed the complaints earlier about the sound. I don't know if I was in a weaker theater or what, but I never noticed any issues. One sound thing did drive me crazy though. The entire movie I was trying to place the voice of the robot. He sounded so familiar to me but I couldn't figure it out. Then when I got home and looked it up, it was some guy I have never heard of. That was a bit of a letdown.
  2. Can they do anything at this point to make Daryl look even more badass? The Sasha thing was just painfully stupid. They've been slowly building her up lately as a fairly badass character as well but they went and threw it all away. It should have been Tyreese in that role since he's been completely useless this season. It actually would have fit with everything else he has done.
  3. Is that a scar down the middle of her back or some sort of tan line?
  4. They also get more money by having it in an NFL stadium. The tickets were free right? But there's still the concession money and any other money generated during a game.
  5. How long will it be until we see the completely unrelated story of bandits in Guinea stealing a crate of balloons?
  6. Bart and Lisa Simpson used to say it all the time.
  7. He posted the same obscenity filled rant in just about every thread on the front page. Yeah, he's not coming back. PPP?
  8. I've always hated the "I'll never post here again" posts/threads we get from time to time. I didn't think the bar could be set any lower with those, but I was wrong.
  9. It's still in a few threads if you really want to see what he wrote. They're purging it quickly though, so you need to move fast.
  10. Thanks. I was trying to find where that button moved to. I seem to remember it being far more obvious at one point.
  11. You should change this site so that we can only read one post per page. Just think of the drama of waiting to see what that next post is, only to find out that it is DC Tom calling someone an idiot.
  12. What's the deal with the guy in the Brees jersey and fuzzy hat, thinking that he just might have the ball thrown to him?
  13. And there should have been a lot more walkers following the van off the bridge than just the one or two that came crashing down.
  14. This is why this "outrage over 5 seconds of video" routine always drives me mad. We have no idea what happened over the course of that game and we're ready to crucify that guy anyway. Hell, someone upthread is suggesting pressing charges. It doesn't get much crazier than that. Anyway, no matter what happened over the course of that game, I will never be the least bit surprised when I see a home fan frustrated over the celebration of the visiting fan/team. How many videos do we see each year of fights in the stands? This guy is nowhere near the level of those idiots yes he's being described as the lowest form of life we've ever seen in a sports crowd. All it takes is one.
  15. I'm not really sure what else people would expect when the visiting team is trying to toss a football to one of their fans.
  16. Something related to the napalm strikes in Atlanta? Could they have been close enough to cause some smoke issues or something? But yeah, the van fall was pretty bad. They totally booted that one.
  17. It's been a while since I've known I'm going to see multiple movies in this thread. Interstellar and Horrible Bosses 2 are the top ones on my list. I'll probably check out Dumb and Dumber once it hits redbox. The wife will want to see Hunger Games: Return of the Jedi.
  18. The whole thing seemed pretty spot on to me. He should get a nice little ratings spike off of this one.
  19. In my book, FTW will always be F the world.
  20. They need to have Scully and Mulder show up to give Homer the jiggle test. Anyway, I'm enjoying the addition of Matt Groening. The task I have him and Homer on in my town right now is hilarious. I was kind of hoping we'd get Bender thanks to the crossover episode though.
  21. It seems like all of the big time cable shows follow the half season format now, especially on AMC. Each of their big three shows moved to that format right around the same time, once it was successful for Breaking Bad.
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