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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I love the quote I heard the other day where people have started to leave the Sabres off of their figures because they completely ruin the scale.
  2. My father-in-law worked for the highway department in NH and when my wife moved to Boston he told her that the breakdown lane is the worst possible place to go if your car breaks down. That says it all right there. The damn thing is called the break down lane, but if you actually break down, you don't want to be anywhere near it. I can't imagine anything that will spook out of state drivers more than the first time they encounter someone flying down that lane. I was lucky that I never had to use that road to get to work, but I don't even want to think about how much of a nightmare it is to exit or merge.
  3. I've seen plenty of people drive through blocked off lanes. It's a shame no one tried it today. I think you'd have people pitching in to pay for the damage to the car.
  4. The two sections of the road mentioned in the story are ridiculously busy. They're lucky they're not dead.
  5. I'm not going to come up with a list of favorite posters, but I will say that Mark Vader's movie threads are some of my favorite posts on this board.
  6. I like how that group up high behind the net where the Sabres shot twice decided to start chanting stuff with like 5 minutes left in the game. Odd timing.
  7. At least the fake Buffalo Joe is entertaining.
  8. So if it wasn't obvious already, Morgan's going to be a key player in whatever happens in the next 8 episodes.
  9. Your hindsight is only 20/40.
  10. You're only a Bills fan on sundays.
  11. I can't really think of cases where movies freaked me out while watching them, but two specific stories about being freaked out later in the day come to mind. My mom said that she found me in the middle of the night trying to climb out a window after we had watched Arachnophobia earlier that day. I really don't remember anything from that movie, but I guess it messed with my 10 year old mind. The other was Blair Witch, which I absolutely hated. I was annoyed and bored while in the theater, but later when I was driving through a pretty remote area in Eden by myself, I remember being creeped out a bit.
  12. Does anyone actually believe that this movie will never see the light of day? They're going to release it in some form once the dust settles and they'll make an ass load of money from it. North Korea just unveiled their awesome fake punt while trailing 70-0. They wasted it on nothing.
  13. Pretty much each day when I play the game, I am unable to click on the icon for the daily tasks. I click the button and nothing happens. The same thing happens if I try to click on the elf tunnel. Has this been happening to anyone else? Closing out the ap and restarting the game usually works, but it's annoying.
  14. That just goes to show you how bad this team was/is. They have strung together that kind of streak over about a third of their games played so far and they are still closer to the bottom than then are to the last playoff spot. The second somebody slumps or the right guy gets injured, they'll be right back around dead last.
  15. Are you still trying to pretend that you got all those donuts legitimately and didn't just find them through reddit?
  16. That and the studio can intentionally leak fake spoilers in hopes that the real ones get lost in the sea of fake information.
  17. When do the cops respond with their "I can't play, I have cramps" t-shirts?
  18. I'm torn on it too. It looks like a movie that really didn't need to be made, but then it has a good cast and good people behind it. Maybe if I'm bored one day I'll check it out.
  19. That just goes to show you how bad the Sabres truly are. After a stretch where Buffalo won 6 of 7 and Edmonton lost 11 in a row, the two teams are still only one game apart in the standings. I guess it's also important to note that it wasn't a true 11 game losing streak. They did take 3 points over those game. Those points are going to be huge if this thing stays close.
  20. If the cousins she wants to play the game with specifically have a PS3, there's no other way to go. Regardless of the price, she needs to have the same system as them if they are going to play together.
  21. And putting this story in there about going back to Atlanta for the hospital really hurts them. They have essentially gone nowhere over the course of the series now. If they hadn't gone back to Atlanta, the writers could at least claim that they have moved a decent distance north over time. But no, now they're right back where they started.
  22. I wonder if they cut down the Red Dawn remake to just the first 20 minutes and made it the national film of North Korea. Wasn't there another movie in the last year or two where North Korea successfully attacked the US early in the movie? They should focus their hacking skills on changing the ending of those ones. If they're going to waste time hacking movie studios, they might as well have some fun with it. Oh, and I wonder what they thought of Team America.
  23. What do you wind up doing with that touch pad? I can't really think of how it might be used.
  24. Noah said he was from a walled in community in Richmond. That should at least have them headed in that direction.
  25. This reminds me of my situation a bit. We spent Christmas with her family and then drove to Buffalo on the 26th. A couple days later we got the call that he had taken a turn for the worst. We drove back on the 30th but he was already in hospice care at that point and never woke up. So every now and then I think about how I probably took her away from her last few chances to talk with her father and it doesn't sit well with me.
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