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Everything posted by shrader

  1. This sounds like a story written solely for the purpose of getting people to click on it.
  2. There has been so little advertisement going into this half season. I like it because it leaves me with absolutely no clue where this show is going. All I know is that with this and Better Call Saul, sunday is going to be a great night.
  3. That and the fact that they won a combined 10 games over those two years.
  4. I assumed I was reading the writings of a Nigerian prince.
  5. I have one or two of the 20 ounce bottles of Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper each week day and I keep telling myself I'm going to break that habit. I drink a ton of water during my work day and it really would just be a matter of filling up my water bottle one more time instead of hitting that vending machine. Either that or I start considering coffee if I want some caffeine. I've never been crazy for hot drinks or else I would have done that a while ago.
  6. It's kind of sad to say, but I think this team is capable of running the table. Obviously it won't happen, but this thing could go on for a while.
  7. This thing is a two horse race. Look at this Sabres team. They're not closing a 9 point gap on anyone. I guess I'd still slightly consider Arizona, but if they get to 10 points ahead of it, I'll throw in the towel for them.
  8. The comping of items and the larger tip are directly tied together though. Would you still be tipping like that if you were in some random place for the first time and didn't get that treatment?
  9. I figured the story was going to go a different route. When I figure out the tip, I pretty much ignore the change. So if 20% comes out to $5.35, I just give the $5 (cheap I suppose, but just call me lazy). With the automatic 20% button, they're now going to get that extra 35 cents. It might not seem like much at first, but it'll add up over time.
  10. Does anyone actually know what each of the symbols on the number row are without looking? I can get most of them, but if I ever need to use a $ or %, I need to look down to see where they are.
  11. I wasn't even aware that Eastwood was the director until I read this thread. I guess that says something about how they're choosing to market this one. Then again, if Cooper is as good as they say he is (still need to go see this movie), they're marketing it exactly as they should.
  12. When I saw the first number, the first thought that crossed my mind was "that's what, since December?". 11 powerplay goals and we're past the halfway point of the season. That's incredibly bad. Looking at the stats, all but two other teams have at least 11 powerplay goals at home. They're clicking at an 8.8% powerplay efficiency on the season. Truly incredible.
  13. I love the quote I heard the other day where people have started to leave the Sabres off of their figures because they completely ruin the scale.
  14. My father-in-law worked for the highway department in NH and when my wife moved to Boston he told her that the breakdown lane is the worst possible place to go if your car breaks down. That says it all right there. The damn thing is called the break down lane, but if you actually break down, you don't want to be anywhere near it. I can't imagine anything that will spook out of state drivers more than the first time they encounter someone flying down that lane. I was lucky that I never had to use that road to get to work, but I don't even want to think about how much of a nightmare it is to exit or merge.
  15. I've seen plenty of people drive through blocked off lanes. It's a shame no one tried it today. I think you'd have people pitching in to pay for the damage to the car.
  16. The two sections of the road mentioned in the story are ridiculously busy. They're lucky they're not dead.
  17. I'm not going to come up with a list of favorite posters, but I will say that Mark Vader's movie threads are some of my favorite posts on this board.
  18. I like how that group up high behind the net where the Sabres shot twice decided to start chanting stuff with like 5 minutes left in the game. Odd timing.
  19. At least the fake Buffalo Joe is entertaining.
  20. So if it wasn't obvious already, Morgan's going to be a key player in whatever happens in the next 8 episodes.
  21. I can't really think of cases where movies freaked me out while watching them, but two specific stories about being freaked out later in the day come to mind. My mom said that she found me in the middle of the night trying to climb out a window after we had watched Arachnophobia earlier that day. I really don't remember anything from that movie, but I guess it messed with my 10 year old mind. The other was Blair Witch, which I absolutely hated. I was annoyed and bored while in the theater, but later when I was driving through a pretty remote area in Eden by myself, I remember being creeped out a bit.
  22. Does anyone actually believe that this movie will never see the light of day? They're going to release it in some form once the dust settles and they'll make an ass load of money from it. North Korea just unveiled their awesome fake punt while trailing 70-0. They wasted it on nothing.
  23. Pretty much each day when I play the game, I am unable to click on the icon for the daily tasks. I click the button and nothing happens. The same thing happens if I try to click on the elf tunnel. Has this been happening to anyone else? Closing out the ap and restarting the game usually works, but it's annoying.
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