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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The impression I got from reading the story is that this coach has a history of not knowing the rules (or not caring). Sow now that she's out but the team is still allowed to play, it seems like the appropriate response.
  2. I forget the specifics, but was Nolan brought in with the interim tag last year? Anyway, as for why would Murray keep Nolan for this season, there was no point in subjecting a serious coaching candidate to what they all knew this season would be. You let that guy sit and wait so that he doesn't feel the misery of a season like this one.
  3. Not as discouraging and disheartening for him as his pink slip will be.
  4. Here is my biggest head scratcher from the episode. Noah has a bum leg. Why on earth was he selected to be someone that would go out on supply runs? Yeah, he just made the long trip from Atlanta, but I'd be finding him some other job until at least that doctor gets a chance to check him out.
  5. If Chad Johnson is in fact coming to us for Neuvirth, he better wear #85.
  6. Yeah, I thought the same thing. And one other question about that came to mind yesterday. I'm blanking on the woman's name, but she said her husband built the wall. They never flat out said it, but he's dead, right? There was no other mention of him and they didn't meet him.
  7. I'm not really sold on the recon idea. More likely, I bet she winds up being kidnapped and used as leverage at some point. As for the husband, yeah, I don't think he'll wind up as being abusive, but instead the jealous type. He just reminded me of Mr. Carol for whatever reason. If by some chance he does wind up as abusive, they absolutely need to let Carol be the one to take care of that problem. And a quick question about the beginning. As they were entering the town, Carl saw someone in a window and then quickly the person was gone. I didn't catch a good view, was it an actual person or just a hallucination? For a second I thought he was seeing Lori. The beard removal deserved an entire one hour episode. It was a much bigger loss to the group than Tyreese was.
  8. I remember seeing that one the day before I flew out for my college orientation. The opening scene I kept thinking "well, I'll have a fun flight tomorrow". Anyway, had to do a double take when Tom said it had been 20 years since the first movie, but I guess my little story of the 2nd one does put a good idea in my mind of how long ago that was, the last time I actually saw one of those movies. Anyway, my wallet's going to be hurting from a lot of movies on this list. I'm a sucker for the Marvel stuff at this point. They've done such a good job with most of them. Other than those, I'm not sure how many off the list I will see in theaters. I might consider Terminator because visually it should be fun on the big screen. That's about it though, maybe the wife will want to see Minions.
  9. I knew the beard was going to go eventually, but I had no idea it would be that fast. RIP Rick's beard. I shaved for the first time in a week this morning and I felt a lot like Rick. I get the feeling she's running recon for someone. I wouldn't be surprised though if it was just because she came in from the outside world too and still isn't in the right frame of mind. That way, she sticks around and winds up helping with character development for Carl down the road. She's so incredibly badass right now. One day into Alexandria and she's already undercover. I'm not sure who is the ultimate survivor at this point, her or Daryl. One very quick scene and that guy already reminds me of Carol's husband.
  10. I've taken part in that post beanpot celebration several times. Short of wining the full thing, that's the super bowl of partying for them. Let's just say that I've seen all sorts of ncaa violations each year in February. I'd probably question Eichel a bit if he wasn't taking part in this.
  11. This Regier stuff really needs to go away. He's a glorified scout. He's not making trades. What is going on with the Coyotes has very little, if anything, to do with him.
  12. Even if by some chance the miracle happens and they finish 2nd last, they still wind up with a 33% chance at McEichel. So to say that the whole thing is for not is a bit of an overstatement. And regardless of how things are going today, this is the worst team in the NHL. No little rut for Arizona changes that. They've taken 10 points in all of 2015 so far. One stretch of 5 games doesn't erase that prolonged period of suck.
  13. They're giving up on average 38.5 shots per game since the trade and the number has trended upward the entire stretch. Forget about energy level, picking up points is not sustainable under that kind of barrage. And now add in the injuries on the blue line and Zemgus/Ennis and there's even worse hockey to be played.
  14. Keep in mind that we're talking about a stretch where they are not winning games in regulation at all. The performance is still not there and this is going to catch up to them very quickly.
  15. They are 3-5-2 in their last 10. What exactly is going wrong here from the tank point of view? Arizona is the only team in the entire league who has put up less points in that same stretch. They are still comfortably in last.
  16. This thread reminded me how I have absolutely no memory of where the show was when it left off. I had completely forgotten about Doug until it was mentioned here. That's the one big issue with the Netflix setup, having to wait a year to get more episodes. It's great for binge watching an entire series, but it sucks here. I think I need to start ignoring their shows until they are completely done.
  17. You might want to take this to PM so the rest of us can avoid the spoilers.
  18. I was in DC for the Frozen Four in 2009. I went to my hotel's bar one night to grab some drinks. Rizzo, Craig, O'Callahan, and Dave Silk were all sitting together at the end of the bar. That was a cool moment. It didn't last too long though because as more people showed up, they started to get recognized.
  19. Reboot probably isn't the right word. It'll probably just be a new actor taking over the role but it's the same continuity. It should be like Harrison Ford taking over in the Jack Ryan movies, just picking up where they left off. They can just take any random timeframe because Indy would have had countless adventures.
  20. There are no restrictions for owning teams in the same city.
  21. I probably screwed myself over trying to go with the football analogy. Luck-McDavid actually seems like a pretty good one to me, but I'm not really sure on a good fit for Reinhart. Anyway, the main point is that no matter how good of a player he projects to be, Reinhart does not belong in the same sentence at this point as McDavid and Eichel. They are mega-prospects the likes of which we haven't seen in a very long time. I don't like using Gretzky and Mario as the ceiling examples though. Those days are gone, that was a brand of hockey we will never see again. I know people don't like him all that much, but Crosby is the standard at this point and McDavid has been compared to him for many years already.
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